Sentences with phrase «reach scale far»

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As I continued, I realized that I needed to look even further out than this; I needed to understand how I will reach my customers to scale my business, and to incorporate that understanding in the product definition itself.»
That's a far cry from the far - reaching American Health Care Act passed by the more conservative House of Representatives earlier this year, which would gut numerous Obamacare protections and massively scale back the Medicaid program for the poor and disabled, as well as from the BCRA.
Though the popularity of such efforts seems to be far - reaching on the global scale, some countries were more entrepreneurial on the social side than others.
Munster concludes, «The faster Tesla reaches economies of scale in its existing businesses, the sooner we could see Tesla tackle these important issues, extend its operations to their fullest potential and, most importantly, further accelerate the transition to sustainable energy.»
We have likely reached Peak iPhone, and if not, it's only a matter of time; physical goods can only scale so far.
Potential consequences of PAG decision are far - reaching in scope and scale, says Simon Bushell at Signature Litigation
Just so, on the inorganic level, every element in the periodic scale has its special characteristics, and some, like the radioactive substances, have qualities of far - reaching significance in certain respects.
Given the size and scale of IOI Loders Croklaan's reach, this milestone will further advance sustainability and traceability within the palm -LSB-...]
However the economies of scale do apply and if the food in a school is proven to be good over a sustained period, then universal takeup can lower the price while maintaining the quality or indeed further improve the quality (for example in our school when the takeup reached more than 60 % they were able to switch to entirely free range organic meats where they had previously managed just decent quality local meats).
The simple fact is that to do either one has to reach far further down the income scale, and snatch away subsidies from middle - class pensioners and families.
Star Ruler Blind Mind Studios If you long to reach your Machiavellian potential on a galactic scale, look no further than the dirty politics and complex economies of this multiplayer - capable PC game.
I mean, look we're reaching out to look [at], to think about the universe in scales that are so far much different than we can now measure, that you have to understand, it's the biggest extrapolation in probably a history of physics.
Bessel's approach was far too limited to reach beyond our immediate galactic neighborhood, much less to the cosmic scales that Tully reckons, but it provided the crucial first step.
«Although the violation is only on the local scale, the implications are far - reaching,» Vinokur said.
From Pluto in this scale model, to reach the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, you'd have to travel some 2900 kilometers: roughly the distance between Memphis and San Francisco, or about how far you'd have to dig straight down into the Earth before reaching its outer core.
Overall though, this is pretty enjoyable - it's at the Silvestri end of the scale and not the Goldsmith, rather inevitably, and while it doesn't reach the technical heights of Silvestri's music, nor is it so likely to cause a headache, and so the album - while far too long - is probably slightly more entertaining.
Consider the scene from «Spider - Man» in which Peter Parker scales walls and jumps from building to building joyously, or the one from «Iron Man» in which a reckless Tony Stark flies too far into the higher reaches of the atmosphere just to break that altitude record, or that scene from «Superman» in which the young Clark Kent races with a train.
From the plains of Africa to the far reaches of mythical space, the two forces collide on every scale and rarely relent in their fast pace and plot progression.
Our partnership with Raspberry Pi illustrates just how far the market has come as Raspberry Pi uses the FutureLearn platform to reach teachers on a global scale, giving them the skills they need to teach our youngest generation how to code.
I witnessed the same inequities I saw in my classroom, but I faced them on a far greater scale, both in terms of impact and reach.
This is history on a grand scale — a book about politics and war and social issues, but also about human nature, love, religious faith, virtue, ambition, friendship and betrayal, and the far - reaching consequences of noble ideas.
The latest round of rumors xooming around Motorola XOOM is that there might be a scaled down version of the tablet to further enhance its appeal and spread its reach.
Cost vs value - its not rocket science, but I'm betting that you don't have to climb too far up the quality scale before you reach negative marginal returns when what you are talking is eBooks.
The global subprime crisis had such far - reaching implications that it is impossible to spell out in a few sentences the large - scale affect it caused on the economy of the world.
While our first priority is to provide a loving and safe environment for our rescued animals, fundamentally we hope to have an impact on a much larger and far - reaching scale.
With proof of the staunch ideologies, again, coming to a boil on a global scale, it seems bringing the two Koreas together is further out of reach than ever before.
