Sentences with phrase «real direction»

They must provide customers with real direction and assistance on guiding their finances and improving their financial standing.
The only real direction I got was to be on as many social media platforms as possible and become the queen of them.
I started doing more and more, putting real direction into voice techniques and encouraging actors properly, and helping with script development.
This portfolio has done very well for 2 very obvious reasons: exchange rate + the only real direction was up.
There were so many points she raised about what goes into your profile - things I never would have thought of - while also providing real direction on how to ramp up your online dating presence.
«At last we have an energy policy with real direction and purpose, and a government willing to take the bold steps necessary,» Mr Huhne told MPs.
If the initial memo is done right, it provides real direction and helps reduce misunderstandings.
But it may be that the real direction of the New Testament is at last being brought to clearer light.
The more people talk this way, the more you have to look twice as to their real direction.
Unfortunately, he see's exactly what we see as fans Arsenal being a ship laden with great cargo but ultimately being a rudderless ship with no one really steering it in any real direction.
Sanchez — 7.5 (MOTM) He scored and assisted and usually that would mean he had a great performance but I felt he was a bit reckless at times and along with the team lacked any real direction.
Rarely, it seems, do many stick around for more than a year, so I really hadn't any real direction when I began searching for my own.
She has a desire to understand the inner workings of her life and finds comfort in having real direction.
Figured maybe we need the real directions so every family can get in on the fun this summer!
She wanted to be a writer, so she started taking writing classes and blogging without any real direction until she started online dating.
It is hard to get into, with no real direction given.
A former hippie who now seems like a bit of slacker, with no real direction in life, he's the hunky handyman type — a skilled mechanic, carpenter, plumber and electrician — but he's got a sweet side.
Value: Smaller kids won't mind the game lacks any real direction, they'll be happy to play it every few days just to check on their pet.
Whilst this second outing is fun and enjoyable to watch it is weighted down with a severe lack of plot which means the film lacks any real direction.
Simon Beaufoy «s screenplay of Paul Torday «s novel delivers a few good chuckles, but mostly leaves us wanting a real direction for the story and bit more depth of character.
This is going to be one of those posts where I ramble on without any real direction and hope I discover a point along the way.
I like the idea that as fraught as the discourse seems at the moment — Chuck Wendig refers to «the Publishing Wars of 2014» in Self - Publishing Truism Bingo — the real direction of things is toward a polyglot culture of publishing in which many modes and means are embraced and appreciated.
It appears from comments that no one appears to have any real direction in regards to investment strategies.
Would it have a vast world full of mysteries into which you were dropped with no real direction?
THIS just shows me the real DIRECTION of where it's headed.
Frankly, it seems that no matter the settings you choose, the units just seem to roam around randomly, with no real direction or organisation.
With no real direction or instructions you are free to tackle this game however you like, with multiple choices which can quickly have your fate end up the same way the students fate did.
In Super Mario Bros. and The Lost Levels, you went in only one real direction: forward.
Because BotW has no real direction other than «visit these dungeons, defeat Ganon» (and even those dungeons are optional!)
Whether they are more functional art than a real direction forward for urban agriculture is a matter for conjecture.
We will see how March plays out to give real direction to's growth.
When you have a clear picture of the type of position you want — and the company you'd like to work for — it gives you a real direction for your job search.
Makes me feel more like I have a real direction in mind and lets me do all sorts of quirky decorating things and feel OK about it.
There was definitely too much going on (and no real direction) in the before pics.
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