Sentences with word «readvance»

Your additional leverage is entirely paid by readvancing the mortgage.
This field guide examines the evidence for multiple readvances of the Superior lobe, as well as the morphological and sediment record of glacial lakes in the western Lake Superior basin.
In Japan there were glacial readvances and a mean winter temperature drop of 3.5 ° C. Summers were marked by excessive rains and bad harvests.
And the Kohler Glacier's grounding line, which had gradually retreated, actually readvanced 1.24 miles (2 kilometers) since 2011.
In Patagonia we noticed a short readvance within a general recession phase of the outlet glaciers around the early 1990s.
Aren't the neo-glacial readvances and other signs of a cooling climate during the past 3,000 years evidence of a gradual return to glacial conditions (prior to the anthropogenic influence brought on by the industrial revolution)?
This clay may be a fourth till associated with a late readvance, perhaps equivalent to the Marquette phase in eastern Lake Superior.
Subsequent insolation - driven cooling caused GIS margin readvance to late Holocene maxima, from which ice margins are now retreating.
This means you can borrow $ 100,000 (in either the SM credit line or an investment loan or some combination) and all the interest can be paid by readvancing the principal from your mortgage payment.
In the Sierra Nevada, the Rockies, and Alaska there were glacial readvances, with evidence of a 2 ° C temperature drop.
If you use this principal payment and readvance them in a readvanceable credit line, you should be able to cover the interest cost on quite a large leverage.
It does not in general lead to a readvance to a point of stability.
At issue are the potential hydraulic connections between glacial Lake Agassiz and the Atlantic Ocean during, and after, the Younger Dryas, because a readvance would fill the western Superior basin with ice and prohibit eastern Lake Agassiz drainage.
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