Sentences with phrase «real emissions reductions on»

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«The Commission is concerned that over-reliance on international offsets — given the practical difficulty of assuring that emissions reductions claimed in other countries are real, permanent, additional, and verifiable — could undermine program goals and political support, especially if substantial U.S. funds are leaving the country to support abatement efforts abroad rather than at home,» it states.
That human - driven warming is real, is dangerous, requires a response focused on emissions reductions (or adaptation), or...?
On February 14, 2002, President Bush directed the Department of Energy (DOE) to enhance the «accuracy, reliability, and verifiability» of the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program (VRGGP), established pursuant to Section 1605 (b) of the 1992 Energy Policy Act, and «to give transferable credits to companies that can show real emission reductions
The European Environmental Markets (EEM) launched on February 11 as a new exchange platform for spot transactions of European Union Allowances (EUAs) and Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs), meaning that participants can conduct transactions in real time.
On the plus side, emissions levels have come close to 1990 levels, and we have seen real reductions in emissions per capita and per dollar of state GDP.
The availability of verified emissions data has allowed the Commission to ensure that the cap on national allocations under the second phase is set at a level that results in real emission reductions.
This has always been the only serious risk and what must be avoided if the US and the developed world is to have a prosperous future that will allow humans to have access to the fossil fuel - generated energy needed for continued economic progress and improved human welfare and if plants are to not to lose partial access to one of their basic nutrients (assumming CO2 emissions reductions have any real effects on atmospheric CO2 levels).
This continues the charade that a) Europe is actually making real progress on CO2 emissions, which it is not and b) emissions reductions are cheap.
Carbon dioxide emissions have been eliminated by direct intervention on the production cycle and through compensatory real emission reductions in the form of carbon offsets.
The Government would therefore like to enshrine the commitments in the Energy White Paper 2003 to reduce CO2 emissions by 60 % on 1990 levels by 2050; and to achieve «real progress» by 2020 (which would equate to reductions of 26 - 32 %) towards the long - term goal within a new legal carbon management framework (outlined in Section 5).
The CDM was initiated as part of the Kyoto Protocol on climate change to deliver real and transparent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) while contributing to sustainable development.
We hope that the upcoming United Nations climate change summit in Copenhagen will follow this example and focus as much on bottom - up technological strategies for achieving real reductions in emissions as it will on top - down targets for carbon caps.
By tying climate action into its products as standard, Co-Op Insurance is showing real ambition on climate change, and driving carbon emissions reductions at scale.
Finally, I urge the President to stay focused on real and immediate emissions reductions, and not get distracted by his friends or foes into playing Washington games.
Unfortunately, they have lost several years by trying to introduce a flawed, centralised emissions reduction system, but it is not too late to focus instead on something which should ultimately bring real benefits to the whole world.
Cap and trade may seem like the big offer on the emission reductions table at the moment — one mention of alternatives like a straight carbon tax send many people (the average American in particular) into apoplectic fits — but Annie «The Story of Stuff» Leonard wants you to take a closer look.There are so many troubling details in how cap and trade is currently proposed — free permit giveaways to polluters, massive potential for bogus offsetting projects, the ever - present potential of distracting us from making real changes — that we really need to consider other options.
For many of the groups working for the equal involvement of women in climate change issues, the deliberations on climate change are too narrowly focused on the politics of emissions reductions, rather than the long - term social and community initiatives that could underpin a real shift in a global consciousness or more effective practices of post-disaster rebuilding.In a statement to the U.N. General Assembly in July of this year, executive director of the Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), June Zeitlin, points out: «Women have always been leaders in community revitalization and natural resource management.
A better model may be BICEP, a coalition of companies like Starbucks and Nike that is pushing for immediate action on climate and real targets for emissions reductions.
«There is a real fear that REDD will lead to dispossession of local communities [as] governments stake their claim on emissions reduction credits,» says Chhatre.
Given Japan's delivery to date on its emission reductions under the protocol, and its willingness to take on fully half of the $ 30 billion fast start financing pledge from Copenhagen by itself, the real issue among their critics may not be their commitment to a legally binding treaty but rather the kind of legally binding treaty the Japanese are signaling they want with this decision.
Simulated * Conducted Tolerance Stack - up Analysis and launched Six Sigma experimentation for 80 single strip wheels and analyzed current sigma level * Identified root causes of variation of key variables and resulted in annual cost reduction of $ 200,000 real world scenarios in bi-level programming model and concluded the sensitivity analysis of carbon emissions cost impact on company profit * Organized a survey among heads...
With the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference behind us, it seems like every front page is still devoting most of its real estate to environmental concerns: battles in the U.S. Senate over the Waxman - Markey bill; CO2 reduction targets for various countries; emissions restrictions on the automotive industry.
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