Sentences with phrase «readers of this report»

«The one important reader of the report had apparently not read it after all,» Holton said.
Despite giving the median as the best estimate, It does give less numerate readers of the report the idea that it's «between one and six», say.
The 2010 reports on persistent poverty and maternal mental ill - health are likely to also be of interest to readers of this report as both include analysis of health outcomes (Barnes et al., 2010; Marryat and Martin, 2010).
The final numbers look good, but the inner workings of the economic / valuation models that the research team used are necessarily complex and may thus seem to be a bit of a black box to a lay - reader of the report.
I hope that the readers of this report join us in seeing not peril but opportunity for improved knowledge leading toward a happier and more secure future.
\ Furthermore, the notes accompanying our monthly graphs make it quite explicit that we are plotting predictions of equilibrium rather than transient temperature, so any reader of our reports can make allowance for that fact.
«There is a reasonable - to - high likelihood that many of the readers of this report will find themselves in what is a substantially autonomous vehicle within the next four to five years, and a fully autonomous one within the next eight to ten years,» the duo wrote.
Trademark violation against the owner of the college, likely a professional sanction issue, and misrepresentation to to the readers of the report?
(And if you read the context of that «it's also going to be better» it really implies that this means better for the reader of the report... which is currently I think only downloadable to CBA members, am I right?)
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