Sentences with phrase «reading time in»

Summer is a great time to fit more reading time in due to summer vacations.
But battery life has been doubled to a total of 8 weeks with Wi - Fi turned off, although it's hard to tell if that's an improvement or if they just cut reading time in half.
So far in 2013, Kobo's customers, either on smartphone, laptop, tablet, desktop computer, or eReading devices, have turned more than 1.3 - billion pages, logging more than 10 - million hours of reading time in the process.
There may even be some post-work outdoor reading time in my future...
Students have free reading time in the lab every day, and teachers expect them to read again at home.
As part of her Mills Teacher Scholars inquiry project she decided to video tape these focal students during reading time in a systematic way so that she could understand what was and was not happening.
Consider what's happening during silent reading time in your classroom, when readers below - grade - level are silently looking at a book.
«Introducing dedicated reading time in secondary schools is unlikely to change those dynamics, and it would be extremely difficult to fit into timetables that are already packed.»
Make sure that students have access to supporting materials (e.g. reference charts, graphic organizers) throughout their independent reading time in order to continue to work on the strategies discussed in their reading conference.
I always make sure to give my students at least 15 minutes of silent reading time in class each day.
This year at our school we have done a better job of protecting the reading time in each class.
Not surprisingly, kids from low - income, low - literacy communities need reading time in school the most.
Just for completeness, I've already listed two things you've already tried — they're primarily for anyone who reads this some time in the future.

Not exact matches

In the time you are taking to read this, you're brain is being deluged with sensory input.
«For anyone interested in true business pioneers, or indeed one of the most successful female entrepreneurs of all time, this biography is a great read.
«I've always had my wife LaTanya, who's my harshest critic,» Jackson told The Guardian «She'd say, «You're so intelligent that the first time you read something, you think you understand it intellectually and emotionally... But there's no blood in it.»»
One of his recent posts is a must read for those who suspect they should make more time in their lives to nourish their brains, but still need a bit of a kick in the pants.
By the time you read this, the attacks in Paris last November will be old news, but right now, here in this newsroom, it's very real.
I don't have a lot of time in between my business and school to pick up and read physical books.
His content, featured in Forbes, Inc., Fortune and many other top publications, has been read over 10 million times.
Thankfully the new semantics technology can bypass the arduous and time - consuming searching and reading, easily locating and dissecting data from social networking sites and the web in an instant.
Study it, read it to yourself 10 times / day until you can say it in your sleep... forwards and backwards.
While it's tempting to stream your favorite show in your down time, reading a helpful book instead can give you the tools you need to actually achieve your goals.
He was in the kind of dorm a nonviolent offender like Shkreli is likely to wind up in, and his post might be a bit reassuring to Shkreli if he had time to read it before he was taken into custody:
It's a great story to read along to at any age, but I particularly loved seeing a group of friends in a vulnerable time in life (and a hyper - vulnerable station in life) come together and show each other the loyalty they couldn't get anywhere else.
«I religiously read at least five newspapers — The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times, Washington Post, and San Jose Mercury News — as well as a wide range of industry blogs, from TechCrunch to Marc Andreesen to Fred Wilson to HubSpot to several in the data storage industry.
I've read a couple from this list and countless books on business strategy and planning in my time but none more helpful than The Institute Way.
«For years, I've been saying Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature was the best book I'd read in a decade,» writes Gates, who is clearly a long - time Pinker fan, but he continues, «his new book, Enlightenment Now, is even better.»
If you want to learn how you can achieve exponential success in record - time, whether in your personal life or career, you can start reading the book today!
Cynthia Collins, social media editor of the New York Times, told the Tow researchers that this relationship means «We surrender so much control in terms of what gets read
If you develop a reading list in advance you'll not only be more focused in your information consumption, but you'll also avoid wasting time searching for the right articles or titles to read.
We get it: you are a busy entrepreneur and it can be hard to fit that «reading time» in with work, family and dozens of other obligations you need to fit into your day.
Last month, conservative news outlet Daily Caller published a story with a headline that read, «It's High Time Barron Trump Starts Dressing Like He's In the White House.»
I always read the deck before the meeting but if I get it 12 hours in advance I certainly don't have time to do analysis, formulate views, check on facts and so forth and therefore I'm less prepared to add value when I arrive.
In most cases, you will have to fulfill specific criteria in order to qualify for the grant, so you should do your research and read the application information thoroughly to ensure you are not wasting your valuable time filling in a lengthy application for a grant your business is not eligible foIn most cases, you will have to fulfill specific criteria in order to qualify for the grant, so you should do your research and read the application information thoroughly to ensure you are not wasting your valuable time filling in a lengthy application for a grant your business is not eligible foin order to qualify for the grant, so you should do your research and read the application information thoroughly to ensure you are not wasting your valuable time filling in a lengthy application for a grant your business is not eligible foin a lengthy application for a grant your business is not eligible for.
He figured he might pull in an extra $ 40 or $ 50 a month, charging $ 5 at a time for services like reading scripts for commercials or doing narration for audio books.
We found that teens who spent more time seeing their friends in person, exercising, playing sports, attending religious services, reading, or even doing homework were happier.
All the information is stored in a central cloud, which gives the system an ever - growing data set and allows it to deliver more accurate readings over time.
Susan: I invested my time in reading this post, in order to stop wasting time as a business owner!
When documents reviewed for production in connection with committee requests reminded me that meeting had occurred, and because of the language in the email chain that I then read for the first time, I included that meeting on a supplement.
My body had not quite adjusted to the time change, but within minutes (as compared to an hour or more in the past), I was wide awake and starting my «miracle morning» routine, which involved reading, prayer / meditation, and light exercise with a healthy dose of good, old fashioned peace and quiet.
In the time it will take you to read this article, there will be over 900,000 tweets on Twitter and 7.5 million posts on Facebook.
But you can save time and / or money and speed - read all 47 conclusions in a matter of minutes.
He explained that some time ago he was conducting an empirical study of street prostitutes in the city of Chicago, and, through a connection at a company he was consulting with, met a high - end call girl who had read «Freakonomics,» and who was willing to help him with his study by providing data.
I've tried over the years to write many times about the realism of the downsides of being an entrepreneur because there is a complete cognitive dissidence between what you read about yourself in the press and what you feel internally about where you're at in the journey.
Read ahead to see some of the celebrities who just didn't get that return in on time.
I did not have the time to read every one, especially long emails from unknown senders or email chains to which I was added at some later point in the exchange.
After reading Lupkin's case study on a network marketing company that grew over seventy - million in sales with his approach, Carter knew it was time for the pair to co-author a book.
«Though his time on earth has ended, he is speaking with Jesus now in his heavenly home,» reads a status on his Facebook page.
In a Friday editorial, the widely - read Chinese state - run tabloid the Global Times said if the U.S. bombers were meant to send a message to Beijing about Taiwan it would not work.
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