Sentences with phrase «reading a study by»

Alongside these statistics used by the activists, it is useful to read studies by the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED), the official state agency for demographic data: INED estimates the number of concerned children to be between 24,000 and 40,000.
If one was to read the study by Smith et al. 2014 «Unrestricted Paleolithic Diet is Associated with Unfavorable Changes to Blood Lipids in Healthy Subjects» There were zero controls whatsoever as all subjects all ate Ad libitum (as much or as little as they wanted) within a «Paleo» framework supplements were also not restricted.
Read the studies by John Wettlaufer of Yale and others if you want to learn more about the chaotic nature of ice behavior on short time scales.

Not exact matches

When Spreng read a Journal of General Internal Medicine study on elder abuse in New York that found more than half of financial exploitation is carried out by a person the victim knew, he wondered: Just how well are older adults navigating the complexities of their social environment?
The study, headed by Professor Edward Guinan of the school's astronomy and astrophysics department, initially looked at which crops would thrive in soil that is similar to that found on Mars (based on readings taken by the Phoenix Mars lander and samples recreated on earth).
He explained that some time ago he was conducting an empirical study of street prostitutes in the city of Chicago, and, through a connection at a company he was consulting with, met a high - end call girl who had read «Freakonomics,» and who was willing to help him with his study by providing data.
In a study conducted by the University Medical Center, Hamburg - Eppendorf — the University of Hamburg's teaching hospital — reading speeds improved by 35 percent, frequency of errors made fell by 45 percent and hyperactive behavior dropped by 76 percent.
With no time to convene focus groups, Perkins and Selbert relied on Connolly's sense of the market, which he had gleaned — over a two - month period — through industry contacts and by reading various magazine studies.
You can best understand the importance of style by reading fiction and studying what makes a great story.
«Ambient scent may lead to an enhanced subjective experience for retail shoppers... the time consumers spend examining merchandise, waiting in lines, or waiting for help may be made to seem shorter than it actually is by introducing ambient scent into the environment,» the study read.
According to a study by Tom Corley, author of Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, 85 percent of millionaires read two or more books per month.
A Marketing Evolution study commissioned by inPowered late last year found that when consumers read something positive about a product or brand from a credible source, it increases purchase intent by 50 %.
A study conducted at the University of Sussex in England found that only six minutes of reading was enough of a distraction to reduce participants» stress levels by 68 percent.
Cuban himself is studying up: Books he's reading includes The Master Algorithm by Pedro Domingos and Machine Learning for Dummies.
In almost all studies the results show that «screen - based reading behavior is characterized by more time spent on browsing and scanning, keyword spotting, one - time reading, non-linear reading and reading more selectively.»
I read a terrific study by Richard Charnin, who is a mathematician, a liberal Democrat, an eccentric but brilliant guy, who concludes on the basis of the exit polls and the actual vote on a precinct - by - precinct basis that the swing can not be that wide without widespread voter fraud.
Almost 80 per cent of Western Australians have doubts about the mass media according to a recent study by the School of Marketing at Curtin Business School.More than two - thirds (77 per cent) of respondents said they had at some time heard or read a...
Read More on Sara Kirke in this study by Robert W. Sexty, Faculty of Business Administration and Suzanne Sexty, Queen Elizabeth II Library, Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Elite Daily And Millennial Branding Release Landmark Study on The Millennial Consumer Millennials influenced most by blogs, respond to native over traditional ads and family inheritance / students loans have no impact on their spending habits New York, NY, January 20, 2015... Continue reading
Millennial Branding and Randstad US Release First Worldwide Study Comparing Gen Y and Gen Z Workplace Expectations Findings reveal Gen Z is entrepreneurial, less motivated by money and more focused on face - to - face communication compared to Gen Y. NEW YORK,... Continue reading
If you read conversion optimization case studies regularly (which you should), you'll often come across an example like this: The variation with increased downloads by 85 % with 97 % statistical confidence.
We stand by our study, but we encourage people to read the critiques too.
The above are crowdfunding landing page recommendations from Clay Herbert; you can get into the details of landing page design by reading his case study here.
By the evidence of the scripture (if you were to actually study it instead of making broad assumptions about it based on what you read somewhere else) God set this earth in motion.
But to get to primary assertion of if not be based on Christian principles — read the Constitution & study Christianity (because judging by your words, you don't know it) and if you can't see the correlation then you just don't want to.
