Sentences with phrase «reach adolescence»

Confounding influences such as family environment may have a significant role in children's disruptive behaviors at home and at school, which may continue and worsen by the time they reach adolescence (Green & Gibbs, 2010).
When children reach adolescence, relationships, romantic or otherwise, can be a point of significant strife.
As children reach adolescence, it is not uncommon for them to want to know more about their other parent.
As they reach adolescence, strive to be more flexible and adapt to their changing needs.
Parents should be targeted in future substance use prevention programs, before their children reach adolescence.
For example, when the spouse's children reach adolescence this will challenge the balance you worked hard to achieve and you may find yourself again experiencing jealousy.
It is important that you have your puppy spayed or neutered before they reach adolescence because this is the time period during which unwanted gender related behaviors begin.
When puppies reach adolescence, food lures temporarily lose effectiveness.
This is because young puppies need to practice healthy socialization and dog to dog interactions before they reach adolescence.
These dogs have headstrong natures and will challenge you for the alpha position as they reach adolescence.
Dogs reach adolescence between six and 18 months.
Bunnies soon grow large, and if they're not neutered by the time they reach adolescence, they will chew, spray or dig.
Not to mention that dogs tend to become more stubborn and rebellious as they reach adolescence, just like children, so it's best to set the ground rules in the beginning.
When children reach adolescence they automatically start distancing themselves from the family.
When students reach adolescence, they become more independent and self - directed.
By the time many struggling students reach adolescence, they have learned to protect their self - esteem by saying they «don't care about the (stupid) work» rather than risk proving themselves incompetent by trying and failing.
By the time students reach adolescence, many believe that every issue comes neatly packaged in a pro / con format, and that the goal of classroom discussion, rather than to understand your opponent, is to defeat him.
When children reach adolescence, everything that's joyful, challenging, and surprising — or sanity - sapping — about being a parent seems suddenly to multiply.
«We know that activity levels drop significantly as children reach adolescence, and so far attempts to increase this to an hour a day have proved fruitless,» said the study's led researcher Dr. Alan Barker, a pediatric exercise physiology professor at the U-Exeter, in a press release.
Then, all too often, he says, «you reach adolescence and you don't listen to your parents anymore.»
But these feelings persist in only around 27 per cent by the time they reach adolescence, making it hard for doctors and psychologists to decide whether to give children drugs that delay puberty, or that cause changes that will make it easier to transition later on.
By the time kids with ADHD reach adolescence, their impulsivity can be dangerous, making them prone to car accidents, unsafe sex, and other risky behaviors.
The fact of the matter is, parents need to spend more time with their children when they reach adolescence, not less.
Because testicles that are intra-abdominal can be damaged by the body temperature and sperm production will not be normal when they reach adolescence and adulthood.
Once kids reach adolescence, they place a lot of importance on how they look and what their peers think of them.
(For information on «family clusters» write Dr. Margaret Sawin, Box 8452, 12 Corners Branch, Rochester, NY 14618) Solo parents face a special challenge when their children reach adolescence.
But most people have adequate social skills once they reach adolescence and early adulthood.
He has a better haircut and the more pronounced air of self - deprecation that comes with being married and having children who have reached adolescence.
At the same time, the whole process of creating an adoptive family raises many concerns about identity and belonging; concerns not unlike those we are all faced with: Three professionals who work with adoptive families (Anderson, Piantanida, and Anderson, 1993) list the questions about identity and belonging that an adopted child will likely have as she or he reaches adolescence:
Your child will double that weight by the time he reaches adolescence, and grow to five feet tall or more!
Be flexible about «parenting time» — especially as she reaches adolescence and may need more time for friends, school, jobs, and extracurricular activities.
An April 2009 study found that sleep problems in the grade - school years were linked to poor scores on mental tests when the children reached adolescence.
Follow - up research in 2010 confirmed these results, showing the continued negative impact of low - quality daycare on young children, even after they reached adolescence.
What these parents are discovering, and what you may have already discovered yourself as your children have reached adolescence, is that no matter how much you escalate punishments, they won't work to get your children under your control because one human can never really control another.
When the rats reached adolescence, the researchers measured their neural activity involved in energy balance and appetite regulation.
As your child reaches adolescence, about 20 percent of those booming neurons are discarded, leaving only the ones we will have for the rest of their lives.
It's very important that you establish yourself as someone he needs to respect before he reaches adolescence.
Once Junior Dog reaches adolescence, though, he may decide to challenge other dogs in your household.
The next step is being prepared for the behavioral changes that may occur when your pup reaches adolescence and, if unwanted behaviors begin, make sure to give your dog the guidance and training he or she needs to get through this period successfully.
DO N'T wait until your dog reaches adolescence before trying to teach him to walk on - leash in public, unless you wish to provide amusement for onlookers.
If your pup has not been taught to settle down by the time he reaches adolescence, he will be unfit to be taken places.
Chewing problems can start long after your pup is house trained (and out of the crate) when your dog has reached adolescence or even adulthood.
Kittens will meow to both their mothers and human caregivers, but upon reaching adolescence, cats stop meowing at each other and only meow at humans.
This is likely to permeate their existence from the time they commence direct exposure to the outside community and continues through experiences such as commencing school, reaching adolescence, forming relationships, and seeking employment and housing.
The long - term psychological effect that «splitting» will have on this child when she reaches adolescence is clearly pointed out by Dr. Korpach and Dr. Elterman.
However, it is a prevention - focused intervention for his / her 10 year old sibling, as we hope the parents will not have the same problems with the sibling when s / he reaches adolescence.
I'm afraid that children who have not yet reached adolescence can not comprehend why a violent person just doesn't stop if they are asked to show some restraint.
Be flexible about «parenting time» — especially as she reaches adolescence and may need more time for friends, school, jobs, and extracurricular activities.
In all kinds of ways, while your child was growing up, you organized and structured his environment to compensate for the executive skills he had not yet developed, and you will continue to do that now that your child has reached adolescence.
The developers recommend its use for families addressing major transitions, such as a child reaching adolescence.
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