Sentences with phrase «readily available sources»

Therefore, they should look for research guides first to learn about the most readily available sources legal materials for Haiti and find out whether those sources provide sufficiently current materials.
The fact that they are even entertaining methane ice and fracking and CCS and all that other nonsense is because readily available sources of oil are nearly gone, if not gone already.
Countries such as China are prepared to pay high prices for recyclables such as waste plastic; mainly because they do not have readily available sources of virgin materials (no indigenous forests or oil supplies) and they have a large manufacturing industry that requires these products.
A cat's diet must have readily available sources of amino acids, vitamins and minerals found only in diets rich in meat - sourced proteins, organs and fats.
The most readily available sources of omega 3's are found in fatty fish such as wild salmon, sardines and anchovies or in vegan sources such as flaxseeds, seaweed and walnuts.
A readily available source of funds could hamper the ability of your security business to pay for the personnel and equipment to fulfill current client demands.
The body often craves foods and drinks that will boost energy, and sugar is usually the most readily available source.
While animal sources are a more readily available source of Vitamin A, Vitamin A can be toxic at excessive levels, whereas carotenes are not.
Because low - fat milk is a readily available source of calcium without as many calories or as much fat, a milk shake would still be considered a junk food by most people and should be only an occasional treat.
Rice is a readily available source of nutrition for many people around the world, but rice has a dirty secret.
Carbohydrates are the body's most important and readily available source of energy.
Techniques to increase the yield of antibodies are likely to lead to even higher neutralization rates, producing a much - needed readily available source of coral snake antivenom.
Previous attempts to get DNA from parchment did not work well, but by using modern sequencing techniques, researchers can now get abundant livestock DNA from parchment, such as the 16th century deed from Lancashire, U.K., shown above, the team reports online today in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Not only is parchment plentiful, but as a legal document, it also has been carefully stored and often dated, making it a more readily available source of ancient DNA than bones.
And if humans ever try to visit or colonize Mars, a readily available source of water could be critical.
Ismail Art Yagci and Sanchoy Das of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, at New Jersey Institute of Technology, in Newark, USA, explain how web reviews are a readily available source of product intelligence and suggest that such reviews might contain significant pointers regarding the pros and cons of a design or features that are redundant, unwanted or missing.
Carbohydrate - rich foods with a moderate to high glycemic index provide a readily available source of carbohydrate for muscle glycogen synthesis, and should be the major carbohydrate choices in recovery meals.
You can buy powdered dextrose, but rice syrup is a fairly natural and readily available source of sweet glucose - based sugars.
Bovine colostrum is a cheap, readily available source of growth factors, which reduces gastrointestinal injury in rats and mice.
Vitamin B12 is generally not present in plant foods, but fortified breakfast cereals are a readily available source of vitamin B12 with high bioavailability for vegetarians [5,13 - 15].
Pros: Owners enjoy a certain level of independence; Wide - spread brand recognition; A built - in customer base; Quality and consistency are determined by Biomass is a cheap and readily available source of energy.
Biomass is a cheap and readily available source of energy.
Usually with credit cards it's fine, as they're a readily available source of credit, but if your debt is a personal loan, there's no guarantee you will be able to get another — in which case an emergency fund is sensible.
Carbohydrates are the most readily available source of energy for your puppy.
In addition, the high rate of amino acid catabolism allows for a readily available source of energy via direct oxidation or as a substrate for hepatic gluconeogenesis.
The evaporative process will always draw it's latent heat from the most readily available source whether it be water or air.
The elevated position ensures excellent light throughout the growing season, while nutrient - rich digestates supplied by the anaerobic digester offer a readily available source of soil fortifier.
Currently, in order to obtain information relevant to a lawsuit from a non-party such as an ISP, litigants must convince the Court the information is relevant, that their lawsuit is bona fide and / or that they have a prima facie case, and that the information can not be obtained from a more readily available source (see: BMG Canada Inc. v. Doe, 2005 FCA 193; Warman v. Wilkins - Fournier, 2010 ONSC 2126; and more recently Voltage Pictures LLC v. Doe, 2011 FC 1024).
Bucket # 1, Immediate cash / day - to - day expenses **: You'll need an accessible, readily available source of money to pay for revolving, everyday expenses and monthly bills, like groceries, utilities, your credit card bill, etc..
Australia / New Zealand About Blog Our Sustainability Matters magazine and website provide busy environmental and sustainability - focused professionals with an easy - to - use, readily available source of information that is crucial to gaining valuable industry insight.
About Blog Our Australian Hospital & Healthcare Bulletin magazine and website provide busy hospital, health and aged care professionals with an easy - to - use, readily available source of information that is crucial to gaining valuable industry insight.
We now have eight nonprofit organizations in our network of expert assistance providers which we coupled with a readily available source of financing.

Not exact matches

When you combine these knowledge sources with the many readily available independent media and content channels, it's increasingly clear that most of us are learning as much or more from the digital universe as from any traditional and / or formal education programs.
Because each individual source of readily available data on income distribution has different advantages and limitations, no single source illustrates all of the major trends in inequality over the past six decades or so.
Please, read for yourself from original scholarly sources that are readily available.
It's not like this information isn't readily available, assuming you don't rely on media sources that are deliberately misleading, like Fox News.
Or, at least read information readily available from or any other source that provides pear reviewed material on Mormonism.
If you can not source this special vegetable, any other hearty winter squash will work in this salad, like butternut, Acorn, Buttercup, Kobocha, or Pumpkin — which are readily available all year round.
With more than 1,200 manufacturing locations, competitive supply sources are readily available, minimizing inbound freight charges.
While fiber is an indirect source of butyrate, grass - fed butter contains tons of immediate butyrate that is readily available for our body.
Chile jam is readily available from mail order sources.
LINDSAY STENOVEC: Your fish sources of omega - 3s are going to be basically more readily available or used at a much higher rate in the body, so getting it from salmon or shrimp.
«There are several significant hurdles which must be overcome if a study is to make a useful contribution to the debate about whether perinatal death is more likely if a home birth is planned or if a hospital birth is planned, and few (if any) readily available data sources can overcome all of these hurdles.
For the family that consumes dairy, readily available cow milks, cheeses, and yogurts are convenient sources of calcium, protein, fat, and vitamin D.
But thanks to breastfeeding, I know that my toddler always has an excellent, nutritious food source readily available wherever we go.
Some diapers (like my absolutely gorgeous purple paisley Sunbaby diaper) are beautiful and not readily available from other sources.
We often do this with bridge and road projects where we don't have a source of funding readily available but we'll have the whole project (specifics), environmental's done, and it's essentially ready to go if the federal government gets back to the business of funding infrastructure.»
If the compounds are not readily available from commercial sources, the methods used for their preparation, purification, and characterization must be disclosed in full detail.
Kramer built his sprayLD device using parts that are readily available and rather affordable — he sourced a spray nozzle used in steel mills to cool steel with a fine mist of water, and a few regular air brushes from an art store.
Cohen's goal is to make the software open - source and readily available to any scientists who can use it for their research.
Both cheap and readily available, these nanostructures could save hydrogen fuel producers billions of dollars, while making a green energy source even greener, the team says.
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