Sentences with phrase «reading more books»

She enjoys meeting new people and reading more books to get inspired for her own book.
Let's face it: We all have been delaying or forgetting our goals from time to time, may it be reading more books, working out regularly, learning a new language, or starting a blog.
However, Bezos tells us that Kindle owners tell Amazon they are reading more books (and TreeHugger * plug - plug * for a low, low subscription price) than ever before.
It might be reading more books, eating healthier, or giving more to others.
Importantly, I kept learning about investing, reading more books, journals, and blogs than ever and attending seminars and completing online courses.
Cancel your cable subscription and start reading more books.
Earlier this year, when romance readers began reading more books than Scribd's business model could sustain, Scribd reduced the number of romance titles available.
Yes, reading more books is good, but those ebooks sales aren't going to generate revenue for the b / m store.
Of much more interest, however — because this is not a digitally inevitable set of findings — is Scholastic's news that «one in four boys who has read an ebook says he is now reading more books for fun.»
Soon after, she won a copy of A Wrinkle in Time through her public library's summer reading program for reading more books in one summer than all the other students combined.
Any means to get more people reading more books is a good thing, whether it's via paleotechnology or Buzz - Lightyear style.
Because the drop - out rate from many high - schools across the country has remained high, local and nationwide programs that help students to complete their education and start reading more books are more than welcomed.
I moved to reading more books on these dedicated devices and really only read on my smartphone or tablet if I don't have an ebook reader with me.
I'm going to see how it goes, but I'm definitely excited about reading more books of my own choosing.
Not only are readers reading more books, they're just reading more in general (that includes magazines and newspapers).
My opinion was mixed: I liked that my current book was always in my pocket on the iPhone, I liked that it was easy to read one - handed in bed, and I liked that I was undeniably reading more books than I had when I stuck to the tree - killing kind.
More people are reading more books than ever before.
Together we were reading more books than we had in months, and buying far, far more than in years.
Later, we started to see this in our numbers as well: People reading with our iPhone app are much more engaged, are reading more books and read more frequently.
-- Jeff Herman's Directory of Literary Agents Reading more books; writing more books; racing motorcycles; and spending more time with my wife.
«By providing a better experience, we can ultimately get people reading more books
Sadly, I've gone back to reading more books by the major publishers for enjoyment.
Not only is digital on the rise but overall the average person is reading more books on a yearly basis.
Interestingly, older students who have access to ebooks reported reading more books, which shouldn't come as a surprise.
I heard recently that people who buy ebook readers are actually reading more books than before.
But it's more likely that they have plenty of things they'd like to read, and just don't have time, or, like me, there are other forms of media that they care about more than books, and if they were to shift into reading more books, they would have to give up things they really like instead.
Although children in the treatment group and family literacy group reported reading more books than the control group, there was no significant effect on reading comprehension and vocabulary.
Enjoying life, working on my new bucket list which includes traveling, reading more books and finding someone special.
For me personally, the books above contain all the business theories I ever need to start and build a company, so I keep going back to read them instead of reading more books.
Perhaps, in an effort to learn more about health and nutrition, you've been reading more books and seeing more shows online (even TV commercials) praising the benefits of eating yogurt or making your own kefir.
I am very much looking forward to reading more books in the series.
We watched the DVD for about 15 minutes while nursing and reading more books.
Whether it's exercising more, reading more books or developing a new hobby, resolutions rarely help us develop more meaningful friendships.
A study from Pew Research Center found that millennials are reading more books than people over 30.
Accomplished entrepreneurs and business leaders are giving the same advice over and over: Read more books than average and you'll be more successful than average.
They read more books.
If you want to read more books (and you really should want to read more books), experts often suggest laying in a stack of titles to pick up whenever the mood strikes you.
If you can't find a mentor, read more books.
(Clearly his publisher knew that there was no point in trying to sell Comey's book to conservative audiences, and that the priority was to market it to women, who are known to read more books.)
«If you can build a product that builds a new audience, inspires people to read more books, that's a win for publishers and readers,» Mr. Stromberg said.
He told me he wanted, as much time as possible, to see the flowers, to smell life, to be with his wife and family, to listen to music, and read more books.
«As I've gotten older, and I've read more books and talked to more people,» says Brian Fremeau of Football Outsiders, «the history of college football that I have come to understand more fully has produced such a rich culture, richer than what I would call the â $ ˜ sterile» culture of professional sports.
Perhaps you should read more books and educate yourself away from merely social media.
sometimes he'd need to take a break until the next urge to go & we'd rush in & read more books.
I swear I also read more books in the few weeks of the holiday break than I do all year.
We'll have to get upstairs earlier tomorrow night so that we can read more books
Can't wait to read more books by Rachel.»
It's been working really well — I've read more books this year than I've read in the last 5 years combined.
As I read more books and talked with Ellen, I finally decided that adrenal fatigue was what I was dealing with.
I read five books over the two weeks we were gone, and one of my goals for 2015 is to read more books during the rest of the year, something I need to be better at making time for.
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