Sentences with phrase «reactor license application»

The proposal would be filed in January as part of the Raleigh utility's reactor license application with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy this month won a legal contention from the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board against Southern Nuclear Operating's Vogtle reactor license application for Georgia.

Not exact matches

«In the wake of the Fukushima meltdown, the NRC also should suspend all of its licensing decisions on new designs, new reactors or relicense applications until it incorporates the lessons of the Japanese catastrophe into its plans and regulations,» Markey said.
While President Obama's plan to find alternatives to storing high - level nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain, Nev., is grabbing headlines, another problem has begun threatening license applications for new reactors.
Mariotte said utilities that want to build new reactors have known for 10 years that Barnwell would close but failed to include on - site storage or options for handling low - level radioactive waste in their license applications.
This year, TVA directors say they will submit an application to build two new reactors under the government's new streamlined licensing process.
Energy Alberta Corporation (Energy Alberta) has filed an application for a site preparation license for two twin - unit ACR - 1000 CANDU nuclear reactors to provide power for the oil sands operations in Alberta.
The NRC's July 1986 «Statement of Policy for Regulation of Advanced Nuclear Power Plants» encourages reactor designers to discuss licensing issues with the agency before submitting a full license application.
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