Sentences with phrase «reaching resolution rather»

The parties must cooperate and focus on reaching resolution rather than personally attacking the other.

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Rather than confront the issue in the proscribed manner... and ironically he had brought the format that we used for conflict resolution to us... he went on a month long smear campaign that reached far and wide.
Rather than imposing sound scientific principles on IPCC, United Nations allowed IPCC to be governed by: — the unscientific principle to: «concentrate its activities on the tasks allotted to it by the relevant WMO Executive Council and UNEP Governing Council resolutions and decisions as well as on actions in support of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change process» (§ 1)-- the unscientific principle to: «In taking decisions, and approving, adopting and accepting reports, the Panel, its Working Groups and any Task Forces shall use all best endeavours to reach consensus.»
Collaborative Divorce is a way of reaching resolution with the parties by the attorneys for both parties using cooperative strategies rather than adversarial techniques and court proceedings.
My role is normally non-directive, that is, not offering advice but rather facilitating a client to reach his or her own resolutions through a structured conversation.
Less Contentious — It goes without saying that because of the format of a collaborative divorce case, and by virtue of the fact that the parties are working together to reach a resolution that is in everyone's best interest rather than holding key facts back and worrying about what the next legal filing will be, a collaborative case is much less contentious than a traditional divorce.
- It creates a uniform system for the practice of collaborative law, which is a non-adversarial form of dispute resolution where all energy, time, and money is spent on reaching an agreement rather than fighting in court;
And I know that he appreciates undivided focus until we reach a resolution, rather than shifting attention to a more comfortable topic.
And, since divorce mediation involves direct communication and is focused on resolution (rather than being adversarial), agreement can often be reached in a matter of months.
The mediator a neutral third party with no vested interest in either side, but rather a desire to aid both parties reach a resolution.
If my process can assist parties in reaching an informed resolution in a respectful environment, rather than endure the painful process of a lengthy and expensive litigation process, then it is my privilege to share the tenets of my mediation process.
People may engage in a common effort to reach a resolution in a cooperative rather than competitive way in any negotiation process.
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