Sentences with phrase «reaching normal developmental milestones»

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And while there are normal developmental milestones that toddlers often reach at relatively similar ages and stages, all children are different and learn and develop at their own pace.
Doctors use this term when a child doesn't reach developmental milestones within the broad range of what's considered normal.
Even if a child is growing at a normal pace, gaining weight, and reaching developmental milestones, further evaluation is usually recommended if your baby or young child is sweating a lot.
There is a wide range of normal when it comes to reaching developmental milestones.
Often doctors aren't able to diagnose CP until they see a delay in normal developmental milestones (such as not reaching for toys by 4 months or not sitting up by 7 months), which can be a sign of CP.
The term developmental delay describes when a baby or toddler doesn't reach milestones in their motor, language, or speech within the broad range of what's considered normal.
Dantas speculates, though, that the preemies «may never truly catch up» because they lacked a normal microbial complement at times when they reached key developmental milestones.
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