Sentences with phrase «reaction to events before»

So, we have an emotional reaction to events before our rational mind is able to engage.

Not exact matches

A large portion of the spread compression happened in reaction to two events: the Fed's decision to begin winding down its large - scale asset - purchase program known as quantitative easing on Dec. 18, and Janet Yellen's first meeting as Fed chair on March 19, which coincided with the release of forecasts by Fed officials who anticipated earlier rate hikes than before.
Likewise, the femtosecond «flashbulb» enabled scientists to observe phenomena never before seen in freeze - frame: vibrating molecules, the binding of atoms during chemical reactions, and other ultrasmall, ultrafleeting events.
Their role in the school and their medical background also allow them to train others to recognize these reactions in the event that they are unavailable, and efficiently implement school wide policies aimed at delivering emergency treatment and preventing these reactions before they start.
We strongly recommended that your IG be run at several practice events, alone, before entering a trial so you may gauge its fitness, reactions to other hounds on the field, and interest in coursing the lure.
Animals with a systemic fungal infection Animals with some types of mange (mites) Pets who have had seizures in the past Pets with stomach ulcers, corneal ulcers, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, liver and kidney disease or congestive heart failure Pets with serious bacterial or viral infections or gastrointestinal ulceration (s) Pets with Cushing's disease should only receive this medication during very stressful events Do not use in pregnant animals or in breeding males Use with caution in very young animals and diabetics If your pet has had an allergic reaction to prednisone / prednisolone or like products before Directions:
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