Sentences with phrase «reader friends about»

I will tell my reader friends about this book as it is one of the better books I have read.
Before you query agents, take the time to think very specifically about your book's genre, and get a second opinion from an editor or a few thoughtful reader friends about the genre.

Not exact matches

Today, I was having a discussion with a close friend about the fact that very few people view individual stocks for what they are - proportional ownership in a business that must be evaluated on an enterprise - level to determine their relative attractiveness - and thought that allowing my readers to be a «fly on the wall» would provide some insight into the methodology Ben Graham made so famous.
His individual investor - readers desperately need to know what his institutional money - manager clients and friends know about the specific investments available to help them succeed in challenging markets.
Frequent readers of this research publication are by now long familiar with our concern about an inventory led slowdown in steel (Making Volatility our Friend: Trading the Kitchin Cycle, 5/28/14, Unsustainable Steel Premiums, 9/3/14, Revisiting the Inventory Cycle, 10/1/14).
She has this very intelligent nephew in graduate school and included him on her list of family members, friends, and associates to whom we sent a sample issue of FT.. Now a regular reader, he's telling everyone in the family about his smart Aunt Sarah in Boston.
One friend told me recently that, when he asked a question about parenting on Facebook, he received close to a hundred comments from concerned readers.
I must say (and I want readers to be absolutely clear about this) that all the political and social movements which Christian friends of mine have joined precisely because they wanted to help the poor — that these movements very rarely show a concern to seek out, to find, to help the really poor.
As my friends, family, and readers already know, I have an opinion about nearly everything — religion, politics, theology, entertainment, lifestyle, college football, driving, world affairs, and whether or not that coffee mug in the kitchen cabinet is light gray or light blue (it's light blue, I say!)
I received yesterday the following email from a friend of mine recuperating at the University of Virginia Hospital, and I know he would have no qualms about sharing part of it with the readers of the Postmodern conservative blog.
Dan had the good sense to be at a friend's house, playing Halo that night, so I wallowed alone in self - pity for a while before rousing myself to take a picture of the sugar - doused pie with my phone, tweet about the fiasco, and soak in the sympathy of my readers.
I've honestly had readers tell me that they'd love to read my book, but worry about what their friends or family might think when they see them reading a book about doubt.
Having urged his readers to follow the example of those who look to the interests of others (the friends of the cross), and having described the other life option (that of the self - indulgent enemies of the cross), Paul now focuses on the hymn's words about God's work of transformation.
This week I heard from a multitude of friends and readers who expressed frustration regarding Christian conferences that tend to speak about LGBT people as if they were an issue, removed from the Church, rather than speak with LGBT people who are in fact a part of the Church.
As we have already remarked, the Western reader of a Western book about what used to be exotic religion will increasingly himself have Asian friends, or African experience, or international responsibilities.
But for the sake of my new readers and friends, I will give a quick introduction about her.
I will continue to rave about your recipes for my friends, family and readers.
I love it when friends and readers give me ideas or ask me to write about certain topics, etc. (which reminds me, a homemade salad dressing list and how to shop organic on a budget is on the books).
I have received questions from friends and readers more than once about our weekly grocery budget and where we shop, so I thought a formal post on this was in order.
A friend of mine recently wrote a guest post for me about her experiences when traveling to California from the UK that I think you and your readers would like!
Reader and friend Anthony wondered about the inherent paternalism and classism behind the policy:
about fitness and health, I figured there were no better women to come to about this than our readers and friends here at The Fashionable Housewife.
Longtime TLT readers will remember a period when seemingly every post on this blog began with «My friend Donna told me about...» Donna is a fellow Houston parent and foodie (who also used to sit on Houston ISD's Food Services Parent Advisory Committee with me), and she's great about passing on all the kid - and - food leads she comes across on the Internet.
After having about 500 friends and readers send me those photos, implicitly asking me, «Hey, what's up with America's horrible school meals?
