Sentences with phrase «reach the standard buy»

Not exact matches

LONDON (Reuters)- Standard Life SL.L has reached agreement to buy Aberdeen Asset Management ADN.L in an 11 billion - pound ($ 13.5 billion) merger that should save 200 million pounds a year in costs, pushing rivals to follow suit as fund managers» margins sag.
For example, it isn't known if Best Buy will be paid a standard commission for an Amazon merchant, or if a separate deal has been reached.
While many digital publishers are reaching out to their audiences — and the parents who ultimately make the purchasing decisions on which content to buy — with standard add - ons such as voice - over narration and full - color high resolution illustrations, Sourcebooks unveiled a new digital project that will foster an even greater connection with the story.
We do not have the right to any of the information about clients wishing to sell their home, or buy a home unless we have taken various courses and reached a higher standard than the public at large, why then should someone that has no understanding of the complications and privacy issues be able to access this information?
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