Sentences with phrase «reactions to the work of»

After this pottering in the outhouses of French art — and British reactions to the work of these visitors — the show's last sections look at the fruits of later visits by Monet, Pissarro and Sisley.
I constantly provoked by conscious reaction to the work of the Brother moves on.
This is quite an obscure film made in 1966 by June Steel about the viewer's reactions to the work of Kienholz at The Los Angeles County Museum of Art.»

Not exact matches

The Fair Labor Association (FLA) and Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production standard (WRAP) both grew out of U.S. market reactions to labour abuses in Central America during the 1990s, while the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) and Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) worked to address early European concerns with the fair treatment of workers across North Africa, India and Bangladesh.
In addition to steering clear of naughtiness, you need another strategy: Plan ahead what you'll do when faced with temptation, and work to make these reactions as automatic as possible.
Meridian had to issue a recall of the EpiPen and EpiPen Jr. auto - injectors at the end of March as some of the devices, which are used for treating allergic reactions, had a defective part that potentially stopped them from working — an event that could be life - threatening.
At first, people's reactions are to the beauty of the artwork — then, they start to read and explore through the visual story and see that the content is there, and that they can really use these graphics for their work in a number of ways.
His reaction post, now topping 41,000 likes and nearing 3,000 comments, states that he, too, has an image on his office wall to remind him of the value of hard work, rather «what happens when you need a plumber but can't find one.»
At the same time, Kuzmic says that most of the time, reactions to your work are not actually about you.
Judging from his employees» reactions, «it's very clear that adults can use a refresher on this; for many of them, it may be the first time they've gotten a good understanding of how a 401K works, or the difference between buying and renting... all this stuff is just so relevant to all age groups.»
The poll, the work of the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Harvard School of Public Health, and National Public Radio, asked 1,704 adults for their reactions to the reform proposals put out by Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (still in the game!)
Carriers need to see more evidence of how the jets work in real - world conditions, and positive reactions from Swiss Air Lines and AirBaltic could entice customers.
I have already heard many stories of this amazing spirit of community at work in Dickinson once again in reaction to Harvey.
Those calling attention to the disparity in reactions have also highlighted the work of the Dream Defenders, a Florida - based group founded after the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin in 2012, arguing that it helped pave the way for the current student movement for gun control.
Rather, it is God himself working in us and through us; and our exertions, with their attendant pains, if there be any, are simply our human reactions to, and sensations of, the divine working: ultimately, it is God who is praying, not we ourselves.
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
What is called atheism is generally a sadly disappointed or militantly outraged reaction to the fact that we can and must «deal with... all questions of importance without recourse to the «working hypothesis» called «God.»»
But in reaction, Christians, Jews, and Muslims of goodwill will work extra hard to promote more productive interreligious dialog behind the scenes where the real work is done.
If there is enough reaction to defeat the present administration in the 2004 elections, the probability is that the result will be a return to the less blatant imperialism of the recent past and greater willingness to work with our allies.
Instead of name calling, I wish that Mr. Golijov had taken the opportunity to explain matters such as his editing decisions, why he chose to present Jesus as a symbol instead of a person, and perhaps what he expected the reactions of Christians to be to his work.
I thought from the beginning that this might be related to the two country states between Palestinians and Israelies... since the supervisor about the agreements is Oslo but then when few said not related I thought about the joining of the islamic Turkey to the Euro union... after all both issues are hated by the Israelies and I wouldn't be surprised if they were found to be behind recruiting this guy to do their terror work for them to bring an issue and change balances by reactions...!
When mentioning the title of this present work to potential readers I have found that a typical reaction has been «How dare they say that John Paul was a non-acting person!
Williams's first major work is God's Grace and Man's Hope.40 In it he seeks a theological stance occupying a middle ground between the unrealistic optimism of traditional liberalism and the equally unrealistic pessimism of the neo-orthodox reaction to liberalism.
A person's reactions to the progress of his work will also be influenced by his religious outlook.
Oppenheimer felt in 1949, along with many scientists — including all but one of the AEC General Advisory Committee — that it was a dubious gamble to divert major resources into investigation of thermonuclear reactions which might never work.
