Sentences with phrase «raw shakes these days»

Not exact matches

During the day have light protein shakes and raw veggies and avocados.
The majority of people consume in the form of a juice in a bottle from the supermarket and take sips during the day and others buy the whole raw fruit, chop it up and make delicious shakes out of it, with some whey protein powder added.
Moreover, during the fasting part of the day, the diet allows for mild consumption — you'd be allowed to eat a few servings of raw fruits and vegetables and a few servings of protein (protein shakes included) if needed / wanted.
Raw cacao, macadamia, jungle peanuts, ramon nuts, and coconut meat in the protein shakes; coconut manna by the occasion teaspoon during the day.
You know the ones: delicious shakes that only look like raw sewage if you forget to whiz them up first; crunchy bars that draw your fillings and stick to your gum line; high - fibre diets whose effect is heightened by the fact that nobody will stand within five feet of you, hence curbing your social life and thereby your drinking; and tablets that make you shed water (translation: you will spend your entire day in the bathroom and it will feel like the fires of Hades).
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