Sentences with phrase «real research about»

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For example, several research teams have criticised medical dramas showing heart resuscitation techniques for conveying misinformation about their effectiveness, such as far higher survival rates from a heart attack, or more younger people experiencing attacks than in real life.
Author Kelly Shue, of the University of Chicago, says boards» apparent mistake is a common one, highlighted by years of research in the field of behavioral economics, and much like the way workers get confused about the effect of inflation on the real value of their paychecks.
Media stories about how robots are taking jobs are plentiful, but little actual research has been done to measure how much it's happening or what the real effects are.
(Although, new research on this topic suggests that it is not as much of an advantage as you think, since our birth order is really about how we act with our family and not out in the real world.)
Real - Time Research Getting news about small private competitors can be daunting, but it's notimpossible.
The 2.4 - million - square - foot center generates about $ 1,000 in annual retail sales per square foot, according to real estate research firm Green Street Advisors — more than twice the national average for shopping centers.
«It's not clear (Google was) ever all that serious about doing this at any real size,» said MoffettNathanson Research analyst Craig Moffett.
Real estate research and data startup Reonomy raised $ 16 million in its latest funding round, about three years after last raising venture capital.
The secret to getting to know your prospective customers in sufficient detail is the buyer persona, which HubSpot defines as «a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.»
I've researched just about all the crowdsourced real estate and other alternative investment platforms (more time than I care to admit) and I highly recommend RealtyShares.
So before you sign any settlement papers, make sure to do some upfront research and speak with your lender, real estate agent, and local tax authorities about current homeownership expenses — after all, it never hurts to be prepared!
SAN FRANCISCO (February 9, 2009)-- Glass, Lewis & Co., LLC, a leading independent research and proxy advisory firm, today announced that its proprietary research is now available through Bloomberg L.P., a service that integrates real - time and historical information on about 5 million bonds, equities, commodities, currencies and funds.
While information respective to a customer profile about background, job functions with related titles, reporting, motivations, pain points, needs, fears, and wants can be derived with some degree of research, the real value is in uncovering profound unarticulated insights and not - so obvious goals that lead to a winning customer strategy and a competitive differentiator.
It really is sad when they can go do real research and learn about the world on their computer instead of posting degrading insults on cnn articles that don't even apply to the specific situation.
All the skeptics out there reading this, you obviously like to read so why don't you go do some real research and read the Bible to get information about Christianity or ask The Creator, God Almighty Himself.
The difference is I don't go around challenging the entire scope of the REAL scientific community making a fortune deceiving the willfully ignorant pretending I know more than they do about THEIR fields of research and study.
He took a real interest in my research and we had a long conversation about the current direction of the pro-life movement.
Examples are 9/11 hijackings, The holding back of stem cell research that could save countless human lives, Aids being spread due to religious opposition to the use of condoms, Christians legally fighting this year to teach over 1 million young girls in America that they must always be obedient to men, the eroding of child protection laws in America by Christians, for so called faith based healing alternatives that place children's health and safety at risk, burning of witches, the crusades, The Nazi belief that the Aryans were god's chosen to rule the world, etc... But who cares about evidence in the real world when we have our imaginations and delusions about gods with no evidence of them existing.
I can only hope that each person will read this, really think about it, and do their own REAL research on these issues.
I too am tired of selective appeals to «biblical marriage» that tend to glorify the modern nuclear family as the only ideal and render real people with real lives into a mere political / religious «issue,» and I too am reluctant to support an establishment that sends part of its profits to the Family Research Council, an organization that has fed blatant misinformation about homosexuality to Christians for years.
Second, we will examine the research, inquiring about the effect TV violence has on real life - violence.
Well, I didn't research it a whole lot to find out what is the «real» way to make it BUT what I did was use about 6oz of cultured buttermilk from the store and added it to 3 cups of raw milk that was souring anyway and let it set out on the counter for 24 hours in an airtight container.
A Little Nutrition is a Manitoba - based company committed to the practical implementation of research - based lifestyle Real Food To Manage Weight & Wellness Frequency about 1 post per week.
I recently was researching for raw honey because I know that the ones sold in the supermarket are not real I also know that the difference is huge, I just want to find Real Raw Honey uncooked, unprocessed, with all the enzimes and the polen, but then I came across this Manuka Honey and it is interesting, but I'm unsure about which one has some or not of the properties of the Manuka, after reading your article I got a bit disapointed because I had bought some honey on Amazon and one of the brands is Weederspoon and you said is not real antibacterial or not as they advertise, my question is, this honey that I bought is real Raw and not heated and has traces of poreal I also know that the difference is huge, I just want to find Real Raw Honey uncooked, unprocessed, with all the enzimes and the polen, but then I came across this Manuka Honey and it is interesting, but I'm unsure about which one has some or not of the properties of the Manuka, after reading your article I got a bit disapointed because I had bought some honey on Amazon and one of the brands is Weederspoon and you said is not real antibacterial or not as they advertise, my question is, this honey that I bought is real Raw and not heated and has traces of poReal Raw Honey uncooked, unprocessed, with all the enzimes and the polen, but then I came across this Manuka Honey and it is interesting, but I'm unsure about which one has some or not of the properties of the Manuka, after reading your article I got a bit disapointed because I had bought some honey on Amazon and one of the brands is Weederspoon and you said is not real antibacterial or not as they advertise, my question is, this honey that I bought is real Raw and not heated and has traces of poreal antibacterial or not as they advertise, my question is, this honey that I bought is real Raw and not heated and has traces of poreal Raw and not heated and has traces of polen?
