Sentences with phrase «real life human»

I am not trying to compete with the already amazing resources out there, and I'm certainly not trying to pull you away from the richness of your inner wisdom or the warmth of your real life human connections.
If you're wondering how all of those playlists you listen to surface the latest and greatest artists, take a tour of New York City's music scene with The Verge and a handful of Spotify's real life human curators.
Unfortunately the only people contacting us are computer software bots not real life human beings.
Don't put any pressure on yourself, you've just brought a real life human in to the world, accept help and if it's not offered don't be afraid to ask for it.
No different than my rambling post agreeing with him and providing even more real life human scenarios that can evoke strong emotions, that can easily cause someone to either A: Seek out religion, even if it's only for some semblance of accepttion and / or explanation of the unknown, or B: If they already have a religion, re-embracing it with new enthusiasm.
«If you're near (a bank branch) feel free to go in and initiate a conversation with a real live human being.»
In addition, you'll have access to Betterment's team of financial advisors through secure text messaging on their mobile app, so you can ask any questions you want and get a quick response from a real live human.
How about how do real living human beings think and feel about it today?
Anyone wanting to believe Jesus lived and walked as a real live human being must do so despite the evidence, not because of it.
«Good sex interaction not only expresses one's own feelings, but... the partner needs to feel valued and felt as a person of worth, as a real live human being.»
To me the bible is not a «rule book» but a record of God's unique and dynamic working with individual real live human beings.
But it also has its dangers, such as living the life of a hermit holed up in my cave without any real live humans to disturb my introspections.
Or real live human beings that..
This leads us to the imperative to create content that shows the candidate not as an automaton spouting soundbites, but a real live human being who has a preference between cats and dogs and is just like the rest of us in general with opinions on the issues of the day.
In an effort to debunk social media myths about body perfection, they opened up to us about the specific physical side effects they experienced after growing and delivering a real live human.
However, in real live human subjects who ate real peanuts, peanut agglutinin has been shown to make it through the gut lining to end up in the blood stream.
No paid advertisement can beat a real live human being praising your book to another reader.
We need to be as flexible as a hose if we're going to stay in the game, and we need to let our readers know that we're here for them, that we're real live human beings with lives and families and financial issues, just like them.
Want a real live human to take care of your promotion?
Because there are so many variables in Georgia, and because each underwriter that we work with applies a different weight to each factor, we encourage you to call Effective Coverage at (800) 892-4308 and work with a real live human being.
In addition, you'll have access to Betterment's team of financial advisors through secure text messaging on their mobile app, so you can ask any questions you want and get a quick response from a real live human.
The card is made from metal and a real live human being answers the phone when you call customer service without having to navigate a phone - tree maze.
The best way Microsoft could reward you, would be to delete your Live account, brick your console and force you to go outside, talk to actual real life humans and possibly fornicate with a female.
And extra thanks once again to our volunteers who made all these translations possible — all three games were translated by real live human community volunteers.
7 Cups of Tea, for example, gives you on - demand advice from a real live human, all from the comfort of your own home.
Because there are so many variables in Georgia, and because each underwriter that we work with applies a different weight to each factor, we encourage you to call Effective Coverage at (800) 892-4308 and work with a real live human being.
A real live human answered the phone and texted me directions to a nearby ATM in the suburbs south of Los Angeles.
To exit AmazonEchoverse, you have to call Amazon Customer Service and get a real live human being to turn off the feature.
Try to find a real live human's email address, whether an HR manager or a connection - of - a-connection, and craft an informative subject line.
The more of those terms you hit, the more likely your resume will end up in the hands of a real live human being.
In my opinion, their success rests on the idea that even in this day and age of Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software, real live humans are still making hiring decisions.
real live humans are still making hiring decisions.
Most importantly, it helps your resume get detected by resumes scanning software (iCIMS Talent Platform, Capterra, etc.), therefore increasing the chances that your resume will end up in the hands of a real live human being.
That takes a real live human (you!).
What's even more ironic is that while the Zestimate really popularized the notion of an automated home valuation (which, sadly, Homegain wasn't quite able to do), here in their mortgage product they've gone away from using automated algorithms and back towards using real live human beings to give the quotes.

Not exact matches

Even the savviest web - hack will have to eventually interview the old - fashioned way: That is, in person, in real life, across the desk with a real human.
during social interactions sucks the life out of conversations — and spoils real, genuine human connection on the whole.
Some games were made up of random groups of people, while others involved small groups of people who were connected to one another, similar to how humans tend to congregate in real - life scenarios.
«Any time you look at any kind of real life piece of text or utterance that one human wrote or said to another human, it's filled with analogies, modal logic, belief, expectation, fear, nested modals, lots of variables and quantifiers,» Lenat said.
Taylor feels that by having a real human being closer to the change itself, the more relevant it will feel to our daily lives.
Once the system seemed to be working, Kopparapu arranged for tests at a Mumbai hospital to see how the app would perform in a real - life setting, and so far it's done just as well as a human specialist, although the data is limited.
For starters, there's the real - live - human camaraderie you can't get from Facebook or text messaging, as well as the potential for networking and uncovering new business opportunities.
Real - life human content marketers are there for a reason: They're the storytellers, the troubleshooters, the content creators.
Help is free and you'll always get a real, live human faster than you can say «Wow, that was crazy fast and super helpful.»
Our live chat software is designed to help small businesses grow by facilitating real, human conversations between website visitors and sales and support teams.
The company relies on human labor, and Airbnb Trips, he argues, is technology in the service of bringing people together, to experience new things in real life, not on screens.
We are living in interesting times, where digital assistants schedule meetings, chatbots work alongside humans as teaching assistants, and your smart phone translates Mandarin to English in real time.
A Christian charity has said the sanctity of human life in Britain is under «real, real threat» after... More
every man is Jesus if is human a humanitarian who give they life the soldier the real citizen other are person and people we all are a family GOD is the woman we all had a mother think Obama mama is all our mama this nation brain wash because greed and ignorance everyday in deception and manipulation is world order that is why 9/11 call the police the CIA explain all in movie in deception the rich few know all is in the moral, respect and honor the president is correct all in the education but ignorance is bless because we all have greed, they want dome is shipper that is why gay a lot in this nation ignorance..
The only real overlap between most humans is that, among often many other goals, we mostly seek to reduce life time misery and increase happiness in ourselves and, usually, those around us.
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