This brings us to the most determined recent effort to overturn the results of form - critical work on the gospels, namely, the Scandinavian reaction against form criticism culminating in B. Gerhardsson, Memory and Manuscript (Acta Seminarii Neotestamentici Upsaliensis XXII (Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup, 1961, 1964]-RRB-.
This writer's overall reaction to the total impact of Hartshorne's work is overwhelmingly favorable and positive, but not uncritical.
The detailed sequence of elementary steps (about twenty) which must be involved in the B - Z reaction has been worked out by Richard Noyes.11 This mechanism (called «the Oregonator» in honor of the location of Noyes's laboratory) is well understood and involves nothing but ordinary chemistry, but it is too involved to discuss here.
Here we must acknowledge our indebtedness to the work of theologians like Karl Barth, Emil Brunner, and others of the so - called «neo-orthodox» reaction of the years 1930 - 50.
His norms in the present case, while thoroughly orthodox in relation to the general consensus, were also in some ways not far from the same German mysticism which was at work among the visionaries themselves, typical as they were of a chronic spontaneous eruption of apocalyptic and individualistic reaction to the directive legalisms of the official Church.
(In view of our previously negative reaction to Grässer's work [N. Perrin, Kingdom, pp. 145 - 7], we may perhaps be permitted to add that now we would be much more sympathetic to parts of it, although we still could not accept its total thesis.)
As was to be expected, the work of Reimarus and Strauss produced extensive reactions, including the next major development to concern us: the rise of the liberal Life of Christ research (Leben - Jesu - Forschung).
Single men and women account for nearly 30 percent of all households in the United States, but yet the public perception of eating alone remains negative.I inadvertently tested the social reaction of being a solo diner at a local restaurant / bar this past weekend while waiting to meet friends after work.
The hands - off approach works best because stirring can cause hot caramel to crystallize when it hits the cool sides of the pan, and that can set off a chain reaction that ruins the sauce.
Hi Julie — unfortunately batter made ahead of time doesn't usually work, due to chemical reactions between the ingredients.
No diet can work for everyone, since no two people have exactly the same family history, exposure / reaction to / buildup of toxins, or health status.
Most Vietnamese were surprised, too, and their reactions ranged from the glee of children let out of school early to watch to the disgust of taxi and truck drivers for whom the Tour was only foolish interference with their work.
There's no doubt that it's an ongoing part of his management style, and Charlie Nicholas believes that while he does it on purpose to get a reaction out of his players, it doesn't always work in a positive way.
He has to work on that and keep control of his reactions in the game.»
Or his release point, or its precise location over the hips, or the backwing, or sub-backswing, or the counter-shift of the tibia in reaction to the internal rotation of the patella, or hell I don't know there are apparently 93 different components of a golf swing and all of them have to be in perfect working order or the golfer in question will fall apart like a cheap mannequin right there and then on the course.
But our manager's reaction at the final whistle may have been of a man who has just realised that this is not going to work.
Reactive or ballistic exercises such as throws, sprints and jumps «'' along with any sort of agility / multi-directional speed work «'' increases muscular power (ability to accept and re-produce ground reaction forces quickly).
«The reaction in the wake of that defeat in the Varsity Match was to work out what we could do to improve our preparations for this year and make those changes to give ourselves the best chance possible.
Most have not done a hard days graft in their lives and those that do work hard for five, six or even seven days a week to keep their existence, should be the ones who are offended that these people who play football for a living seem to be immune from criticism, according to the reaction of those who use this to oppose the manager.
So, with the fixtures out for the 2017/18 season, the initial reaction from Liverpool fans would have been a quick glance to see who we play on the opening day, working out when we play Man United and Everton, and other than that, probably just a bit of a shrug.
And, having now worked closely with Houston ISD's Food Services department for the last four years, I feel only sympathy for school districts trying to balance their budgets while meeting the HHFKA's healthier school food mandates, all in the face of insufficient funding and negative student reactions to the food.
For example, if the sound of a dog barking induces a panic attack, the therapist would work with someone to discover what triggers this reaction.
However, if you have always done the bulk of the work around the house, suddenly expecting your son to do chores can bring about negative reactions.
When one formula feed of serving of solid foods works well and you observe no reaction from your breasts or your baby (including constipation or tummy pain), you may proceed to replace another breastfeeding session within a few days.
Below I have constructed 3 simple statements and corresponding scenarios that you can summarize in your own words and experience for a truly honest and straightforward, simple yet informative, answer to any variety of the reaction «Cloth diapers are so much work
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z