Sentences with phrase «real confusion here»

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As was pointed out in the Introduction, there is no confusion here between transubstantiation in the strict sense and the universal presence of the Word: as the author states explicitly in Le Pretre, «The central mystery of transubstantiation is aureoled by a divinization, real though attenuated, of all the universe.»
Plummer is the one real saving grace here, imbuing Zev with a fragility and confusion that helps serve him as an unreliable narrator and erstwhile angel of vengeance.
The basic real problem we have here is the deliberate confusion created by the AGWSF to pretend there is their Greenhouse Effect, and in this they have deliberately created confusion about the differences between heat and light.
Well all I can say is that if the comments here are a reflection of the confusion currently existing amongst professional scientists then there is no surprise about the media panics arising from virtually all new observations of natural real world changes, not just climate shifts.
Someone said recently in a discussion here, that the Piltdown Man hoax set back scientific understanding for yonks, it was a long time before the confusion that it created was sorted and real science allowed to move on again.
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