Sentences with phrase «real disposable»

The rate of growth in real disposable household income per capita is only 0.9 percent per year.
Meanwhile, real disposable personal income — personal income adjusted for inflation and taxes — increased 6.2 % in the first quarter of 2015, compared with 3.6 % in the fourth quarter of 2014.3 We believe the improving job market, rising personal income, and improving economic sentiment will benefit consumer spending going forward.
Taking both charts into account, the average American's credit card balance as a percentage of real disposable income more than DOUBLES real savings.
But despite its high growth, China still has very low national car ownership rates, along with rapidly increasing real disposable incomes.
If we assume that disposable household income is currently half of GDP, eight years of real GDP growth of 6.9 % and real disposable household income growth of 7.7 % will only raise the household income share of GDP to 53.1 % in 2023, a little more than 3 percentage points higher and still below its 21st Century average and leaving China as dependent as ever on investment and the current account surplus.
Disposable personal income rose by 0.3 %, same as pre-tax income, while real disposable income was up 0.2 %.
Motor gasoline consumption is expected to increase by 194,000 barrels per day (b / d), up 2.1 % from last summer, reflecting higher real disposable income, substantially lower retail motor gasoline prices and higher employment and consumer confidence.
A less efficient diversity case reduces real disposable income per household by about $ 845 (2016 dollars) annually, equal to 0.76 % of the 2016 average household disposable income.»
For all of 2012, the Group expects growth to be modest at 2.3 percent as a number of factors combine to constrain activity, including slow real disposable income growth, which should restrain household spending activity; a very small contribution from net exports; and continued fiscal contraction by the federal government, as well as ongoing cutbacks by state and local governments acting as a drag on growth during the year.
Real disposable personal income per capita — income after inflation and taxes on a per - person basis — rose 1.9 percent, outpacing home prices over the entire period.
«The rise in housing prices and the increase in household investment in houses and consumer durables do not appear out of line with what might be expected in the current environment of low interest rates and continuing growth in real disposable incomes,» Kohn averred.
Based on Office for Budget Responsibility and ONS assumptions, though GDP per person is assumed to grow by 32 % over the period, the living standards for low - and middle - income households are projected to stagnate with real disposable incomes growing by just 2 % and 9 % respectively, it is also claimed.
Not only did credit card debt as a percentage of real disposable income skyrocket after the financial crisis, it remained elevated throughout the recovery from the Great Recession.
The Conference Board says by 2045, real disposable income in Ontario would be higher than it would have been without the ORPP.
Rangasamy was encouraged that consumers» real disposable income climbed by 6.2 per cent in the first quarter — the best since 2010.
And bear in mind, China's real disposable income per capita is growing at high single - digit rates.
While these are undoubtedly worrying times, they are also morbidly fascinating, with the inevitable inflation working its way into the real economy now, I reckon that next year already we'll see most people's real disposable incomes hit.
This supports my thesis of an ongoing major double - dip recession for the past 36 months since late 2007, at least in employment (also in auto / manufacturing sales and real disposable income.
Real disposable income may rise but little.
By 2093, real disposable income would be $ 19.4 billion — or 1.2 per cent — higher than it would be without the ORPP.
Working with VT DPS, and using the REMI model, Synapse then modeled the economic impacts (in terms of jobs, real disposable income, and GSP) of these cost changes, and of the associated investments.
Real disposable income has been flat and that needs to change for a higher pace of economic activity to occur.»
Incomes, meanwhile, have not kept pace: Real disposable personal income in the U.S. has increased only about 5.5 % over the past two years, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis using inflation - adjusted numbers.

Phrases with «real disposable»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z