Sentences with phrase «readers of this blog do»

A further danger lies in these bad translations, because, to judge by the comments, many if not most of the readers of this blog do not live in Paris (or France), but simply visit, and so could be misled into believing that «tant pis» is not polite language.
I'm happy to see that, as I requested, readers of this blog did take it pretty easy on Hleb yesterday because this was ALWAYS going to happen.
I care about babies who die at homebirth, and the regular readers of this blog do, too.

Not exact matches

Not only does this help to create a subconscious feeling of a shared experience among readers, it also minimizes the amount of time that must be spent writing blog post content.
What kinds of posts do your blog readers demonstrate the most interest in?
If you're a long time reader of this blog you'll know that I don't like superlatives and I don't like sweeping generalizations.
I don't blog about all of my options transactions on Investment Hunting because many of my readers don't care about options.
Nothing works better than grabbing the attention of your reader through eye - catching titles and descriptions — if they are good, they'd pull readers to your blog, especially the unknown ones, so that does work!
If you bother to read some of the more popular atheist blogs, you will quickly see that they and many of their readers have some of their own unwritten rules, the majority of which have NOTHING to do with atheism / secularism and everything to do with promoting extremist left - wing agendas.
Readers of this blog who live in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area (is there anywhere in North Georgia to which this appellation does not apply?)
If you are an avid blog or website reader, set up your own personal hub of interests via RSS on your browser (and if you use the iPad, the Flipboard app could be put to very good use in doing this).
Jeremy, it is obvious to readers of your blog that you do cherry pick and that in fact you try to cherry pick.
Regardless, one of the drawbacks of writing books and blogs is that tone of voice does not always come across to readers in the way the writer intended.
I do not mind my readers sharing their posts in the comments section of the blog.
The poll didn't say 32 % of CNN religion blog readers don't know the religion of the candidates.
Peter Kirk recently posted a quote from one of my blog posts (if you do this, let me know so I can come interact with your readers!)
In other words, why not let Frank Viola show you exactly how he gets the traffic he gets, grows his blog readership year over year, and gains the readers he does, all so that he can spread the message God has given him about the church and becoming a follower of Jesus Christ?
However, since I don't have an audience (other than the few readers of this blog), and so that I don't have to write «with the publisher in mind,» I am going a different route, a route I believe is the publishing wave of the future.
You don't want to miss a single one of these posts, so bookmark this page and check back often, or better yet, subscribe to this blog in a Feed Reader or by Email.
This would be impossible to do without some sort of service like Google Reader which pulls all the blog posts together into one place and lets me know on one simple screen when new posts have been published from the various blogs I am interested in reading.
In just a few clicks of a button, I was able to transfer all my subscriptions over to the new service, and get back to reading all the blogs I am interested in, just as I did with Google Reader.
It's time again I do another Reader's Feedback Survey to get some feedback on what you like, don't like, and want to see more / less of on the blog.
I am more of a regular reader than regular commenter — I don't even have my own food blog — but I felt compelled to leave a message to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed the recent vegan - friendly developings around here!
«Oh, don't mind her, she's one of my blog readers.
I've been a long time reader and I don't think I've ever commented before, but I'd just like to say that I've always enjoyed reading your blog and your writing style and approach to food has being one of the many influences to me becoming more serious about food, photography, and food writing.
There have been several times when I've wondered why I'm even doing this whole ding - dang thing, if it's even worth it, getting ready to throw in the towel — but then I remember my readers, my blogging friends, the food blog community, all of you who inspire me.
Please link back to whatever blog you are linking from and let your readers know you joined the block party on any of your social media channels and invite them to do the same!
I am delighted to see you are back — although you have appeared on my reader it has taken me a while to visit as life has been pretty crazy with travel lately — but although you say that it is gone in a few hours, really one of the nice things about blogs is that they are easy to return to unlike some social media feeds and your writing is always as lovely as your photos — I appreciate you doing the bi-lingual posts!.
But I do ask that blog readers buy my books to help support the blog since readers might be under the misconception that advertising actually covers the cost of operating a blog.
Obviously, we know our readers are smart and will only buy items that make sense for them, but we do include product links when appropriate (products we use or like) because any small amount of money earned through affiliate links help make it possible for us to continue to build new content on this blog and offer more value to our readers.
I don't think I would do it unless I could organise an automatic redirect of the url but blog readers are another challenge.
Worrying about how I'm not making any money from my blog and still doing all the work in creating recipes and writing blog posts that connect with readers was sucking the soul out of me.
I guess I kind of forgot that many blog readers don't follow me or even have Instagram, so they're missing out on all of those little insights into my life.
As you're well aware if you're a regular reader of this blog, we do love our beef stroganoff (remember the Beef Strogundy?).
I just encountered this issue today because I much prefer weighing everything and my cookie dough did not feel right, so I added more, conscientiously weighing it for my blog readers... and then realized I had no idea what volume of flour I had thrown in to my dough.
This is where you get to see what sort of Internet searches readers did on engines like Google that led them to your blog.
It's very flattering if you make one of my recipes and would love to tell your blog readers about it, but please do not post my photos or my recipe verbatim.
I ask that blog readers buy my books to help support the blog, and the work I do on it, since advertising does not even come close to covering the cost of operating a blog (well, my blog at least).
Most of the recipes in this stunning book are new, but Miriam did include a few of her readers favorite recipes that were originally posted on her blog.
The reason the frosting can be difficult I think is because of the low fat cream cheese — sometimes it makes frosting really wet so you don't have to add any liquid, sometimes it's too dry; I think it depends on the brands... Anyways, thank you for reading my blog for some time, I'm always excited to hear from long time readers!
Although I don't do food blog anymore, your site is one of the few that I still keep on my reader's list since I first started blogging a few years ago.
Cant believe they did not give you a copy to review given your blogs focus (and that of your readers!!
We aren't sure who started it (as everyone is anonymous) but the majority of readers over there, even the one's who don't blog hop, don't like that is being said because nobody wants anyone injured season ending or in game ending.
I don't comment much here but am an avid reader of the blog.
Without it this blog wouldn't have half the readers it does now and neither would a number of other football blogs.
Anxious that I would be inviting drama and attacks from other breastfeeding supporters, educators, blogs, organizations, and my own readers, I didn't want to risk being accused of being a WHO Code violator by posting pictures of my babies with their bottles.
I know that concern has been expressed by some that these devices have not been validated in peer - reviewed studies, and, as readers of MomsTEAM and my blog know, products which claim to actually prevent concussions or risk the severity of concussion symptoms without their claims being backed up by peer - reviewed studies ordinarily don't pass muster with me.
Even tho I don't have my OWN blog, I'm an avaid reader / supporter / subscriber of MANY other people's blogs!
I don't have a blog, but am an avid reader of them!
From easy - to - do recipes to loads of great giveaways, this blog always has something new for readers.
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