Sentences with phrase «reading lots of»

Right now we're reading lots of GCSE text books... (ugh!)
Satisfy her thirst for knowledge by reading her lots of baby books and labeling things for her.
After reading lots of feedback and analysis over months made a list of 12 best pregnancy shoes in 4 different categories.
Well in our home school we chose to rather follow Charlotte Mason's advice and rather allow them to be educated by life, living alongside mom, doing things that happen naturally in the home, reading lots of books to them and enjoy daily nature walks.
This is my first year and I'm looking forward to reading lots of new blogs and meeting some new people.
I am reading lots of replies on here from many who have had difficulties in feeding but if you care enough to worry then you are a better parent than some.
Thanks for joining us, I hope you enjoyed reading lots of amazing posts.
But after graduating from university I started reading lots of craft blogs and got back into making stuff just for fun, and it reignited my love of crafts.
Blogging and writing are my side gig, and I love creating delicious recipes and reading lots of books to share with you guys!
Incubated for ten hours after reading lots of post suggesting lower fat yogurts require more incubation.
I've always used the French Meringue method, but after reading lots of blogs and posts and after finding out that both Pierre Herme and Laduree use the Italian meringue method, I decided to look for a recipe using it, and I came accross your blog.
I know all those 6, but primarily through reading lots of blogs on blogging for the past ten years.
The other day in class, I covered Ben Franklin's Autobiography and his self - improvement program, which included reading lots of books — no small charge for a poor apprentice printer.
Were there any ladies on the panel?Also I» v been reading lots of deconversion stories and would like to hear your thoughts on this topic Jeremy.
You can save yourself LOTS of time and money by just reading lots of good books.
I have been reading lots of church history recently.
He started doing lots of LSD and reading lots of books about spirituality.
On the other hand, when you read a lot of positive reviews, you feel comfortable purchasing that product or service.
To stimulate my own creativity, I take frequent breaks, I read lots of articles on a variety of different online news sources, and I stay open to new possibilities.
We polled Fortune's readers, surveyed the staff, and — above all — read a lot of new titles to bring you this year's list of our favorite books of 2017.
«I know you've read a lot of books and you hire a lot of smart people and soak up what they know, but you have to acknowledge you seem to have found a way to pack more knowledge into your head than nearly anyone else alive,» writes the curious questioner.
The most successful people in the world attribute their success to reading a lot of books (Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Elon Musk).
Reading a lot of books is prerequisite to being a great business owner, or great at anything.
We do spend a lot of time trying to not read a lot of things to really feed into that.
In this book, they disclose details and examples I've never seen anywhere else, and I've read A LOT of books on investing.
I've followed Grant Cardone for many years and read a lot of his books!!
Read lot of articles but most of them focused mainly on «Link Building».
A: I read a lot of academic research, and embedded deep into this research is actionable advice on how to push back against certain issues of sexism.
I agree with it, for the most part, but as someone who reads a lot of investing articles, the general consensus among the «experts» seems to be that while we are OK now, within the next couple of years the bull market will end [as they always do at some point], and we will suffer a large crash.
He has read a lot of books, both good and bad.
I've been reading a lot of personal finance blogs lately and somehow stumbled across your site.
I've read a lot of your articles and really enjoy your thoughts.
They will first have to prove them self and i read a lot of negative articles about them (i.g. Beleggers Belangen van twee weken geleden met een negatief advies) And when it comes to new stocks I like to read what experts think about them.
I read a lot of different finance blogs on a regular basis, and it took me awhile to figure out how I was going to differentiate myself.
You've probably read a lot of articles that tell you to think twice before launching a cryptocurrency.
I have read a lot of positive reviews and testimonials about the same on the Internet.
I've been reading a lot of the classic value investing Graham / Buffet stuff and was wondering what are the best ways to tell apart a highly speculative stock like Tesla, from a legitimate growth investment opportunity?
I have read lots of Rubin's writing — I think he's too perfectly hedged most of the time (oil is going to 200, unless it doesn't) and his predictions about a smaller world have ignored productivity issues which are making the world, in his parlance, larger.
I've read a lot of content over the years but none more useful than what I've read today.
Read a lot of newspapers.
Over the years I've read a lot of investment books, and the name Benoit Mandelbrot comes up from time to time.
And having read a lot of different books on you know these billionaires that we study in these success habits and stuff I can honestly say this is one of the critical variables.
I've read a lot of approaches to an emergency fund over the years.
I have read lots of books about these industries.
I have also read lots of books about industries in which I've never worked.
However I have read a lot of Audit Reports in my life and I have been audited myself quite often, so I think I can judge the tone and the content of financial audit reports to a certain extent.
To learn about stock analysis, I read a lot of articles from Motley fools back in the day, tradingalpha nowaday, a lot of CNBC, a lot of CNN money, bloomberg, free articles from US Today, Wall Street journal, Reuters, BBC, MSNBC, etc..
I have read a lot of negative and worrying reviews and wish to get my deposit back.
So I been reading a lot of finance book, magazine, newspaper, websites... Nowaday I mostly do index fund, but still hold one or two or three individual stocks.
Additionally, Preston & Stig read a lot of books and write executive summaries for each book they finish.
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