Sentences with phrase «reaching other achievements»

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But Wambach is also making a point that other women have echoed, in a year of major achievements for women in leadership positions in professional sports: Eventually, they hope it will no longer be a big story when a female athlete, or a woman working in some other capacity in sports, reaches new heights.
By focusing on cleaning up your credit and increasing your credit score, you'll clear obstacles that could keep you from reaching other important achievements too.
The 500 goals milestone is an achievement that is likely be difficult for any other player to reach.
The specific patterns of achievement impacts vary across these studies, with some gains emerging quickly, but others, like those in the OSP evaluation, taking at least three years to reach a standard level of statistical significance.
Dozens of other NCLB critics have reached similar conclusions, and scads of proposals for that law's rewrite offer remedies, such as including more subjects in the accountability system and giving schools credit for student growth across the achievement spectrum.
The achievements your pupils go on to make, the role they play in community life, and the values and knowledge they in turn pass on to other people can rightly be considered a reflection of the incredible work and dedication that you put into helping every child reach their potential.
We begin with an overall assessment of the relative percentages of young adults in the United States and other countries who have reached a very high level of mathematics achievement.
In a briefing paper prepared for the National Academy of Education (NAE) and the American Educational Research Association, Linda Darling - Hammond and three other distinguished authors reached the following conclusion: «With respect to value - added measures of student achievement tied to individual teachers, current research suggests that high - stakes, individual - level decisions, as well as comparisons across highly dissimilar schools or student populations should be avoided.»
While no other studies have reached the same conclusion — and until much more research is done on the topic, we remain rather doubtful that prekindergarten or even elementary math achievement can accurately predict college graduation — it is clear that there is often a link between math achievement and overall student success.
The post-test results showed that students who received comments — that is, descriptive feedback — reached the highest levels of achievement, one standard deviation higher than the others.
A rich resource of sessions, speakers, and events are on tap to help school board members and other leaders in their work to reach, inspire, and elevate public education and student achievement.
However, there is mounting evidence that the easier phases of reform are behind us in Texas, that some of the more intractable student achievement problem areas have not been reached by the reforms while serious backsliding is underway in others, that more of the same accountability and standards will not produce the results we want, and that a much more difficult phase of reform lies ahead.
Extending the reach of excellent teachers by allowing them to remain in the classroom and support less skilled teachers can also foster positive school cultures and improve student outcomes.30 By assuming hybrid teaching roles, teacher leaders can work with other teachers throughout the school, thereby expanding their influence on students and student achievement.
The feds based that number on the «percent of students who may not reach grade - level achievement standards within the same time frame as other students, even after receiving the best - designed instructional interventions from highly trained teachers,» the department wrote in the Federal Register.
With a new found self - confidence, Kingsthorpe College is reaching out to the community by hosting events, linking with other schools and organisations, and celebrating the tremendous achievements of the students.
Social - emotional learning programs improve the social skills and academic achievement of students and can improve school climate by reducing violence, bullying, and other conduct problems.83 These skills are particularly important in early childhood education, as students as young as kindergarten who have strong prosocial skills are more likely to obtain a high school degree, college diploma, and full - time job when they reach adulthood.84
Anyone who thinks marriage isn't about two people doing everything he or she can to support the other — or worse, claims that either partner's achievements are cheapened or their accomplishments invalidated because his or her partner supported him or her in reaching their goal — has absolutely no idea how a marriage works.
If the bill passes and other industrialized countries adopt similar tropical forest conservation measures, deforestation could be ended or even reversed — a huge global achievement that, until Waxman - Markey, seemed tragically out of reach.
On a positive note, Green Belt Movement has a rich history of successful public campaigns on land rights, and as we heard at the panel discussion, in the last decade numerous civil society campaigns in other countries such as Tanzania, Brazil, and Bolivia have reached great achievements.
«Foster a similar sense of community achievement; and having daily reminders from other members of the team helped us all to reach (or exceed!)
In other situations access to justice may be achieved without needing to reach the courts, and access to lawyers may or may not have been key to that achievement.
Doing this lets you compose an achievement that you've reached and want to share with other community members.
The end of the year offers great opportunities to reflect on children's achievements and the milestones they've reached, as well as celebrating other cultural festivals.
While Australian governments had previously committed to raise the standard of Indigenous Australians» health to that of other Australians, the COAG commitment marked the first time that Australian governments had agreed to be accountable for reaching this goal by placing its achievement within a time - frame.
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