The first time I had my room scale set up, I started the game and found myself down the end of a room, at the far end was a door with a handle I needed to pull to enter the arena... I stretched out my virtual hand and walked as far as my room scale would let me but it was just out of reach.
«Skirmishes, clashes, special side missions, and larger scale conflicts can be engaged at the player's will as they venture through farreaching lands, allowing for a sense of freedom of choice for the player previously unfelt in previous Dynasty Warriors titles,» Koei Tecmo wrote.
For instance, you may reach that far - off mountain only to find you're unable to scale it because you don't have the right clothing or you haven't upgraded your hearts enough yet.
Skirmishes, clashes, special side missions, and larger scale conflicts can be engaged at the player's will as they venture through farreaching lands, allowing for a sense of freedom of choice for the player previously unfelt in previous DYNASTY WARRIORS titles.
Rhoades, who received his MFA from UCLA in 1993, studied with seminal artists Richard Jackson and Paul McCarthy, and cites Dieter Roth as a major influence, but, unlike these artists, never achieved in his own lifetime the far - reaching commercial notoriety and success that they did on an international scale.
Modernism is a philosophical movement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arose from wide - scale and far - reaching transformations in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
«Our scale and the fluidity of our programming is designed for projects just like these — multi-faceted and far - reaching programs that defy disciplinary boundaries and engage diverse communities.
In their scale and meticulous draughtsmanship they appear to reach even further back into the past, to suggest the fanciful and monumental architectural drawings of the Renaissance.
In an exciting new series of silver acrylic on aluminium, scale is taken to overwhelming proportions on 8 x 12 foot panels, far exceeding the bodily reach of the artist.
This series of six large - scale paintings revisits the watery realms and touches the far reaches of outer space; atmospheres that were prevalent in the artist's show Fear of Waves at her CANADA exhibition in January 2016.
However, the show's scale, Long's formal diversity, and his perspicuous responses to encounters with nature and culture should allow for that reading to be countered, suggesting a far wider reach and relevance to his practice.
Clearly, the sea ice volume data plot is the single most important topic of discussion, yet in the article it is shown in Figure 1 with a poor vertical scale and amongst linear trend lines which mislead and make the curve appear to be linear and reach the zero point far out in the future.
We suggest that North Atlantic millennial - scale climate variability is associated with rearrangements of the atmospheric circulation with far - reaching influences on the climate.»
This could bring a 10 percent reduction in emissions from this key source, with further mitigation potential if these new fertilization techniques reach commercial scale.
Wu, Lee, and Liu (2005) said: «The 1970s North Pacific climate regime shift is marked by a notable transition from the persistent warming (cooling) condition over the central (eastern) North Pacific since the late 1960s toward the opposite condition around the mid 1970s... This large - scale decadal climatic regime shift has produced far - reaching impacts on both the physical and biological environment over the North Pacific and downstream over North America.»
«Despite the progress so far, electric vehicles still have a long way to go before reaching a scale that would make a significant dent in global oil demand growth and greenhouse gas emissions,» said Dr Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency.
So far - reaching is the impact of modern humans that esteemed palaeoclimatologist Wally Broecker has suggested that we have not entered a new geological epoch, a relatively minor event on the geologic time scale, but a new era — the Anthropozoic — on a par in Earth history with the development of multicellular life.
«His advice on our communications programs will help Scenic Hudson convey the far - reaching benefits to residents and communities of improving Hudson access and appropriately scaled smart - growth development along the river.»
The third episode shows the progress they try to make in ending the trading in this part of the world, which could have far - reaching impacts on ending slaughters and round - ups on a large scale.
They point out that increased material wealth has not necessarily brought greater happiness, and they argue that more human - scale communities can improve our daily lives in many ways that reach far beyond adaptation to peak oil.
Sitting atop the evidence here is like scaling a very, very high mountain only to find that, when one reaches the summit, one is too far from everything to see anything... [more]
Similarly, attorneys that lack the resources for significant market research or extensive advertising can take advantage of LegalMatch's economy of scale where marketing is concerned and potentially reach far more clients than they could on their own.
If it reaches 50 percent and 100 percent in the upcoming months, the Bitcoin Blockchain will scale even further.
Regents are also invited to attend exclusive meetings and events where they establish connections that allow them to collaborate with one another on a personal level, further increasing their global reach and more effectively showcasing their local properties and expertise on an international scale.
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