Sentences with phrase «reach adulthood at»

Small and medium size breed dogs reach adulthood at one year.

Not exact matches

At this point, it seems more an issue of what type of work young Canadians can find, and how long it will take them to reach financial adulthood.
fred The Bible said that at a time when the world's human population was only in the millions, and disease generally prevented about 30 % of all children from reaching adulthood, so having large families was a way of hedging your bet.
«However, bone mineral content and density increase as we grow, then decline at a fairly steady rate once we reach adulthood — making it a potentially useful way of assessing age,» Ross says.
If large arm - feathers a sort of proto - wing — developed only once adulthood was reached, that implies that they weren't necessary for the young animal's day - to - day survival, says lead author Darla Zelenitsky, a paleontology professor at University of Calgary.
After the final stressors were administered, the researchers gave the young mice a round of behavioral tests and then waited until the mice reached adulthood, at about 10 weeks old, to see if their different upbringings had affected their cognitive abilities or brain morphology.
At - risk kids might be surviving longer now, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're able to reproduce when they reach adulthood, Arslan says — they could struggle with infertility or have a condition like autism that makes it harder for them to find a partner.
I hope to investigate how the stresses of urban life at an early age influence the condition of these birds as they reach adulthood
Poor nutrition early in life can have far - reaching effects that last well into adulthood, Jaako Tuomilehto, MD, a professor in the department of public health at the University of Helsinki, in Finland, notes in an editorial accompanying Dr. Paajanen's study.
Let's face it, in 1845, or at least by the time they reach adulthood in 1860, nothing on earth — on earth!
Exceptional talent is the ability to perform a skill at a level usually not reached until later years, sometimes as late as adulthood.
One in 4 children experiences a mental health disorder annually, 73 and half of those who will have a mental health disorder at some point in their life will first be diagnosed at age 14 or younger.74 Furthermore, about half of all children will experience a traumatic event — such as the death of a parent, violence, or extreme poverty — before they reach adulthood.75 And as the opioid epidemic continues to grow, students are coming to school affected by a parent's addiction as well as the havoc and instability that it can wreak on family life.76 In addition, as students experience other issues — such as puberty; family matters, like divorce; and bullying — having supportive trained adults to talk to in school is critical for improving their well - being and attention to learning.
If we had to earn our age by thinking for ourselves at least once a year, only a handful of people would reach adulthood.
Most experts agree that the GSD reaches, or should reach, adulthood at 2 years of age.
But typically, cats stop meowing at other cats by the time they reach adulthood.
The standard stays small only reaching around 18 inches at adulthood.
Generally, acne is not a major health problem for dogs as most of it will clear up once they have reached adulthood, but it can reoccur at times.
Because this skull defect is present at birth and through the growth phase of the puppy, once the dog reaches adulthood, the skull changes are static and don't change.
When you look at the break down of meat to bone in a neck, it's about 50/50 which makes people nervous — THAT»S NOT BALANCED — however, I recommend building up to a balanced diet and then, when they reach adulthood, balance their diet over time.
If, however, your dog is exhibiting destructive behaviors after reaching adulthood, you need to look at the root cause and then take steps to fix what's wrong.
These complications are caused by the stiffening of the pelvic symphysis when a female reaches adulthood, which is generally at about 8 months of age.
He reached adulthood during the second world war, and, after a technical education at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, served in a camouflage battalion in Maryland and Tennessee before joining the allied forces in France — an extraordinary first taste of the country and its culture.
At this point, what you need most is life insurance coverage to ensure your families financial well - being until your children reach adulthood.
They have children and they are responsible for those children until they reach adulthood,» said Elaine Tumicki, corporate vice president for insurance research at LIMRA.
According to a new study done by scientists at Iowa State University, teenage girls who grew up being exposed to harsh parents and were insecure with their eating habits are more likely to be obese once they reached adulthood.
As previously described, 46 the measure of childhood maltreatment includes (1) maternal rejection assessed at age 3 years by observational ratings of mothers» interaction with the study children, (2) harsh discipline assessed at ages 7 and 9 years by parental report of disciplinary behaviors, (3) 2 or more changes in the child's primary caregiver, and (4) physical abuse and (5) sexual abuse reported by study members once they reached adulthood.
Children who have this condition are considered to be at significant risk for developing more serious personality disorders as they reach adulthood.
Applying their experiences to the U.S. Census demographics for 8 - 18 year olds, it is projected that 16 million young people, including 9 million at - risk youths will reach adulthood without connecting with a mentor of any kind.
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