Sentences with phrase «reading the language in»

«Given the unique structure of the bonds, the State will realize the savings it is due over the next three state fiscal years through the adjustment of sales tax receipts otherwise payable to New York City,» reads the language in the governor's budget proposal unveiled last week.
Her specialty is creating easy - to - read language in response to the impatient, internet - empowered content consumer.
You must read the language in the existing term policy.
I was just reading the language in a Banner Life policy I have and speaking to the cost of the benefit, it says, «There is no premium or cost of insurance charge for this rider.

Not exact matches

«Policy divergence is expected to remain a prominent theme,» Canadian policy makers said in their December 2 statement, new language that read as a reminder to currency traders that the Bank of Canada sets policy independent of the Fed.
When documents reviewed for production in connection with committee requests reminded me that meeting had occurred, and because of the language in the email chain that I then read for the first time, I included that meeting on a supplement.
To gauge and respond to customers» digital body language the same way we read and respond to nonverbal interactions in the offline world, we've identified patterns of behaviors that repeat themselves constantly throughout visitor sessions and across different industries and devices.
«We're working on our site so it can be read in 47 different languages.
If you can't directly survey the people you are trying to reach, you can gain insight into their language online: Read the same publications or blogs they do; listen in on conversations on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn; and use keyword research tools (like Google AdWords or Keyword Discovery) to see exactly what terms people are using in searches.
Gross says focusing on video games was as much about the science of tracking and collecting information about patients» vision, as it is about the psychology in having a testing format that appeals to a wide range of ages and cognitive abilities — from children through elderly — regardless of reading or language skills.
Focusing on your communication skills — from reading body language to summing up your value in a few sentences — is one of the most powerful things you can do to advance your career and success.
Among the language in the promotion was a line reading: «Unfortunately, some members of the national media are using their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control «exactly what people think»... This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.»
Days after reading sections of the book, results showed heightened connectivity in the areas of the brain involved in receptivity for language as well as physical sensation and movement.
Also, write for the person who will be reading it - if they tend to be very polite and formal, write in that language.
Through EverlyWell, Julia Taylor Cheek eliminates medical visits from the equation, letting patients provide their own samples and read results online in easy - to - understand language.
Anyhow, if you want to learn about dark places try reading the book of Revalations in the new testiment and in whatever language you so desire.
His guerrilla concepts have influenced marketing so much that his books appear in 62 languages and are required reading in MBA programs worldwide.
I feel certain a lawyer could draft this more elegantly than I could and I would be grateful if any lawyer reading this would draft actual language in the comments section below.
His ideas have influenced marketing so much that today his books appear in 47 languages and are required reading in many MBA programs worldwide.
This way the targeted businesses in those countries read my content in their own languages.
On the other hand, back in April, after reading that same language, Allergan's lawyers said that Pershing and Valeant «took express pains to sidestep Rule 14e - 3 which outlaws insider - trading in connection with a tender offer, by styling themselves as co-bidders and not (yet) proceeding towards a tender offer.»
If you suddenly found yourself in a chat group where Chinese investors buy and sell cryptocurrencies, chances are high that you'd get frustrated quickly, even if you can read the language.
Wiep, have not still read all the articles, but I'll be the 2nd man (after you) to read every line of it — do you have desrcibed a method of localizing articles in non-English languages?
Has anyone here read t he Bible in more t han one language.
Semitic languages are so rich with layers of metaphor and allusion that we can't possibly understand their picture of God by reading the scriptures in English.
Next time you read something that was written in another language take into acount the translation difference.
Should Patricia have responded in another language that you might be able to read?
To make gains among these voters, Republicans needed to make detailed (but pithy) arguments about what was wrong with Obamacare and the benefits of Republican health care policy X (read National Affairs to get an idea of some of the things they could have said), and do so in plain language.
It is perhaps the best of all types of literature of which many, if not most learned and literate people, have come to learn how to read and understand language in its finest points.
In fact, if you actually READ your NT in the original language, you will learn a lot about what it «really» sayIn fact, if you actually READ your NT in the original language, you will learn a lot about what it «really» sayin the original language, you will learn a lot about what it «really» says.
I've read it, multiple times in fact in two languages, but yet, I still don't see any resemblance to Christ, bible or anything religios.
J.P. Fokkelman says that when we read about God in the Bible, that He is a character — a language construct — a creation of the narrator and the writer.
my use of the 15th century switch in languages was just an example of the uproar such acts can cause common folk... but that was clearly lost on such common folk on you... read much?
Compared to many comments I read here, the language in my post is really tame.
Washington (CNN)- A leader of an evangelical Christian organization pushing for immigration reform said that while the group needs to read the whole bill filed Wednesday in the U.S. Senate before fully endorsing it, the legislation doesn't constitute amnesty «in any dictionary in the English language
In any case, I have not yet heard of any Christians who invalidate or disregard anyone who didn't read the Bible in its «original language» in contrast to what many Muslims say about reading the Quran in ArabiIn any case, I have not yet heard of any Christians who invalidate or disregard anyone who didn't read the Bible in its «original language» in contrast to what many Muslims say about reading the Quran in Arabiin its «original language» in contrast to what many Muslims say about reading the Quran in Arabiin contrast to what many Muslims say about reading the Quran in Arabiin Arabic.
Then you admit your illogical ranting about how there was an uproar when the Bible was published in other languages has nothing to do with my point about the absurdity of requiring people to read the Quran in Arabic in order to properly understand it.
Three hundred Bibles in Arabic and Amharic have been handed out in the Calais camp so that refugees and migrants can read the text in their own language.
To have it in as many languages as it's in, as many people have read it: Nobody anticipated that.
Second, because we have those manuscripts, we can actually read the books in their original language.
By far those who are being critical of any new «translation» have never read the Bible in any language.
Although she can parrot the state's language, as in her wondrous passing remark that oranges have been hard to get «since Central America was lost to the Libertheos» (p. 25), her main hope for survival lies in exercising her ability to «read» and «write.»
Youre going to have people who don't consider context, who don't consider the languages the Bible was written in, you will have people who will only read it and take from it to justify their thoughts, or actions, and ignore context, etc etc
Yet as several of the interviewees point out, critics in the West read too much into Iran's «poetic» film language.
Click here to read the first chapter of the book Considering the last chapter of One Thousand Gifts... please click here to consider it Biblically and in light of the language of the historical Protestant faith...
«Touch not those who can read the scriptures in the original languages» (but are disconnected from the culture by millennia, btw).
Today SIL works alongside speakers of more than 1,600 languages in 100 countries, and more than two million people have learned to read and write as a direct result of SIL's literacy efforts.
«In so ruling, the Administration has cast aside the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, denying to Catholics our Nation's first and most fundamental freedom, that of religious liberty,» the letter continued and was read at all English and Spanish language Masses, the diocese said in a statemenIn so ruling, the Administration has cast aside the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, denying to Catholics our Nation's first and most fundamental freedom, that of religious liberty,» the letter continued and was read at all English and Spanish language Masses, the diocese said in a statemenin a statement.
The Church as a body has centuries of experience of reading the Word, of immersing itself in the language of God.
Starting with no grammar or dictionary, indeed not one written word to aid them, missionaries have learned the oral language, often without benefit of any interpreter — definitely the hard way — worked out an alphabet, reduced it to writing, prepared a grammar and dictionary, translated some portions into the newly written tongue, then had to teach the natives to read their own language in order to read the Bible.
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