Sentences with phrase «to read birth stories»

You can read her birth story here and more about their journey here and here.
First of all, I so enjoy reading birth stories and yours was no exception.
I honestly can not wait to read the birth story of your gorgeous baby boy tomorrow morning.
I loved to read the birth stories from the book «spiritual midwives», it really gave me confidence.
Moms who are expecting can read the Birth Stories section, written by different writers who have experienced it themselves.
For example, some women will not be able to read any birth stories for quite some time, and others will want to read every single post.
I'm happy to say that my experience of the birth met the expectations that I created for myself through reading birth stories that vibe with that.
I loved reading birth stories while I was pregnant, so I hope someone finds encouragement from our story.
Your website was helpful, especially reading the birth stories and I became friends with another client thanks to your facebook group.
It's the first time I've actually read your birth story and wow I can relate to so much!
I'm constantly reading birth stories and watching videos, so now I get to hear about them too!
Oh my word he is beautiful and what a speedy labour, loved reading your birth story!
I always, always, always get choked up when reading birth stories... giving birth is maybe the most amazing experience we as women are privileged to take part in, IMHO.
I've long been a fan of Ina May Gaskin, an internationally renowned midwife, author and speaker, and loved reading the birth stories in her book Spiritual Midwifery.
LOVED reading this birth story as I am expecting my own unassisted birth any moment now almost a week past my due date.
Reading birth stories helped me to prepare for my first birth by giving me a sense of what I could expect, and what birthing women are capable of, but this time I'm reading them from a different place.
I am always so scared to read birth stories because I fear it will freak me out and not want to have a baby.
Ahh reading your birth story made me well up and think of my labour 3 months ago.The birthing pool is epic do nt you think I did nt get to actually have Kai in the pool we had a last minute dash to a bed because of complications.
For months (and sometimes even now) I couldn't read birth stories without feeling sad, disappointed, and even jealous of these other women achieving their drug - free vaginal births and VBACs.
By the time I was done... and exported it to a word file on my computer, it was ten pages long... After I finished writing it, the long nights didn't end, the sleep deprivation was high and patience was getting even lower, so I would read his birth story over and over again on my Black berry at night.
I poured over their websites reading birth stories and their outlooks on birth.
One of my favorite things about bloggers with babies is reading their birth story!!
-LSB-...] giving birth to my daughter Fern... naturally without so much as an asprin (you can read her birth story here if you're -LSB-...]
Instead, read the birth stories in Ina May Gaskin's books.
-LSB-...] about natural birth If you like to read birth stories, in particular natural ones, check out Eco-Child's Play.
Read my birth story - my baby boy was in a hurry to be born!
I love hearing / reading birth stories.
And now that I've read your birth story and made these comments, I really need to get back to finishing writing my birth experience for my second baby — which was now 5 months ago!
I look forward to reading your birth story when it can be posted.
Now that you've read the birth story, let's move on from the scary and into the positive!
I hope you enjoyed reading our birth story.
You can read my birth story here.
Sam, I, like you, love reading birth stories, even though I'm not married yet.
(You can read her birth story here if you're -LSB-...]
If you read my birth story you would see that I prefaced the entire thing by saying it was the choice I made, but that I pass no judgement on anyone who has a different journey.
Ahh I love reading birth stories and yours has made me so broody (my third is only 2 months old!!!).
And if you love reading birth stories, here's Eliza's induction birth story and Florence's speedy second delivery birth story.
I watched birth videos and read birth stories, but felt nothing still.
You can educate yourself by taking a comprehensive childbirth course, read birth stories, and find informational and supportive books about the birth process.
I was then heavily encouraged by my lovely friend Emily (who I met originally through this blog — read her birth story here — and now our sons are besties and in the same school class!)
xoxo I love reading birth stories, as each one is different.
Loved reading this birth story.
Loved reading your birth story.
I love reading birth stories, especially home birth ones.
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