Sentences with phrase «real pity»

"Real pity" refers to feeling genuine compassion or sympathy for someone or something, rather than just saying it without truly meaning it. Full definition
In that moment, Marge seems to have real pity for Grimsrud, as she would for anyone with no moral compass, anyone who has found neither love nor joy in life — which, after all, is really just a question of outlook.
His transformation from a hard - working immigrant who still believes the world is his oyster to a devout Moslem evokes real pity.
I think it is a real pity that the party that is closest to my political views in so many ways has this medieval view on science.
It's a real pity though, for if we had done what we were supposed to in the first game, and then do what we have to do in the transfer market this week, things would be very positive.
Another real pity was Haydens injury, we could have done with some young legs and hes a big lad too.
real pity he was playing for them when they played against us.
It's a real pity for reptilian F1 fans across the world.
I was thinking about how our boss always makes the CL (please don't jinx), well I was thinking, it's a real pity we don't revert back to the old system.
It's a real pity we couldn't secure him for this season.
It would be a real pity to miss out on that, especially if a team or a player is close to your heart.
It's now a real pity and from here a 0 - 0 draw would be an excellent result.
There are also cigarette butts all over the beach which is a real pity.
It's a real pity that Enceladus Life Finder didn't get selected for Discovery Program funding, although I don't regret the fact that Venus might finally get a mission.
I find this to be a real pity, as saffron it's only delicious, but also full of health benefits, and quite versatile in the kitchen.
It is a real pity, that the fabric appears so cheap.
It's a type of garment that fell out of favour in modern world, which I think is a real pity.
This is a real pity, because most of them are quite well done, and some, like this one, actually improve on the source material to some degree.
A real pity.
It's a real pity for whom consider Wii U not to deserve a chance «because it won't receive no multiplatform».
This is a real pity, since we have witnessed many innovative approaches to socio - emotional development outside of the US.
So the BMW wins this test, but the real pity is that as a result of the economic downturn the dealer network that was due to start selling Infinitis in Europe recently announced huge losses, so there's a possibility that the G37S's arrival in the UK could be delayed until 2010.
It's a real pity that I can't get comfortable in this car.
Note: We think removing content is a real pity.
It would be a real pity to terminate a device which is unique and really good... I hope they will continue with the concept and improve it, instead of going back to a single display gadget.
It's a real pity the Transformer doesn't support a pressure - sensitive stylus (like the Wacom one used on Samsung's Galaxy Note or the N - Trig supported by the Lenovo ThinkPad and HTC Flyer) as this is the kind of quality display anyone editing photos or creating illustrations would want.
It's a real pity Lenovo didn't follow the Asus Transformer's lead in giving its keyboard attachment an extra battery, especially since business users are more likely to need lengthy battery life than your average consumer.
Also, it's a real pity that you can not read and listen at the same time.
But those links above no longer work — a real pity, and the one link below is corrected to point to the republished article at my blog.
It is a real pity then that some people develop allergies to their pets.
It would be a real pity if you walked around Nguyen Hue pedestrian street without stepping inside this apartment block.
Nor can you choose manual transmission, either, which is a real pity as the game itself sometimes seems to get a bit confused as to when it should change gear coming out of corners and such.
It's a real pity not having an online multiplayer or ad - hoc mode, and it sucks that as close as you get to an online mode is racing against your friends» ghost cars.
That's a real pity, because Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's best moments come when it fully embraces its futuristic setting.
The real pity is that once you've beaten the game and levelled most of the buildings on Mars there isn't much reason to keep playing.
And that's a real pity because, quite frankly, the world needs a great dirt bike racing simulator.
And while Hellboy gets the best entrance, the real pity is that this video doesn't include any gameplay.
It's a real pity that there are so many parts of Baroque that don't work, because the title also features some innovations for the dungeon - crawling sub-genre.
Mary Creagh, the Labour MP for Wakefield, said: «It is a real pity that the city is losing these two important sculptures.
«There are definitely voices out there saying this place is over, and that would be a real pity and a waste,» says Jane Hart, an independent curator who organized a successful survey of Miami artists, 100 Degrees in the Shade, during last December's Miami Art Week.
Here's something else which you'll probably not bother to read, a real pity, because it explains why your claim that «as water warms it can hold less gas» is not correct as it ignores the partial pressure of (in this case) CO2 in the atmosphere.
In fact it is a real pity that Bickmore and his ilk didn't critique Al Gore's «An Inconvenient Truth» because that had more holes in it than a Swiss cheese.
It's a real pity that it doesn't.
It's a real pity that health & safety police ruined it with the danger signs.
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