Sentences with phrase «real anxieties of»

The way they struggle through as he loses his job and sinks them into debt echoes with the very real anxieties of many Americans, but this isn't simply some metaphor for the stress of economic hardship on American families.
These rightists appeal to the real anxieties of a great many Americans about some serious moral issues, but their prescriptions are not likely to help in dealing with those issues; moreover, they threaten other moral values.

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I'm increasingly convinced that the real cause of headline anxiety isn't learning about worrisome new developments.
«I think that's why a lot of the directors — Chris [Nolan], Rian [Johnson], J.J. [Abrams]-- they value those moments where you've got a real look of terror, anxiety, excitement on the faces of the actors.»
I had a lot of anxieties about moving into my first apartment, and while I think the roomies and I did a great job at making our apartment feel like a real home, there are definitely a few things we could have thought a bit more about before moving in together.
«Try keeping a kind of «anxiety and stress journal», whether real or virtual,» suggests the post.
And an anticipation of problems — big or small, real or imagined — can often lead to counterproductive anxiety and a clouding of judgement.
Many of our worries are incredibly valid and real; and our anxiety is nothing to be trivialized.
She feels basically useless, formless, and is filled with anxiety and real fear, which she dares not face because of the «terrible things that lurk» beneath the surface.
And there is a real sadness in this, because the consequences of so great a joy rejected are a sorrow, bewilderment, and anxiety for which there is no precedent.
We as humans either know anger... gentleness / love or hate... peace or anxiety... we as humans can not understand that God is all of those things at the same time because to us it is not possbile... His emotions are way beyond are ability to understand... and when we don't understand we decide to discredit it... we decide if we can't apply the «scientic method» to God then He can't be real.
The Protestant Church of Pakistan (a 1970 union of Anglicans, Methodists, Lutherans and Presbyterians) has an especially urgent real estate anxiety in the capital because conservative Muslim groups are pressing to keep the skyline free of spire and cross.
For others, the idea of sex carries a lot of anxiety and fear — as he or she tries to figure out what messages of sex are «real» between the portrayal we see in culture, the Church's teaching, and one's future spouse's expectations.
In doing so, theology does not wish to deny or minimize the anxiety of the questions or the real depth of the pain that is experienced.
Our anxiety might be between emotional drives and repressive norms, between different drives trying to dominate our personality, between our hope to achieve in our studies or profession and a lack of confidence in ourselves between the desire to be accepted by others and the experience of being rejected, between our real selves and the image of ourselves we try to give others or between our sense of loneliness and the need for friendship.
No, the real story is that motherhood has become a stress - laden and guilt - ridden project due to the societal veneration of stay - at - home moms, the workplace requirement that women be overachievers just to stay even with their male colleagues, economic anxiety about class standing and, above all, government and corporate refusal to devise family - friendly policies.
This fear (which we prefer to cloak under the more respectable name of «anxiety») is the real story behind the current steady decline in the humanities.
The drama of my identity in cyberspace brought me great anxiety about my «real» identity.
It leaves me with some existential anxiety and doesn't provide answers about life after death, but it provides real certainty where it offers it and safeguards against the insanity of the mystical and the dangers of basing conclusions on things that can never be proven or tested.
You are a real inspiration to this young generation of people suffering from body image issues and anxiety.
Although there is disagreement among experts about the specifics of separation anxiety in children, they all agree that it is very real.
After I had challenges with anxiety the first two years of motherhood, I realized I needed to get the real - me back.
The process of tuning out your inner critic and tapping into your real self can be uplifting, but it can also cause you a lot of anxiety.
This relationship creates anxiety, insecurity, and lack of real intimacy and will result in the child challenging every boundary more vehemently.
Having a pervasive sense of dread, the sensation that something bad is DEFINITELY going to happen, even if there's no real evidence, are common manifestations of anxiety.
Postnatal women usually carry with them a lot of very real worry, high anxiety and enormous concern for their baby, and for any other children they may have.
Based on 20 + years of experience treating SM using Social Communication Anxiety Treatment ® (S - CAT ®), the evidence - based treatment approach created by world - renowned Selective Mutism expert, Dr. Elisa Shipon - Blum, we will help your child build the social communication skills necessary for school, the real...
Be careful that you don't mask real causes of frustration or anxiety by popping in the pacifier each time your baby whines or cries.
In the absence of a real medical or neurological condition, oftentimes we'd say that these things could be due to feeling tremendous stress or anxiety.
As evening approaches, baby's experiencing nighttime separation anxiety have a real fear of being separated from you.
Children use play to master and reduce the stress of real life fears, frustrations, and anxieties.
By lowering anxiety, increasing self - esteem, and increasing communication and social confidence within a variety of real world settings, the child suffering in silence will develop necessary coping skills to enable for proper social, emotional, and academic functioning.
But she added: «It is normal in any election for those on the losing side to be feel disappointment, but today, many in America and across the world, will also feel a real sense of anxiety.
«What they are tapping into in terms of that anxiety is real.
He said his party was getting the «brunt of the blame» for «real anxieties about the deficit reduction plans» in Scotland, Wales and the «great cities of the north».
But look into the eyes of people around the PM now and you can see real anxiety.
U.S. lawmakers today expressed anxiety about the future of the commercial real estate industry.
Likewise, 50 percent of graduate students experiencing anxiety and depression said they did not agree with the statement that their principal investigator or adviser provides «real» mentorship.
Jeffrey (not his real name) came to treatment complaining of depression, anxiety and trouble getting along with others.
Lots of school - age kids and teens — studies estimate around 1 in 20 — have separation anxiety, which can lead to very real problems, like not wanting to go to school and having trouble making friends.
Anxiety is a mental health disorder, but the symptoms of a panic attack are very real.
Now I know that there can be some real anxiety about missing a day, a week or even a month of exercise — like it's going to turn us into a total lump of fat, or reduce all of our gains — and that to maintain our physique we MUST find a way to exercise some part of their body so we can minimize the «damage» to our appearance that must surely happen as a result of NOT EXERCISING.
It can be a real source of anxiety and worry.
The new SMILES trial was presented at the conference: the first randomized controlled diet depression study where ONE THIRD of the dietary intervention group saw improvements in their depression and anxiety symptoms by switching from processed / junk food to real food with no specific dietary restrictions.
EFT can masterfully neutralize your cravings, decrease your anxiety and your desire to hide, collapse the real emotions you eat over, erase your fears of being successful etc..
Margaret Floyd, nutritional therapist, writer, real food advocate and author of Eat Naked, is interviewed by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
The problem arises when anxiety becomes a permanent state, in the absence of any real threats.
This includes both real and imagined stressors, which can be significant sources of anxiety.
The mind is difficult to quiet because it creates the loudest voice in your energy system — one that never stops talking at you, criticizing you, re-living the past, creating anxiety about the future, and blocking the real experiences of life in the present moment.
Now, she is an author and researcher that advocates the power of real food in recovery from multiple sclerosis and a host of other conditions — including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, auto - immune conditions, scleroderma, mental health concerns, neurological disorders, depression, anxiety, bipolar issues, Alzheimer's, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's, and even primary care problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
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