Sentences with phrase «reaching students while»

In particular, reaching students while they're young is key so that we can educate them about career opportunities.
«This is the way to reach a significant part of the research community, to reach students while they're still learning material science,» she said.

Not exact matches

Many people in their 20s are dealing with large amounts of student loan and credit card debt and are living paycheck to paycheck, while dreaming of the day they can allocate some of their money to reach their financial goals.
The instructor will help the student outline and define goals, structure a path for reaching those those goals, and offer guidance and support while the student progresses into group / jam classes.
In all facets of school life, students are encouraged to reach beyond their comfort level, and while this sometimes means they may stumble along the way, it always means that they are building valuable life skills.
By addressing the whole child - head, heart and hands - Foundations Public Schools will inspire students to reach their highest potential - academically, socially and artistically - while becoming lifelong learners and compassionate, contributing human beings.
While bulletin boards and special menus will reach your students, you may want to provide some additional information for parents, administrators, community partners, and the media.
Their enthusiasm and consistent benchmark of excellence has resulted in countless student - athletes reaching the highest level of individual athletic achievement, while establishing a critical foundation for personal life - long success through sport.
2010 Lynford L. Goddard is honored as the first recipient of the AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science for exemplifying an early career scientist eager to share his excitement about science and demonstrating excellence in reaching high school students with activities in electrical engineering, while simultaneously pursuing a competitive research career.
pipeline issues by developing and supporting bridge programs to reach precollege students from underrepresented groups while they are exploring options
While searching for new targets for malaria drugs and vaccines, a team including a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) medical student fellow reached a fundamental insight about evolution:...
and where I found myself in the midst of a grand celebration for all our teachers to honor what they do in teaching students to reach new heights while successfully closing the achievement gap.
While not reaching the depths of the Harvey Weinstein accusations, which included violent rape, the Times article painted Franco as a decidedly scummy guy who used his position of authority to coerce women into sex acts, cast acting students in myriad topless roles, and on one occasion remove a plastic guard from atop an actress's genitals before simulating oral sex on her for a scene.
While there has been an overall rise in the number of trainees this year, a growing student population and changes in the curriculum mean numbers have fallen short of targets, with only three subjects: History, English and PE, reaching its set goals.
Unlike conventional arts education, student work in integrated classrooms reaches a higher level because students are encouraged to master real arts skills, while engaging the world and the other subjects through their art.
Once he reached his classroom, he needed to get his students to cooperate while he returned the call.
Studying the Master of Education at Deakin University allows Gavin Wake to build on teaching strategies for reaching for disengaged students and to expand his own career options, all while studying at a pace that suits him.
For instance, remind students that while learning goals are not debatable, their feedback is critical in designing how to reach these goals.
But while the goal of the project is to reach out to younger students, writing the books also has opened the door for a lot more discussion at Olsen about bullying, noted Correll.
We shared five Reach Extension Principles for the new school models they would craft or tailor to their needs; they call for reaching more students with excellent teachers in charge of their learning, for more pay, within budget, while boosting development opportunities for all teachers and clarifying authority / credit for great teachers.
While these quizzes may not actually have any bearing on their final mark, if you notice your students are consistently having problems passing them, then you can take action before they reach the final assessment and don't get the desired result.
While all students whose parents were actively involved in their education in the seventh grade had higher goals and aspirations as eleventh - graders, parents who were college graduates had a stronger impact on school behavior and grades, which are the prerequisites of reaching students» goals.
The report also explains how more than three hours went by before paramedics reached teacher Dave Sanders, who bled to death while students tried to help him.
Narrative writing, as mentioned earlier, gets reduced by Common Core to 20 percent of student writing output (PDF) when they reach high school, while argument and informative / explanatory both increase to 40 percent.
Now, while teachers can attempt to reach out during the summer and continue encouraging students to engage in learning, the fact is that this vital, additional education must come from the parents and families.
While far from a panacea, online learning provides access to courses and resources otherwise far out of reach for students.
While the world of online education is exciting for its potential to reach students individually, the tools available for teachers to use are rapidly changing.
And while it's premature to reach any conclusions about Race to the Top's impact on student outcomes, ambitious Race to the Top adopters, such as Tennessee and the District of Columbia, are posting encouraging student gains.
While giving students experience working for such employers as law firms and advertising agencies, the arrangement also puts a private school education within the reach of many families in the predominantly Hispanic, low - income Pilsen neighborhood...
And software makers must customize the software for different learning types while other entrepreneurs find new channels to reach students.
Teachers who reach more students directly or by leading teams can earn more within recurring budgets, advancing their careers while continuing to teach.
While the world of online education is exciting for its potential to reach students individually, the tools available for teachers...
The UCU's report analysed the results of 1.3 million young people over a three year period and found that 75 per cent of predicted grades were «over-predicted», with students failing to reach the grades their teachers thought they would, while nine per cent of grades were «under - predicted».
And while they continued to ignore it, the misuse of tests became ever more extreme, in some cases reaching truly absurd levels — for example, «evaluating» teachers based on the scores obtained by teachers in other schools or teaching other subjects to different students.
While there was strong initial interest from home - schooling families, he says, it was important «to reach a diverse group of students» and establish «personal contact with districts and schools.»
While every student is expected to achieve high standards eventually, this approach recognises that, because of their less advanced starting points, some students take longer to reach high standards than others.
This is particularly important for high dependency students, allowing them to safely reach and wait in designated disabled refuges / zones while providing the additional time needed to assist them from the building.
It's their dedication and hard work that's helping students reach their full potential, while also having a positive effect on the community as a whole.
Through the use of high - quality education technology, schools can extend the reach of excellent teachers to more students, while at the same time professionalizing the teaching career.
For Lavely, the chance to change school culture to cultivate excellence and reach high bars with all students through leading other teachers — while remaining in the classroom herself — has proved irresistible.
Advancement must be meaningful, letting teachers increase their impact by reaching more students and leading while teaching.
The two we profile — American history teacher Scott Nolt and precalculus teacher Caitlyn Gironda — both exceeded growth targets while reaching more students, despite having less face - to - face time with students.
While the State has released average scores on the test by some student groups (though not all), disaggregated data about whether or not students are reaching grade - level expectations has not been released.
This Framework includes an expectation that every student will reach or exceed grade level proficiency within three or fewer years while attending an Imagine School.
While no other studies have reached the same conclusion — and until much more research is done on the topic, we remain rather doubtful that prekindergarten or even elementary math achievement can accurately predict college graduation — it is clear that there is often a link between math achievement and overall student success.
What can schools do to select, develop, and evaluate teachers in new roles — such as those working in elementary specialist teams, blending technology and face - to - face instruction, leading other teachers, or using any of these models while reaching students in remote locations via webcams?
While the state recognizes that it has no realistic way to assess AYP for the mandates under NCLB (which I agree are impossible to attain — no school reaches 100 % profiency), it apparently seems to miss the point that the same standardized tests — or lack / change thereof — are supposed to be used to measure student achievement under the SPSA and the achievement gaps under LCFF.
NSCS Elementary provides a safe and accelerated learning environment while challenging students to reach their full potential
It may not be politically feasible at the national level, but local authorities, teacher leaders, and policy makers may be in a position to think of creating policies that offer quality education while still ensuring that students have the liberty to reach their own unique potential, the core strength of a democratic society.
They are constantly sharing ideas and strategies to reach the individual needs of the students while using a systematic approach to focus on the whole child.»
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