Sentences with phrase «readily available debt»

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«U.S. developers are turning to an unlikely place like Israel to sell debt because interest rates are low and capital is readily available,» Israel REN said.
As credit card debt is shifted to readily available lines of credit, $ 5,000 becomes $ 15,000, and soon you're facing a $ 50,000 or $ 100,000 debt problem.
Unless and until the CCAs wake up to the fact that they need to collectively start educating consumers about the debt settlement option, the entire industry is doomed to irrelevance as the existing DMP solution becomes replaced by internal bank programs (and consumers taking matters in their own hands via all the information readily available online nowadays).
Usually with credit cards it's fine, as they're a readily available source of credit, but if your debt is a personal loan, there's no guarantee you will be able to get another — in which case an emergency fund is sensible.
Given the current economic trends, partners should not become too comfortable with readily available «low cost» debt to satisfy cash flow needs, to maintain current levels of partner draws and to remain competitive.
Only a few people don't need life insurance; most people need it because they do not have the funds readily available to cover all debts and funeral expenses, they want to offset the loss of their income to their spouse and / or children, or simply because they want to leave additional money to extended family or a charity.
In addition, the financing climate continues to improve with more readily available, low - cost debt.
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