Sentences with phrase «readily available documents»

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Plus, he notes, for some periods within the 3 centuries of Greek rule in Egypt, documents such as tax records aren't readily available.
Previous attempts to get DNA from parchment did not work well, but by using modern sequencing techniques, researchers can now get abundant livestock DNA from parchment, such as the 16th century deed from Lancashire, U.K., shown above, the team reports online today in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Not only is parchment plentiful, but as a legal document, it also has been carefully stored and often dated, making it a more readily available source of ancient DNA than bones.
Public documents that are readily and freely available on the internet, these forms are federally regulated, meaning the data is easily comparable from one school to another.
Subsequent to DOT's establishment of the pilot program, Congress enacted Section 192 as a General Provision in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, that expressly authorizes DOT to permit the use of hiring preferences for construction projects if the grantee certifies that a pool of readily available but unemployed skilled individuals are available to meet the preference, that it will include a provision in its bid document ensuring that the contractor will not displace any employees in order to meet the preference, and that any increase in costs will not delay or displace any transportation project in the applicable Statewide Transportation Improvement Program or Transportation Improvement Program.
The rulemaking docket is the file in which DOT places all of the rulemaking documents it issues (e.g., the NPRM, hearing notices, extensions of comment periods, and final rules), supporting documents that it prepares (e.g., economic and environmental analyses), studies that it relies on that are not readily available to the public, all public comments related to the rulemaking (e.g., comments that may be received in anticipation of the rulemaking, comments received during the comment period, and late - filed comments), and other related documents.
Since the 1970s Nengudi has continually returned to readily available materials such as nylon pantyhose, sand, dirt, masking tape and nails, configuring these elements into simple but affecting installations and unscripted performances — all of which this show documents.
It is the policy of the American Economic Review to publish papers only if the data used in the analysis are clearly and precisely documented and are readily available to any researcher for purposes of replication.
Though, perhaps Jim Edwards should weigh in on the following: add «readily available, and if not, when can the available documents be reasonably expected?»
The devastating health effects of coal pollution have been well documented — and in an era where cleaner alternatives are readily available, there's absolutely no reason that a coal plant built in 1902 (like this one was) should continue to operate in modern day Chicago.
A cynical mind will conclude that, if readily available and generally authentic - looking, an unscrupulous party might wish to provide his representatives with such documents to play down his income levels.
Another traditional assignment for young law associates: Each category of document review concerns materials that are readily available to the target company, litigant, or corporation involved:
(b) the incorporated document and any earlier versions of it that were previously incorporated into the regulation or into a predecessor of the regulation remain readily available to the public.
A: We chose lease review because the documents were readily available.
For verification and reliability, the AO should digitally sign every document put into PACER using readily available technology.
Information is not always readily available, but 2011 court documents indicated two million customers at that time, which has undoubtedly grown.
At some firms, this is handled through docket clerks, but even then, lawyers may need the documents at times when they're not readily available.
(e) the information or the document is readily available to the party requesting it from another source.
have made legal documents such as wills, trusts, leases, incorporations, and contracts, readily available at extremely low prices.
This document is not always readily available to all renters.
Be sure to take your policy documents with you when you travel and have these important phone numbers readily available.
The documents you've recently viewed on your computer are readily available on your phone in the recent documents panel.
I had never had these documents readily available for interviews as, truth be told, I never needed them.
Even if you encounter a situation where you are asked for a printed copy of your resume (which these days is rare), since laser printers are readily available at office supply stores, it's very easy for clients to get printouts of their career documents as necessary on their choice of paper.
Your clients who have the above documents readily available are much more likely to be approved for a mortgage if they qualify based on their income — as long as their credit is strong.
Always have your documents, rental applications, and property information readily available through the web or mobile app.
The system collects up to three types of documentation, and now Fannie Mae is exploring making these documents more readily available to practitioners by storing them in online repositories, but it needs your help in making sure it does this right.
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