Some new research about the effects of gluten in those without coeliac disease is emerging, and while it's too soon to draw any real conclusions, it's certainly something to watch.
She has entered into her own research into the subject to tell the real story about baby brain and is also looking into understanding postnatal depression better.
There are no indications, but also no real research carried out on whether chemical hair treatments while breastfeeding may harm your baby, but there are some concerns about hair treatments during pregnancy.
My hope here is that by looking at the research that is being used to form opinions on bedsharing, I can show you what is involved in the research and allow you to come to your own conclusion about the real risks inherent in bedsharing versus the risks of other factors interacting with bedsharing.
If you are not already familiar with RDA, it trains and supports grassroots advocates in leading local Real Diaper Circles, compiles and distributes research on cloth diapering and leading cloth diaper advocacy, it works with media and other businesses and organizations to increase awareness about cloth diapers, and provides direct, reliable and unbiased support for consumers.
But as research from the Congressional Management Foundation shows, form emails are just about the least influential way to contact Congress, with many staffers believing (though without any real evidence) that they're often generated without citizens» knowledge.
Real - time opposition research is most powerful when it's embedded within a narrative about the opposing candidate — basically, when it reinforces what you've been saying about the other guy all along, a message that derives from the opposition research that's gathered using these online tools and otherwise.
Blair Horner, with the New York Public Interest Research Group, says he'd first like to hear an explanation from Speaker Sheldon Silver about the details of alleged payments from a law firm specializing in real estate taxes.
He released «stark» new research from focus groups around the UK which shows that Labour voters think that politics and politicians are disconnected from the real world and believe there is «real anger about perceived dodgy deals in Whitehall».
Blair Horner, with the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), says he'd like to hear from Speaker Sheldon Silver about the details of the speaker's alleged payments from a law firm specializing in real estate taxes.
«Research is not just about creating new theories — it's also about turning them into real - world applications — I always take that into consideration,» he says.
And actually in academia, you know, there are — I don't think there's one really good academic journal in China, for example, because it's so corrupt right now and so, you know, whether without a, you know, free flow of information exchange of ideas, if everyone is always being careful about what they say, you know, in a kind of environment like that really faster innovation, real research and development, China hasn't been able to show that yet.
«I was never forced to think about how my research would apply in the real world.»
I feel very privileged to be meeting some truly inspiring researchers and to learn about worthwhile, cutting - edge research funded by MRC which should have real benefits for human health.
Real research scripts about editing the human genome are now appearing in scientific and medical journals.
Indeed, I still try not to become too distant from the world of real scientific discovery, and since starting at SBS, I have contributed in very minor ways to ongoing research projects and have written an undergraduate textbook about ecology.
Ongoing research at each of the reserves provides real - time data about how climate change impacts these important natural resources.
«There is a real risk that as clinics proliferate, if we don't address it in a more proactive way, as we see negative outcomes for patients grow and people get mixed bags of information about stem cells, then this could really negatively impact the public perception of this research
The new CPR guidelines were published in the journal, Circulation, which noted that research found no real advantage to mouth - to - mouth CPR in cases outside of a hospital, and since people may be uneasy about trying mouth - to - mouth, but willing to try hands - only chest compressions, they should as even that technique may double a victim's survival odds.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy came down 3 years after I started my first «real job» as an assistant professor at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU): Teach NIH trainees about responsible conduct in research if you want to keep or ever get a training grant.
The real significance of this research, Mavrikakis says, is less about basic chemistry and more about offering a way forward as chemical engineers work to predict and synthesize new catalytic materials, with the ultimate goal of replacing platinum and palladium with more affordable metals.
Richards also spends about 10 % of his time on research, developing wireless air sensor networks for detecting airborne pollution in real time.
As Peter Strohschneider, president of the German Research Foundation in Bonn, said at a public symposium preceding the GRC meeting, trying to plan for breakthroughs is paradoxical: «Real innovations are those that come about unexpectedly, and this means we can not actually plan for and organize them.
While my senior colleagues may consider research valuable, only about a third of them do any real research, and, more worryingly, many of the most senior non-research-active faculty members serve on key research - related committees, which are making really stupid decisions, in my opinion.
Critics shrug off most research with the comment that lab studies say nothing about repression of real - life trauma.
There are plans to apply for public research funds to maintain the Facebook Data Valuation tool, which informs Facebook users in real time about the money they're generating for the social networking website.
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