Sentences with phrase «real citizens of the world»

The time for the real citizens of the world has arrived.

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What is interesting to see with this bitcoin hype is how uneducated writers still are when it comes to the question of what money actually is — especially the assumption that money, e.g. US Dollars, are tied to any real world values like gold is one of these modern fairytales that is repeated often — I can not understand that even after the big corporate crimes (aka as «financial crisis») that US Citizens cost millions of dollars there is still such a lack of understanding of what money actually is.
If it is ever to be brought into being in the real world, my basic democracy would, of course, require a fleshed - out superstructure in which real humans could live together — arguing as well as deliberating, competing as well as deciding, united and distinguished by something beyond their shared conviction that equality, freedom, and civic dignity are essential to collective self - government by citizens.
I mean here not just cadres which hold differing ideologies, although that is part of what I mean; more, I mean those who have perceived a world which is prior to any ideology, one which calls all ideologies to account — people who have consciously chosen to live the life of faithful citizens of that «real» world.
Not only does being part of Europe offer British citizens a wealth of opportunities in terms of education and employment, it is also instrumental in protecting our rights and endowing us with the privileges of free travel and a real voice on an increasingly crowded world stage.
As it reached the end of its term in office, Labour learnt the hard way that energy policy must engage with the real world concerns of consumers and citizens alike.
There is no real world option of refusing entry to EU citizens while we are in the club.
In the real world, citizens have the same type of benefits chosen by companies for them.
The NSF - supported Aurorasaurus project leverages the power of citizen science by amassing data from thousands of aurora watchers around the world who help track the auroras in real - time.
As an example, Martinez - Trujillo suggests a video game could be developed for memory training and testing of senior citizens, perhaps suffering from early signs of Alzheimer's disease, set in a real - world environment like a grocery store to provide a more realistic series of challenges for the participant.
As a public service scientist, Maria uses experimental research methodologies and knowledge of how humans behave in the real world to guide public policy challenges and to improve citizen services.
So it turns out that it doesn't matter that all the promo material on the film — TV ads, trailers, everything — reveals the story's twist — Lincoln and Jordan and all their fellow citizens aren't survivors of a global disaster but rich people's insurance policies — because all that happens after the secret is revealed is that Bay can finally get down to doing what he loves to do: Stomp and crash and burn and destroy as Lincoln and Jordan escape into the real world — just 20 minutes into our future — and must be recaptured.
«I think the impact of having my students do citizen science and investigations that are connected to the real world is the knowledge sticks,» Hanna says.
The planet has been referred to as the «Real World» by citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom in the cartoons.
He believes that understanding the «world» as such, and having a real sense of its properties and character as a sphere orbiting a star, enables us to achieve the sense of context necessary to become truly global citizens.
Since governments both influence laws through legislation and are bound to obey the law, just like citizens and companies, you'll gain an understanding of how legislation is applied by governments in real - world scenarios.
However, as important as in - house lawyers are in the business world and as clients, it is equally clear in Canada, and it's safe to say in the rest of the world, that the role in - house lawyers play within their own profession remains that of second - class citizenof not quite a «real lawyer.»
It proved EVE's legendary community's massive support for real science efforts as players formed one of the largest collectives of citizen science contributors in the world.
Not to be argumentative, but are they the second - class citizens in the listing centric minds of the real estate world?
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