Sentences with phrase «real democracy from»

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And a united Labour, he adds, is the only way to win power from the Conservatives, because «if we learned lessons in 1981 to 1983, it's if social democracy is in real trouble and you split it still further you merely reinforce the majority of your opponents and that would happen - there is no question about it.»
Perhaps, far from being apolitical, demands across the political spectrum to empower the 99 % with real democracy are republican in spirit, as are pragmatic efforts to share control of our wealth and workplaces.
(It is hard to speak of a real democracy in a country such as the US where winning a presidential election costs $ 1 billion and where that $ 1 billion comes from a few very wealthy donors.)
His first priority must be the reassertion of national independence from the EU, and the restoration of real, and representative parliamentary democracy.
The only presidential campaign - derived organization so far with real independent influence started with Howard Dean: Democracy for America directly descends from the citizen - driven movement that tried to put him in the White House twelve years ago.
Every member of the Assembly knew from Day One that, if we were going to deliver real results for the women of New York, we would need to take up the 10 points in this plan on an individual basis, have each debated and discussed individually — and then let democracy take its course.
Jarret Berg, Executive Director of the New York Democratic Lawyers Council (NYDLC) said: «The premise of our democracy is that Americans have the fundamental right to participate in the election of its leaders, but today, millions of busy New Yorkers lack real opportunities to vote because they are restricted to voting on one workday from one assigned location.
Could this little - known system provide a way forward for real democracyfrom the bottom up — in our failing neoliberal political systems?
So hacktivist groups are now building tools that buttress their efforts with real ballot - box power, helping people deploy their votes effectively and liberating policymaking from the wonks and lobbyists (see «Better than a ballot box: Could digital democracy win your vote?
Consequently, it requires a reorganizational transformation which develops a real neuronal constellation of interpersonal solidarity through a common minimum curricular, where universal ethical values serve as the fundamental meeting point, emanated from Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Democracy.
Instead, by taking a dogmatic, anti-intellectual point of view on many issues and demonizing those who disagree with him (though not much in this particular book), he has become a polarizing force, taking us further from the crucial compromises that are needed to pave the way to real environmental progress in a democracy.
To continue fighting a war that was won twenty years ago only distracts people from seeing where the real evil is growing in our society, such as the rapacious growth in power of multi-national corporations, or the undermining of democracy by elite fundamentalism.
From a more theoretical point of view, I think the real question is this: how has the Quebec government managed to hang a proposal which limits freedom of religion on the values of state neutrality and the separation of church and state, when these values were implemented in Western democracies precisely to protect citizens» freedom of religion and promote religious diversity?
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