Sentences with phrase «readability level of»

This distinction is not perceptible in the state court sample because the readability levels of both groups practically overlap.

Not exact matches

«Conducting formal readability testing, as suggested by the study authors, along with use of patient reviewers from a variety of educational and cultural backgrounds may provide important feedback to enhance the value of materials across a larger spectrum of health literacy levels
Eskenazi and Schumacher used a readability model called REAP, which looks at how often words and grammatical constructs are used at each grade level and thus corresponds better to analysis of spoken language.
The degree to which patients are empowered by written educational materials depends on the text's readability level and the accuracy of the information provided.
The app also gives you a helpful indicator that rates the level of readability for your writing.
Personalized goals mean that students can «analyze complex texts» using their choice of fiction or non-fiction reading at the appropriate Lexile / readability level for them.
The late Jeanne Chall and Sue S. Conard studied widely used textbooks covering the period from 1945 to 1975 and noted, «On the whole, the later the copyright dates of the textbooks for the same grade, the easier they were, as measured by indices of readability level, maturity level, difficulty of questions, and extent of illustration.»
This program uses four types of quizzes (reading practice, vocabulary practice, literacy skills, textbook quizzes) to assess students» daily progress, measuring the quality, quantity, and level of difficulty they are reading using the Advantage TASA Open Standard, a readability formula that provides reading levels based on the entire contents of books.
The Writer Scoring Matrix provides continuous evaluation of word count, grade level, readability, and topic agreement as learners proceed through all aspects of the writing process.
There are several scales and calculations used to determine the readability or grade level of a piece of writing.
The ATOS book level is a readability formula used by the Accelerated Reader program to represent the difficulty of a book.
Simmons supports her school's focused literacy work by ordering a variety of classroom fiction and non-fiction books so that teachers can access multiple resources at students» readability levels to support their instruction.
Other important, time - saving features of Ogment are the storage of all instructional resources in one place, and making them retrievable by search tags (lesson name, state standards, readability level, keywords, grade, subject, or skill).
In order to address the various levels of student performance within a class, the average grade level readability for each text is also provided.
Download TDS's complete catalog of ELA titles, readability level, topics / themes, interest level, and genre
Line editing is meant for finished manuscripts that have been revised at the overall plot and characterization level but are in need of guidance on style, sentence structure, word choice, and other readability aspects.
Front lights have taken e-ink to the next level of contrast, ease of use, and readability, and Stephanie tells us they conducted a study that it's not a criterion??? So, what's the real criterion sony, an average store, average software and ppi in your screens from circa 2006?
Our evaluation department looks for proficiencies in the following areas when reviewing the sample works of potential writers: mastery of grammar, professional use of language, ease of readability, and a writing style that is appropriate to the subject matter and academic level in which they are writing.
As my business manuals demand a high level of readability due to the technical nature of content, it was reassuring to know that Michele was able to adhere to my requirements.
Research shows that the most effective copy should have a Flesch Kincaid readability score of a sixth or seventh grade level.
Lighting is one of the most crucial design tools for setting mood and readability in a game world, but level designers and environment artists often lack the language and theory to collaborate effectively on lighting design.
GRAPHICAL CHANGES - a small number of changes and tweaks have been made to areas such as the HUD, to help readability when busy on chaotic levels.
So what happened last year, in November, the American Bar Association Council of Appellate Lawyers issued a fantastic report with recommendations for electronic briefing, for e-briefing, how to improve readability, and also some other things about how the brief should be processed once they get to the court level, but I want to talk more about the briefing itself.
U. L. Rev. 1461 (2016)(analyzing Supreme Court opinions for positive / negative sentiment, defensiveness, and Flesch - Kincaid Grade Level over time); Stephen M. Johnson, The Changing Discourse of the Supreme Court, 12 U.N.H. L. Rev. 29 (2014)(using Flesch - Kincaid test to describe brief readability during the Supreme Court's 1931 - 33 and 2009 - 11 terms); Ryan J. Owens, Justin Wedeking, & Patrick C. Wohlfarth, How the Supreme Court Alters Opinion Language to Evade Congressional Review, 1 J. Law & Courts 35 (2013)(analyzing cognitive clarity of Supreme Court opinions, and hypothesizing that the Supreme Court crafts less readable majority opinions when confronted by an ideologically hostile Congress in order to deter legislative review of their decisions).
When the moving party's brief was more readable, the moving party was typically more likely to prevail, as we found the readability score variable significant at the.05 p - level in three of four models.100 The only model where this score was not significant at a tested p - level was based on the isolated sample of state court cases.101
107 Figure 2, which is based on Models 2 and 3 in Table 4, was derived similarly to Figure 1 by setting continuous variables to their mean values, dichotomous variables to their modal levels, and ordered variables to their median values, as well as varying the readability score variable from -3 to 3, which is the approximate range of values in our dataset.
This Article is one of the first to use lawyers» written work to measure the statistical relationship between brief readability and case outcomes.1 It is the only article to do so at the trial court level, where the vast majority of lawyers practice.
The Blog Readability Test, which purports to say what level of education is required to read a blog, announces that Slaw's reading level is «genius.»
In fact, Bitcoin Script is a very low - level, assembly - like language, which doesn't offer the readability and ease of use of high - level programming languages.
New — Deep - level system optimizations (08 - 07) New — New icons (08 - 07) New — New animations for launching and exiting apps (08 - 07) New — Simpler Home screen editing (08 - 07) New — Introducing Split screen (08 - 07) New — Improved Silent mode triggered by the volume button (08 - 07) New — Improved readability for the start page of Messaging (08 - 07)
Readability Score Get an accurate measure of where your writing lands on the readability scale with this tool that helps you determine if you should make any adjustments to your work to raise or lower the level of comprehension you're Readability Score Get an accurate measure of where your writing lands on the readability scale with this tool that helps you determine if you should make any adjustments to your work to raise or lower the level of comprehension you're readability scale with this tool that helps you determine if you should make any adjustments to your work to raise or lower the level of comprehension you're writing at.
Federal Resume Formatting for Readability Learn to format federal resumes for all types and levels of jobseekers, including unique formats for graduating students, career changers, IT and technology specialists, and entry - level, mid-career and senior - level professionals.
Performed second level quality assurance of imaged documents to ensure readability and accurate capture of all information, rejecting and sending back for re-scanning any document that does not pass the established quality standards.
The goal should be to improve readability while adding polish and a higher level of professionalism.
5.1 Differentiation in Action 5.2 Strategies to Support Students with Special Educational Needs 5.3 Readability 5.4 Helping Students with Reading 5.5 Levels of Thinking 5.6 Solving Word Problems in Science and Mathematics 5.7 Ways of Learning 5.8 Assessment 5.9 Classroom Climate 5.10 Lesson Evaluation 5.11 Graphic Organisers 5.12 How Differentiated is my Teaching
According to readability statistics (Flesch - Kincaid), the BGMC questionnaires read at a grade level of 4.2.
The readability of the ESWLS was estimated to be between the seventh and tenth grade levels.
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