Sentences with phrase «reactor accident risk»

Lead cooled reactor accident risk limited to the loss of reactor itself without effecting enviroment.

Not exact matches

NRDC has long opposed relicensing its two reactors because of Indian Point's history of operational, safety and environmental problems, as well as the grave risk of a nuclear accident so close to the nation's largest city,» said Kit Kennedy, director of the energy and transportation program at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Modular reactors house all the components in one vessel, reducing the risk of accident.
This is recognised by the nuclear power industry and its regulators, whose aim is to make the risk of accidents as low, and thus the reactors as safe, as is reasonably achievable.
Surely the theoretical risk of accidents (catastrophes if you like) associated with civil nuclear reactors are on an insignificant scale relative to the risks faced by humanity by running out of energy.
A reactor accident at Diablo Canyon would immediately put tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of people in Central California at risk from radiation exposure.
The reactor's location also put it at risk from seismic activity, with the potential to spark an accident like that at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant in 2011.
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