Sentences with phrase «reading pleasure per»

Not exact matches

In fact, as the survey revealed, a whopping 90 per cent of Canadians like to read for pleasure.
In fact, as the survey revealed, a whopping 90 per cent of New Zealanders like to read for pleasure.
As the survey revealed, a whopping 90 per cent of those in NZ like to read for pleasure and, furthermore, NONE of the Kiwis surveyed said that they view people who like reading as «boring.»»
I found when I had my own classes and was working in high schools on a full - time teaching load, I would probably read to my students for pleasure at least three times per week.»
By 2012, 25 % of all 9 - year - olds were reading for pleasure fewer than 25 days per year.5
Paying much more than $ 6.99 per book for my casual reading pleasure is too much for my budget as a general rule.
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