Sentences with phrase «real learning curve»

This is a real learning curve but it will sow the seeds forbetter understanding and for our own faith to be clarified and developed.
Rev Wilson told Premier: «It's all about the power of social media to get right to grass roots and get ordinary people to vote and express what they think, that's been a real learning curve for us.
The real learning curve begins when you have your sweet baby in your arms.
When learning how to properly breastfeed, it can be a real learning curve for mom and baby.
As I set out on my journey, there were some ups and downs and some real learning curves.
I know what you mean, it's a real learning curve with these floral flavors.
There is a real learning curve to the game, and even when mastered, the framerate issues can quickly drop everything you thought you understood about the game.
See how the tools differ, how they resemble tools you might already know, and the real learning curve to master each.
It was a real learning curve for me.
There is no real learning curve to using one.
Although teenagers should demonstrate responsibility before getting a credit card, the real learning curve of financial responsibility begins when they have one.
That's when the real learning curve started.
As you might expect with any discipline, there is a good deal of structure to Design Thinking and a real learning curve.
The touchscreen and buttons worked well and since it's an Android device there was no real learning curve for me to get up and running.
There's a real learning curve for new agents.
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