Sentences with phrase «reaction pathways for»

Quantum chemical simulations have suggested a unique reaction pathway for the palladium catalyst with a lower energy barrier,» Xin said.

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The setup for the reaction is sufficiently similar to nature that the research team was able to construct an «artificial leaf» that could complete the entire three - step reaction pathway.
«This latest finding provides a concise and direct synthesis pathway that, due to the structure of the products delivered, will likely be quite valuable for the discovery and development of therapeutic agents,» says Micalizio, whose work focuses on the design of organic chemical reaction methods and strategies to improve medicine and human health.
They also found that distant metastases and their precursors processed glucose through a growth - promoting series of metabolic reactions called the pentose phosphate pathway, which burns (or oxidizes) glucose - derived molecules into building blocks for tumors.
In their report that has received advance online publication in Nature Nanotechnology, a research team based at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) describes how a nanomedicine that combines photodynamic therapy — the use of light to trigger a chemical reaction — with a molecular therapy drug targeted against common treatment resistance pathways reduced a thousand-fold the dosage of the molecular therapy drug required to suppress tumor progression and metastatic outgrowth in an animal model.
«The challenge for the future will be to fabricate metal catalysts embodying atomic patterns that speed chemical reactions along pathways that lead to desired products,» said Polanyi.
«The direct growth of anchored MoSoy nanocrystals on graphene sheets may enhance the formation of strongly coupled hybrid materials with intimate, seamless electron transfer pathways, thus accelerating the electron transfer rate for the chemical desorption of hydrogen from the catalyst, further reducing the energy required for the reaction to take place,» Sasaki said.
Using the liquid SIMS technique and the newly patented electrochemical System for Analysis at the Liquid Vacuum Interface (SALVI), the researchers discovered transient species and reaction pathways in the solid - liquid interface.
A combination of extensive state - of - the - art numerical calculations with classic analytical models describing the kinetics of sequential chemical reactions has shown that it is not enough to consider the energy potential landscape (i.e. the energies of the species along the reaction pathway and the associated transformation barriers), but that energy dissipation to the substrate and changes in molecular entropy play a critical role for the stabilization of the intermediates.
All research projects rely heavily on chemical and analytical methods to identify specific reactions / products, their mechanisms of formation, and their use as probes to elaborate pathways responsible for disease.
In the NIH - funded Impact of Personal Genomics (PGen) Study, we surveyed consumers of two U.S. companies that provide personal genetic testing — 23andMe and Pathway Genomics — to determine consumers» reactions to genetic risk information for common diseases of interest, including heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, and breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancers.
Aging - associated increases in oxidative damage to key enzymes results in their structural deformation and decreased binding affinity for the co-enzyme, causing a decrease in enzyme funtion.8 Ames» research has demonstrated that increasing the availability of acetyl L - carnitine and α - lipoic acid, two nutrients that serve as mitochondrial enzyme co-factors, restores the velocity of the reactions (KM) in the related enzymes, and thus restores aging mitochondria's ability to produce youthful levels of ATP.9 10 11 12 13 Part II focused on the inter-relationships among the folate, methylation and transsulfuration pathways, whose dysfunction results in increased free radical production coupled with disruption of glutathione (GSH) synthesis, thus accelerating mitochondrial decay and aging.
Using theory, modern surface - science methods, and synchrotron - based techniques, JCAP researchers seek to understand the reaction pathways and the elementary steps of the hydrogen and oxygen evolutions reactions to facilitate the design of new, Earth - abundant catalysts for solar - fuels production.
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