Sentences with phrase «real resources»

One explanation may be the growing use of real resources to make virtual products.
Partners must commit to shared decision - making and put real resources on the table.
We would simply waste more real resources as everyone sought to protect themselves from the higher inflation.
How much effort are they going to put into real change, which requires real resources (attention, time, money).
The notion that student learning has remained somewhat stagnant over the past century, though the country has spent steadily more real resources on education, is a matter of profound concern.
He goes into Luther's teaching on the two ways that God reigns in the world (by Law and Gospel) and shows how it has real resources for judging and even resisting worldly powers.
«Regulators are filing cases and devoting real resources to them,» Edelson's email said.
Opportunity is the only real resource you have.
«This mayor is putting real resources to attack these problems, including $ 13 million to address heating emergencies this winter and $ 200 million to address long - term boiler issues.»
We're coming to the table with real resources to attack these problems and urge our federal and state partners to do the same.»
We are going to need real resources to get the truth out about Ann Marie Buerkle's record.
«This is a pattern we've seen in the state of New York, and under this governor, where there's a lot of talk about helping public housing residents, but we don't see real resources,» the mayor said on WNYC radio.
Public school students saw a 27 percent increase in real resources spent on their education, so adjusted for inflation, public schools were spending 27 percent more per student in 2014 relative to 1992.
The focus is now on the current government to come up with a fair school funding model, based on real resources such as the student - teacher ratio and not on school spending, which can include many different types and levels of spending.
Richer countries don't commit real resources to mitigation in poorer countries partly because they are not confident that their resources would be well used; poorer countries don't anticipate resources so don't implement ambitious effective policies.
And policymakers who want to see reductions in the use of exclusionary discipline — and improvements in the more fundamental problems for which it can be a symptom — should consider the importance of real resources, both for generating a robust evidence base and helping districts act on it.
Devoting real resources to school lunches is a perfect example.
Calling upon her two only real resources — 25 years in the classroom and a determination to get kids to pay attention — Powell set about locating literary works that could be used to support her math curriculum.
If the govt fears inflation they may raise taxes, lowering consumption, freeing up real resources - substituting investment for consumption as the purpose of production.
The relationship between donor and recipient assumes that where there is a concentration of power in the form of money there too are the real resources of ideas or theology and personnel.
On the other hand, the transcendent can function in a person's life, much like the traditional God, as a real resource for living and a continual challenge for growth.
I notice she gives no real resources for her claims.
«She has been a real resource for me to really grow in my knowledge of the history of the town.
One of my faves — a real resource — is fellow Green Moms Carnival member Diane MacEachern's The Big Green Purse.
«They will put their real resources behind helping the Senate Republicans hold the majority, and they would be stupid not to,» he said.
I see these people as a real resource for our party and our town,» he said.
What our public housing residents actually need from the Governor are real resources, not rhetoric.»
However, technology supports the resource because the real resource is the human with their humane communication, challenge and engagement.
I would like people to know that she is a real resource for graphic design.
McAfee was a real resource hog, and after removing it and installing ZoneAlarm, everything is faster.
Those are the real resources.
Canada's real resources, that the world needs, are not climate - killing heavy oil, but food and water.
Certainly the long term viability of natural gas will be a function of price as well as decline curves, and it certainly isn't a real resource at $ 2.31 / Mcf (today's price).
This site is a real resource for victims, law students and Maryland injury lawyers.
They are certainly ahead and winning the game, but if voice computing is the next platform then all of the platform players are going to devote real resources to the space and I wouldn't count anyone out just yet.
«I've tried to create a community of information around each tour to show people I am a real resource for information about this area,» he says.
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