Sentences with phrase «reading dogtooth»

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Most of the top 10 films of the year I barely read much of anything about them: Dogtooth, The Ghost Writer, Mother, Nowhere Boy, etc... and they probably benefited from that as well as there wasn't major publicity campaigns about their masterpiece mantle status.
Lanthimos (Dogtooth, The Lobster) builds his bizarre revenge tale around a heart surgeon,... Continue reading
Actually enjoyed Alps more than most of the reviews I've read but Dogtooth is easily the superior film.
While director Yorgos Lanthimos» previous films Dogtooth and Alps both reveled in their inscrutable rules, forcing the audience to pick up the fragments of what's offered and chase behind the film, trying to cram them together, everybody in The Lobster instead can't stop telling us exactly how this insane world works («Didn't you read the guidebook?»
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