Sentences with phrase «reading trad books»

I guess the next question is, «were these readers buying traditionally published books and moved away or had they never been reading trad books and found books that met a need.»

Not exact matches

She got so much buzz about her decision to turn down a trad pub contract to go indie, that everyone wanted to read or at least look at the book.
The truth has always been that most trad published books are damp squibs (speaking from experience), but self - publishing has allowed authors to give readers what they want to read instead of what agents and publishers think they want to read.
But I will say, last year, out of the books I read a higher percentage of the «good» ones (generally) were self - published... NOT trad.
She only has one indie book out, while all the rest are trad... and when she didn't get a book out for two years (three since the last one in that series), she still had fairly good sales, as many of her fans were happy to read anything she'd put out.
Another reason your trad pubbed books may sell well in print versions is because there are lots and lots of readers in that market — by the accounts I have read 60 - 70 % of total — and many of them prefer print, or to find reads in physical locations.
I seem to be perfectly able to separate out good indie reads from bad ones and really I'd have to go through that process of elimination with trad pubbed books as well.
When a trad - pub book weighs in at $ 9.99 and you can buy somewhere between two to four times as much reading material from Indie authors, the choice seems obvious.
Then I read the new trad pubbed books of long - time favorite authors.
I can honestly say that 98 % of what I read (all indie) is better than that of trad pub'd books.
Whereas trad publishers have by their very nature had humans read and vet their books through the editting process, the sheer number of self - pubs mean that there had to be some kind of automation or you'd have a logjam.
Many of my fav authors are traditionally published — but the trad publishers have priced the books out of my purse so now I look for those indie gems to satisfy my reading habits.
Out of my ginormous TBR list, I've read only two trad - pubbed books this year: one, a book by Darcie Chan, who had been an indie author; and two, David Levithan's marvelous YA novel, Two Boys Kissing, which I picked up at BEA and couldn't stop reading.
I've read three trad - pubbed women's fiction books in as many weeks that are much like Brevity and Illusion, so I believe my next novel will fit firmly in that category too.
For those interested in her full bio, you can read her Amazon author page, but the short version is that she's sold over 3 million books, is a force to be reckoned with in the industry, and is one of only three folks I know of who have done paper - only deals with trad publishers.
It's not just having to arrange for your own editing via the trad publishing route — when I read arguments against self - pubbing, I always hear about how hard it is to market your books and find your readers.
And then I remembered, I had an agent, a great agent, I wrote great books (so all the rejecting editors told me) and yes, you are right, self pub has given my stories a voice and an ear and the chance to be read, when they otherwise would have still been gathering dust on my hard drive, yet, on the other hand this is hard, REALLY HARD, it is SO hard to find your way to a readership as a SP, with limited funds (dwindling)... and the glimmer of trad pub — with their power to splash your name around established circles of readers, and their ability to secure a great number of reviews where, as a self pub, doors have been slammed in my face — becomes temptingly shiny again, (it's like childbirth, you forget all the painful stuff with time)... and it all gets very tempting... almost tempting enough to consider sacrificing one work JUST one artistic premise for the trade off of visibility... and then perhaps, just perhaps THEN, my SP efforts will finally sprout wings... but then I hear you and other say, it wasn't worth it, you'd never do it again, and I sigh... And then I wake up the next morning and think of packing it all in, and going to work for Walmart and steady shitty pay... lol And then along comes this blog post.
He is forgetting, as so many in trad publishing do, that there is a flourishing indie and small press world out there with authors who are writing books people want to read.
In all fairness I don't read every TradPub sci - fi book that's released (so I could be missing some new classics) but other than Scalzi and the last few works from Banks there's almost nothing new that I've heard excited chatter about on the Trad side.
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