Sentences with phrase «real life conversations»

You can't help but feel that part of the power that is in these works came from the strength that these artists drew from acting in numbers, from real life conversations and meetings.
It's also been confirmed that Webb's role will also go towards ensuring the jargon and language used in the game is as accurate to real life conversations between drivers and their race engineers as possible.
I needed more real life conversations with prospects that fit a profile so that I could truly test our messaging and approach.
Except... real life conversation doesn't happen in text blocks.
It feels more like a real life conversation.
Begin online (then take it offline with real live conversations).

Not exact matches

during social interactions sucks the life out of conversations — and spoils real, genuine human connection on the whole.
As TechCrunch notes, the function is probably less about sending sensitive material and more about mimicking «real - life conversation
«If you're near (a bank branch) feel free to go in and initiate a conversation with a real live human being.»
Your partner may be your best sounding board in real life, but the game changes when the conversation happens online.
Instead, what's needed is what Callahan calls «small stories,» the anecdotes concerning real - life experiences that people tell every day in conversations.
As Shawn Callahan, author of Putting Stories to Work, explains these «small stories» are the anecdotes concerning real - life experiences that people tell every day in conversations.
«Livestreaming fosters the closest interaction possible to a real - life conversation where consumers can ask questions and receive responses from brand ambassadors directly in real - time,» Glukhoedov said.
A sort of cross between YouTube and Google Hangouts, the tool allowed people to host or attend live video demonstrations and conversations, where experts could provide one - on - one advice in real time.
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Our live chat software is designed to help small businesses grow by facilitating real, human conversations between website visitors and sales and support teams.
Israel: Tel Aviv - based ZenCity uses artificial intelligence to analyze data from conversations on social media, city hotlines and other communication channels to surface trends in real time to city officials to improve citizen's lives.
In the 30 - and 60 - second spots, Veterans like Brotherton, a Starbucks barista in Santee, California, and Veteran spouses are paired with civilians, who are real - life co-workers, for conversations about military life.
Instead, treat it as a natural «real life» appointment setting conversation with someone you are trying to help.
A poignant note sounded by those engrossed in threading through cybertalk is how they are forced to use words to substitute for all the other physical cues of face - to - face conversations and IRL (in real life) settings — no mood music, no roaring sports fans, neither candlelight nor disco strobes.
When we reduce this complex and important conversation to two «sides,» as though it were some kind of college football rivalry, we do such an injustice to the Bible, to Christian history, and to the millions upon millions of real people whose lives and whose futures we are discussing.
About having honest conversations about the harmful and very real side effects that living a promiscuous lifestyle can bring.
For those accustomed to writing, editing, and sending their thoughts from the safe haven of their devices, real - life conversations are difficult at best and frightening at worst.
So give up on cliché Christianity, and start living real life with real people as we have real conversations using real words about real issues.
The Faith Movement has large youth gatherings — but much of the real work is done more personally — the eager questions asked after a formal talk, the sacramental encounter in the confessional, the one - on - one conversations that run on late and tackle some of the great issues of faith and of life's purpose.
For me I have zero conversation on spiritual life in real life so I crave it, so often tempted to abandon hope.
It's easy to tweet my disagreement than to have a real life respectful conversation with someone who thinks differently.
One Wheaton graduate who lived among Muslims in Morocco applauded Hawkins's donning of the hijab in order to stand in solidarity with Muslims, but said acknowledging differences between Islam and Christianity is crucial to beginning real conversations.
I've been meaning to highlight Megan DeFranza's work for months now, as it has proved immensely helpful in some of my «real life» conversations about gender and sexuality, particularly with more conservative friends and family who are somewhat new to the conversation.
Alexis and I have never met in real life, but between text + phone conversation and some email bantering, I'm pretty confident our online bestieship will turn into a full blown gf obsession when we eat our way through Boston at FNCE this year.
Branding and Buzzing is a modern food marketing agency that brings the buzz to their clients through engaging consumer campaigns & conversations, social media and real - life experiences that are inspirational, memorable and brand - driven.
I wish we lived closer to each other for a real in - person long afternoon of good eats and conversation!
If someone simply comes on and shouts «WENGEROUT», then that is not a welcome addition to any conversation, whether on here or in real life.
Welcome to the internet mate, you cant really compare the two periods... don't worry these fans you speak of most likely wouldn't have these types of conversations in real life.
go outside get some fresh air, have a real conversation with somebody, GET A LIFE.......
After several conversations and real - life practice, when she comes crying to you down the road about one of these scenarios, you can empower her by asking her what she intends to do to solve the problem.
And in the past few days I've had no fewer than two real - life and three online conversations about this same phenomenon: Children Who Choose Their Own Lunches But Don't Eat Them.
Britney Spears, your math teacher and President Bush — maybe they'll never meet in real life, but during lunch time, all three can be the topic of conversation.
You can enjoy informative interviews from youth sports safety guru, Dr. Mike; access resources, getting everything you need to know to help guide your child through their developmental years; and the great thing is whether you're a Parent, Coach, or Athlete, you can engage in real - time conversations with others who have the same passions and interests as you... NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE!
And you do meet them in this book, but I thought to myself, «But now you can meet them in real life too, all around the world, and have conversations over Facebook, texting, blog posts, and even the phone or in person!»
Miller dismisses this as idealism that will be tamped and tempered by real life, and she may be right, but even if they do not live exactly as they plan, the fact that millennials begin with different expectations has already transformed the work / life conversation.
However, I am reminded of our conversations about birthday cupcakes, sneaking carrots in smoothies, and a few others where you've insisted on creating a «kid - friendly» version of life that bears no resemblance to the real thing for your kids with respect to mental and emotional challenges such as refusing a cupcake when everyone else is eating them, or being confronted with the irrationality of one's own food refusals by surprise.
Unicef UK's Baby Friendly Initiative has made a real difference in giving our staff the skills and confidence to change the conversation about breastfeeding and early relationship building with parents... Together we can ensure that every single mother and baby receives the very best possible care, at a point in their lives where the information and support we provide will have a profound effect on their future health and development.
This system simulates face - to - face conversations with a computer - generated, 3 - D man or woman that sees, hears and makes decisions while conversing with a real - life partner.
Last year's gathering sparked conversations that continue to be topics of discussion on the site and have led to real, impactful take - aways that changed people's lives.
Based on these statistics, you'd think that candid conversations about infertility and pregnancy loss would be all over the internet and women would be having discussions in real life all the time about these subjects.
Tomorrow, mindbodygreen is hosting its second #mbgrevitalize Supper Series to keep the real - life magic of revitalize alive with conversations hosted by the best and brightest minds in wellness.
In the seven and a half years since that horrible image of pouring boiling water on my newborn invaded my tired, hormonal - crazed brain, I still haven't had any real - life conversations with moms about this postpartum symptom because the truth is, so few people talk about it.
Today's post comes from yet another real - life conversation.
Still, there's something glaringly missing from all the yay - normal - Barbie conversation: A real - life Ken doll.
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