Among those who were truly Catholic writers according to Ker's rigorous definition» including Robert Hughe Benson and Maurice Baring» Ker's six stand out because they are still widely read and studied by Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
BERLYNE»S LAW I recently read a fascinating study conducted by psychologist Daniel Berlyne.
Because so many haven't actually read or studied the Bible or Quran they are easily led about by extremists who give the impression of having «true» knowledge and this isn't likely to change soon.
I read an interesting article today written by a quantum mechanic claiming that the new direction in such scientific studies is that we can't be sure there is an objective reality but can only hope so, because what we perceive as reality is shaped by the observer.
If you love studying like I do, seminary may be helpful, but you might just be able to learn the stuff on your own by reading good, quality books.
The first is that Thomas should be read primarily as a biblical theologian, made ever more biblical precisely by his study of Aristotle.
The students at YDS were not predominantly the children of lifelong believers; they were not well shaped by church tradition and well read in the Bible, ready and eager to take on the red meat of critical study.
God is the author of the bible and I find it much harder to take things out of context if we read and study a book line by line and chapter by chapter.
Miller's own faith was shaken while studying science at university and being challenged by the atheist agenda in the books he was reading.
'» All in all, the book makes fascinating reading, and should be studied by those who want to discover more about the present configurations of marriage among Christians of all denominations.
Along with studying the Bible, I enjoy reading books by Christian authors.
Detailed instructions about participant observation are readily available, 4 and much can be learned about the method by reading the congregational studies of Melvin Williams and Samuel Heilman.
According to the Barna study, the percent of engagement people have with the Bible — from being engaged (reading the Bible at least four times a week), friendly (engaged with the Bible less than four times a week), neutral (read the Bible once a month or less and see the Bible as the inspired word of God, but acknowledge it can have some errors) and skeptical (see the Bible as «just another book of teachings written by men)-- has started to stabilize and return to its normal rates after the rate of skepticism increased by 4 percent to 14 percent and the rate of friendliness dropped 8 percent to 37 percent in 2011.
I have a bible study and i was given this chapter over past weeks i had it over and over not getting what it realy means... when i read this sermon i was transformed by it and i got even more revelation thank you.
In twenty years of university teaching, poring over footnotes in journals devoted to the study of footnotes, attending conferences in which small increments of knowledge are swamped by large swathes of ignorance, and reading unimportant books about the important books that I haven't had time to read, I retained a longing for the ideal of the collegiate life.
The interpretation developed in the base Christian communities was paralleled by the work of theologians and biblical scholars, who articulated the principles of liberation hermeneutics in a series of important studies (see, especially Leonardo Boff and Clodovis Boff, Introducing Liberation Theology, and J. Severino Croatto, Biblical Hermeneutics: Toward a Theory of Reading in the Production of Meaning).
If you want to know what the Bible says, just study it, read it, pray over it, and ask God to guide you by the Holy Spirit.
It allowed me to reconceptualize the study of «women in the Bible,» by moving from what men have said about women to a feminist historical reconstruction of early Christian origins as well as by articulating a feminist critical process for reading and evaluating androcentric biblical texts.
Performance studies uses some of the raw materials of incarnational theology to imagine human speaking; preaching approaches the disciplinary terrain of performance theory by emphasizing relationships between orality and writing, between reading and speaking, and the evocative power of ritual speech and gesture.
Those who merely read about College, without studying the careful manner in which that judgment is supported, may indeed fear that it provides a foundation for the blustery attacks on higher education by the secretary of education.
Habits of Bible study and prayer can be learned quite naturally by children when they are just learning to read.
The project has two subjects, Koko and Michael, who have learned to use American Sign Language (Ameslan), to understand spoken English, and to read printed words.10 Koko's instruction, begun in 1973, is the longest ongoing language study of an ape, and the only one with continuous instruction by the same teacher.
Although these essays were written over a span of time and for different audiences, they are held together by K.Cs deep and passionate concern for justice, peace and the integrity of creation, This is a book that should be read and studied by churches, grassroots people, policy makers, theologians and others who are seeking to create a world that is safe for all.
Please,,,,, Read the entire Bible, study credible sources of history, & take a good look at the inhumanity delivered by people from all religions to their fellow men.
To the student who has perhaps come to these writings from studies in folklore or fairy tales and who is now «disillusioned» by their long - windedness, we might say that no religious text is easy and entertaining reading.
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