Sentences with phrase «reaction in someone»

Also, since there is both chicken and fish in some Exclusive dog food formulas, they could potentially cause allergic reactions in dogs that have a chicken or fish specific protein allergy.
Even the simplest flames are complicated, a dance of chemical reactions in which molecules interact in hundreds of different ways.
Soy products are known allergens that can cause reactions in certain people.
Studies have found how some of the commonly used protein sources in dog food such as beef and chicken are most likely to cause allergic reactions in dogs.
The protein animals shed from their skin can trigger allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to it.
However, yogurt and cottage cheese are dairy products that are unlikely to trigger reactions in most animals and are high in calcium and protein.
A number of adverse reactions in cats were the result of the cat either being treated with a product intended for dogs, or through exposure to a treated dog.
When you eat food that to which you are sensitive, it causes a series of negative biochemical reactions in your body, especially in your digestive tract and immune system.
The leakage of unwanted substances into blood circulation may, therefore, stimulate immune reactions in other parts of the body.
This supports children who feel anxious and reduces negative reactions in children whose behaviour is challenging.
In our bodies, oxygen is constantly involved in chemical reactions in which electrons are shifted around to generate energy.
It's also one of a handful of rare metals that move along chemical reactions in many well - established industries.
A meat that is hypoallergenic for one dog may lead to allergic reactions in other dogs, depending on the dog's condition.
These organisms can release toxins that can trigger severe allergic reactions in humans and animals.
Participants in VR experiments showed strong emotional reactions in addition to behavioral changes, all of which could have an impact on their real lives.
Eating foods to which you're sensitive can cause inflammatory reactions in your digestive system and body.
Genuine infection is likely to produce stronger reactions in a second sample.
That's important because certain supplements may cause different reactions in the body.
Only a few mites can cause a severe reaction in sensitive dogs.
As always, please be sure to consult your pediatrician when in doubt and keep any allergies or past food reactions in mind.
However, the fruit can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people.
Many common human foods can cause allergic reactions in cats.
Warning: Giving baby yogurt can cause an allergic reaction in babies with milk allergies.
The mechanism is not understood, however, and it is not clear that the substances would cause the same reaction in humans.
All stars, including our sun, will eventually run out of the hydrogen gas that fuels the nuclear fusion reactions in their cores.
The wheat used in pizza dough and some other food products triggers allergic reactions in certain people.
Eventually the group hopes to study chemical reactions in living cells.
Scientists haven't figured out whatever it is about grapes and raisins that causes toxic reactions in dogs.
Our knee - jerk reaction in times of discomfort has been to reach for our phones.
Look for reactions in stressful situations and limit exercise when appropriate.
Purpose & Description: 19 item self - report checklist to assess acute stress reactions in older teens.
The joint pain, stiffness, and swelling that characterize this condition are the result of an autoimmune reaction in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, causing inflammation.
She is also the first to discuss grief reactions in pets as a special type of separation anxiety.
They noticed a striking similarity between these aerobic oxidation reactions and the oxygen reaction in fuel cells and decided to see if they could apply a similar approach to a fuel cell.
The event has been greeted with mixed reactions in both countries.
At five, milk, egg, wheat, and beef products produced a similar reaction in him.
As I mentioned before, stress causes tangible physical reactions in the body that prepare it for dangerous situations.
The outcome could trigger a major market reaction in either direction.
Most idiosyncratic drug reactions in veterinary patients are seen in herding breeds of dogs or in cats, which have a narrower therapeutic dose range for these drugs.
When in doubt, it is a natural reaction in many dogs to freeze.
These are all important reactions in babies and contribute to the bonding process between mother and child.
Skin reaction in response to the acidity of the fruit contributes to the appearance of diaper rash in some babies and is not considered an allergic reaction.
Like sweating, nausea is a natural reaction in response to your body's fight or flight system.
If you are attempting to change your responses when old patterns have been in place for years or decades, it's important not to expect an initial, positive reaction in return.
Soy formulas can cause allergic reactions in susceptible infants, and they haven't been shown to reduce allergies later in life.
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