Sentences with phrase «real doctor»

Here are some myths about veterinary medicine that clients have told me: Myth 1: Veterinarians are not REAL doctors.
Even I can do it in some areas like neurology, just from hanging around real doctors for decades: given some symptoms and lab findings, I can sometimes say that it's most likely disease X. I might even be right half the time.
They only deal in the abstract like the imagination unlike real Doctors of practical medicine that can say this is cancer, this is the flu, this is a tumor and this is a broken bone.
While I talked with real doctors, lactation consultants, friends, and «Dr. Google,» I can't diagnose you over a website.
Hundreds of people would send «Dr.» Welby letters, seeking his advice, rather than searching for advice from their own real doctor.
The trailer puts us into a very identifiable setting that isn't some weird - ass spooky town or a scary - dark space station but a bright hospital with real doctors, and then it builds tension from then on, ratcheting up the fucked up to ridiculous levels.
Are you a real Doctor... DO you give the 36 Vaccine shots required in the USA... Before 1990 there were 3 cases of Autism per 10,000 children born in America... In 1996 it was 34 cases of Autism for every 10,000 children born in America..
You might as well be posting Kent Hovind and pretending he's a real doctor from a real university.
These «teach you... to experience how right, how true, how sweet, how lovely, how mighty, how comforting God's Word is wisdom beyond all wisdom... As soon as God's Word takes root and grows in you, the devil will hurry you, and will make a real doctor of you and by his attacks will teach you to seek and love God's Word.
Doc McStuffins already included a young black girl who is a doctor for toys, with a stay - at - home dad and a mom who is a real doctor.
Dr. Phil is a moron... he's not even a real doctor, is he?
Dr. Phil is not a real doctor, and Oprah is an asshole for ever bringing him into the limelight.
They are DOCTORS for goodness sake, real doctors, not those book learning types who go to medical school and are in cahoots with BIG PHARMA.
Knowing that something was wrong after the fall, I finally got a real doctor after years of not going anywhere except urgent care..
Well my baby's doctor (a real doctor for more than 26 years) told me that it was fine to start feeding my baby solid foods at 4 months.
No need to mess around with selfish comforts — get a real doctor and deliver in a hospital.
And if you have a real medical question, always consult a real doctor.
By the time I finally broke down and demanded to transferred to a hospital so that a real doctor could administer an epidural, it was too late.
«Childish» is people attacking Dr. Tuteur by saying that she's «not a real doctor» or by calling her «Ms» Tuteur.
Teeming with tales of transformative mentorships and patient - doctor bonds, close calls and McCarthy's own life - threatening medical mishap, The Real Doctor is an enthralling account of the metamorphosis of an uncertain medical resident into a skilled physician.
Now that I'm a real doctor, the kind my father so wanted me to be, I am practicing the art of medicine, although I still occasionally ask whether patients know the square root of two during mental - status exams; once I even found a patient who knew Ohm's law.
I garnered an international reputation in my specialty, but my father never considered me a real doctor like the practitioners he saw in the cardiology and internal medicine clinics he frequented.
Just like real doctors and nurses, online health tools with good — but controlled — communication skills can promote healthier lifestyles, according to researchers.
Only your real doctor — not Dr. Google — can really tell you if these symptoms mean anything at all.
I mean a real doctor diagnosed you with a specific illness, and based their dietary recommendations on sound scientific evidence.
It is unfair in the 21st century for a medical doctor to tell a patient that they should see «a real doctor» if the patient has BP, and avoid natural medicine.
But, I keep myself educating, on top of every latest discover that comes from real doctors, like Dr. Campbel.
If you wish to discuss the topic with a real doctor in an active forum, please visit this link and pose your argument
We have to remember that this a real doctor, with a real medical degree, who interviews a «naturopathic doctor» and all he comes up with after hearing this nonsense is how much people need of it.
What the patient needs is a «Real Doctor,» exemplified here in Dr. Kaplan's essential book for patients and physicians.
People tried to convince me that what I felt wasn't a big deal, so for years I put off seeing a real doctor.
Not just a social worker but a real doctor who could diagnose and treat me.
So you can find the real doctor singles here and there are more Arrangement Finders site which you can choose.
Doctor NerdLove is not a real doctor.
Real doctors, 24/7, via video, voice and chat.
He is not a real doctor.
He'll be either a real doctor or a fake author but what the heck!
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