Sentences with phrase «real observations made»

This was the first real observation we made.

Not exact matches

His observations prompted insights such as building the graphical user interface to look just like its real - world counterpart (a checkbook, for example), making it easy for people to use it.
A third observation from this analysis is that the ten - year forward real returns of investments made at PEs between 12 and 17 had the biggest spread between minimum and maximum returns and were therefore more volatile and less predictable.
Considering evidence and observation are the ways in which we learn things to be true in the real world, I find it ironical that for the ultimate truth we are to ask no questions, observe no evidence and make only an emotional connection.
I do NOT know the answers, but observation makes believe a real and unbiased study is warranted.
Oh and I forgot to say - your comments are irrelevant here... The real truth is that your Mormon buddies don't give a hoot about this woman... Nor did they give a hoot about that young black basketball player at BYU... He made a mistake and they treated him llike a slave... That's my observation about that that whole religion..
Finally, I am reminded of an observation that the blogger «Camassia» once made regarding A Place at the Table, a book by a gay author named Bruce Bawer: «The unintentionally funny part of Bawer's book was that he accused other Christians of not being real Christians because, among other things, they accuse other Christians of not being real Christians.»
I lean liberal, but I am very willing to listen to what you have to say if I see that you make your decisions and policy in the real world based upon tested observations in the real world.
Because believers want god to be real, they use selective observation, make excuses and hold onto expectations that are very, very unlikely — Jesus has been dead for 2000 + years.
I would recommend actually doing some real observations of children going through sleep training before you make judgments (and this whole web page was very, very judgmental and reads more like anti-CIO activism to scare would - be parents from sleep training their kids).
While students are out exploring, they have opportunities to use scientific tools, make observations, and experience real science in the field.
NOAA will forecast storm tracks to manoeuvre gliders into position beforehand, giving them the best chance to make real - time observations.
We have already been able to make some interesting observations on real world chloride concentration changes over just 24 hour periods, illustrating the dangers of relying on single point, single time measurements.»
While this misty genesis unfolds, the island's most eminent residentdiscusses notions that still perplex him after seven decades in physics, including his gut feeling that the very universe may be constantly emerging from a haze of possibility, that we inhabit a cosmos made real in part by our own observations.
Sure, every year we can see smaller; sure, every year we can see farther, but the real breakthroughs are coming in our ability to make more of these observations and do it faster.
The model is supported by observations from satellites, ground - based networks that measure ozone - depleting chemicals in the real world, and by observations from two decades of NASA aircraft field campaigns, including the most recent Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment (ATTREX) in 2013 and the Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) global atmospheric survey, which has made three deployments since 2016.
We've seen evolution via real - time observations and ordered series of fossils; evolution could be falsified by finding fossils out of place, such as that of a rabbit in 400 million - year - old sediments; and evolution certainly makes predictions (Darwin predicted, correctly, that human ancestors evolved in Africa).
In it, the team describe FRB 150215, which they were able to catch in real time, meaning immediate follow - up observations could be made to try and catch the source in action.
Instead of trashing real climate scientists who study nuclear winter as stooges of KGB manipulation, maybe the FBI should see if the Wegman fiasco might be an actual example of their observation that «foreign researchers may be under pressure to make their research conclude what their government wants it to conclude, or they may be ordered to write completely fabricated studies.»
As entertaining and satisfying as In a Valley of Violence is, it also makes some astute observations on fantasy violence versus real - life violence and contains a climactic shootout that's original, inventive, well - choreographed, and suitably fist - pumping.
My final gripe (Bryce Dallas Howard's miraculous skill when running in heels aside, an observation made by four of my female friends) is a real lack of imagination realised in the movie's few genetically engineered beasties.
For every funny observation, there are several that are painfully unfunny, and recurring jokes such as the fact that angels can not imbibe alcohol are D.O.A.. It's a real shame that Kevin Smith developed such an avid following after Clerks that he is given almost free reign to do what he wills, because had this been the work of a nobody, it probably would have been rejected until it was made into a better film.
In contrast to their view of VAM scores, teachers reported to us that they found classroom observations helpful in providing actionable feedback on their teaching in real time — so they didn't have to wait until the end of the year to make adjustments.
Based on our direct observations, our interviews with students and staff, and our deep familiarity with the research underlying these practices, we conclude that they make a real difference in the effectiveness of the learning environment for the students on whom they center.
Classroom observations also offer real - time feedback to teachers so they can make changes to their instructional practice during the school year.
Generally it is really attractive for new traders who are fascinated by 80 % profit offer; make wrong predictions and lose the real capital itself, thus this requires a vast experience and observation skills.
I learned that someone had to direct and encourage the observations of others, and get real data, in order to make effective changes.
In case you're wondering, this stems from an observation made years ago that the game opens with a curtain rising and various parts of the levels seem to be hung from the walls or ceiling rather than being «real» places.
Often isolating the dolls and photographing them situated in tiny, austere settings, Simmons uses fictional scenes to make observations about real life.
Consequently, short of waiting until after climate change has occurred, the best guide we have for judging model reliability is to compare model results with observations of present and past climates.Our lack of knowledge about the real climate makes it difficult to verify models.
Look around, make observations, real world observations, not computer model outputs.
However if you go deeper and notice that each model uses constant coefficients that are fitted to the observations, then you may ask what is the mechanism that makes these coefficients to be what they seem to be or whether they even are constant in the real world.
So the real question here is will the use of regional climate projections improve decisions made when compared to the use of historical climate observations?
This topic calls for a much more thorough treatment, but from the sidelines there are many large and small observations that can be made which seemingly in the real world always come out to show renewables underperforming and conventional technology over performing.
This mere speculation (or near theory) is untested against validated methods and verified observation in the real world, it is only tested in a poorly made computer generated virtual world.
The two things which make science different from religion are that nothing in science is sacred, and everything in science must ultimately fit with observations of the real world.
There's obviously a longstanding need for observations made in real time to be packaged for people that don't want to wade through the threads.
This climate modeling capability made it possible to perform a real - time climate change prediction (verified by subsequent observations) of the global cooling and stratospheric heating (and return to normal) following to the 1991 Pinatubo volcanic eruption.
Even with a host of «possible observations» that we might have made in the reference, a proper Bayesian analysis will lead one to conclude that the warming is real, whether you like it or not.
In Condron v. National Assembly for Wales and Another [2006] EWCA LGR 87 (where under consideration was the effect of an observation to an objector of the chairman of a Welsh Assembly Planning Committee that he was «going to go with the Inspector's report») Lord Justice Richards had conducted a lengthy analysis of all the relevant facts and circumstances and felt «entitled, indeed required, to reach a decision on this issue...» The court was there putting itself in the shoes of the classic «fair - minded and informed observer and making its own assessment of the real possibility of predetermination». — Baton Rouge Real Estate Observations: Southwest Baton Rouge Market Shows Strong Comeback into 2010 Wow, what a difference 6 months can make in a housing market.
Whenever I am at an industry conference, I'll hear a real estate broker make the observation that a broker's real «client» is the «agent.»
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