As a Matter of Fact I Can't Fit into My Size 4 Jeans After Having Just Given Birth... Dear Readers, all of us mothers have certainly come across that urban myth about the friend, of the friend, of an acquaintance who went to high school with the so - and - so who used to know our sister,... Read More about As a Matter of Fact, I Can't Fit into My Size 4 Jeans After Having Just Given Birth
Sadly I was unable to continue, but the desire to blog about my experience and learn from keen readers, family and friends have only grown stronger.
While I agree with a lazy approach to offering solids as readers describe in the comments, I don't think the parents my friend is talking about would be willing to do it that way either.
Toddler Grover and his Sesame Street friends are just beginning to learn about potty training. - This interactive board books talks directly to readers, even allowing them to «flush» a potty at the end...
Dear friends, We Rookie Moms try not to blog about blogging because we believe that our readers are more likely to be fellow mamas, not fellow bloggers, but since there are definitely a handful of savvy bloggers reading our site, I want to address an issue some of us may be facing this week.
Ask readers to send to a specific number of people (i.e., «tell five friends about this spectacular video»)-- for some reason, having a specific number seems to work better.
Thanks to long - time friend and reader Burt Edwards for suggesting that a Ron Paul piece would be a good idea right about now.
We hope our loyal readers will take a moment when they change their own bookmarks to tell a friend or two about the blog.
Smirnoff's co-author and friend Lindsay Rielly also shares some of her worst date stories in We're Just Not That Into You, but Rielly wants readers to know that their book is not about bashing guys.
I love sharing information about my favorite herbs with my friends and readers!
The result is that I get a number of questions from readers and friends about concerns they have with ordering online.
Nevertheless, I wanted to open a discussion about consumer expectations and market reality because I hear many of the same complaints and questions from readers, clients, friends, and family.
But as we all know, that's not what the blogging industry is about, I started to lose those connections I had with my readers, I missed blog chats & general twitter conversations with my blogging friends, I lost out on instagram because I didn't spend time engaging with people who were taking the time to like or comment.
We also love knowing what you — our awesome readers — use and love, because the best part about beauty is sharing the products you've discovered with friends and fellow obsessives, regardless of whether they're an expert, aesthetician, or real estate agent.
But then Krista assured her readers that eBay could be a gal's best friend (she's written a lot of posts about eBay, but this one is my favorite).
This is the tl; dr on what brings us to laying in his bed at 4 a.m., joking about how strange it's going to be transitioning from being a couple to being friends (xoJane readers, I can only imagine the «oh, girl» reactions y ’ all are having right now).
After a good 6 months of feeling like my only readers were my Mom and hubby, friends and acquaintances started commenting on my posts and with that came suggestions to do as the other style bloggers do and photograph myself in the outfits I'm blogging about.
Well, because we're BOTH so excited about it, my sweet and dear friend Em, owner of The Flourish Market, is SO kind as to giveaway a $ 50 gift card to The Flourish Market to one of my readers!
One of the hardest things I hear from readers and friends about the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, thinking about fall clothes when it's super hot outside.
Some of our close friends have been the early readers of the blog and they know a lot about us.
I just had my breakfast and am about to hit the gym, but before I do that I wanted to share my yesterday's outfit with you and also to remind you that Google Reader / Google Friend connect is not going to be active anymore from 1st of July which means that you can't follow your favourite blogs via them anymore.
I have gotten a lot of questions from friends and readers in the last few weeks about «What to wear» to those holiday parties this year.
However, if you're a new reader or even if you're a longtime friend of mine, there may be a few things you don't know about me.
I received an email from a reader who didn't want to put anyone out, but I think it's safe to say most of us would be happy to welcome a friend into our home at Christmas — isn't that what this season is all about?
This series is only a success because of the great submissions we receive, and telling your friends and readers about it is the best way to spread the word.
I gave it 5/5 on Goodreads, but I wasn't all goo - goo crazy about it like so many of my reader friends were.
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