Sentences with phrase «real start»

The reality: Ox put in a decent performance in his first real start for a long time.
He got his first real start selling shoes out of the trunk of a friend's car (he didn't have a license).
(See 50 Years Ago on this Day, The Architectural Preservation Movement Got It's Real Start in America With The Fight To Save Pennsylvania Station)
The annual competition is the final pre-tournament event before the strokes count for real starting on Thursday.
This is a small but real start on the more than 1,000 school buildings that are candidates for retrofits, and tangible testimony to the efforts of earthquake hazard engineer Yumei Wang and state Sen. Peter Courtney over many years.
That was our brutally real starting line.
It was his only real start recently and he scored three goals that day (against Basel in December).
There is probably nothing I can say about the Bravo reality - TV show Start - Ups: Silicon Valley that hasn't already been said by critics, tweeted by members of Silicon Valley's technorati or laughed at by real start - up founders in the trenches.
Industrial foods such as margarine, Crisco, cake mixes and TV dinners were coming into common use, but most food was cooked at home from real starting ingredients.
Mad for Real started working as a performance duo in the late nineties and have collaborated on a number of «artistic interventions» in museums and gallery spaces including the infamous Two Artists Jump on Tracey Emin's Bed (1999) at Tate Britain's Turner Prize Exhibition.
Based around an e-commerce start - up company in Brooklyn, writer and director Nancy Meyers researched real start - ups to capture the appropriate look and functionality for the office design.
How much of those players would get into the Barcelona, Bayern or Real starting line up?
In this way, those who at first failed to show any interest may sooner or later come round to showing it; members of the congregation may begin to develop a habit of attendance; and thus a real start will be made in that highly important and yet very difficult enterprise: adult Christian education.
Bearman got his real start in the industry in 1968 when he opened a distribution company in Saint Paul, Minn., called United Food Service Supply, which he later sold to CFS Continental.
Apparently the end of summer / start of fall is the REAL start of the holiday season as opposed to November.
The real start — caddie changes in place, new gizmoson the practice tee, virgin irons in the bag, the exquisite grind of the Tour, all in the name of staying out there — began for real last week.
But with Sunday's game being the last chance to experiment and give the young players a chance before the real start of the season, I think the boss will go for one of them.
Over the weekend, the race began with the traditional start in Anchorage, after which the field lined up once again for the restart, or real start, in Willow.
Real started the day 19 points off leaders Barcelona and still reeling from their midweek cup exit, which prompted further speculation surrounding Zinedine Zidane's future as boss.
Since the beginning of the match, Real started to attack to the opponent goal post.
Real started getting back into the game and got the ball into some dangerous spots, but never truly threatened Gianluigi Buffon in goal.
After this began we still had misses of course but it was the real start to his own knowing of his body.
It's not in your time frame, but the US election of 1860 eliminated the Whig party and marked the real start of the Republican party.
They said it would go nowhere and wasn't even a real starting point, offering only a chance to debate the prevailing wage issue further.
«That's the real starting point here: How can we actually engage with a river that we've kept our distance from for so long?»
Roberts contends that «a real starting point for collaboration» would be the scientific meeting he discussed with al - Islam.
«There's a real start - up culture here,» says Susan Thomas, a postdoctoral researcher at EPFL.
All you have to do is shift from one reality to another once, and your attachment to what you thought was real starts to collapse.
There's no real starting point, and no real finish line.
Yes, I know it's not summer yet, but with exactly four Monday's until Memorial Day -LCB- the real start of summer -RCB- and the heat really arriving this past weekend (it hit 80 on NFL draft day and was 90 when I was in Arlington Saturday!)
I've always believed that spring is the real start of the new year for the reasons you've mentioned, everything comes alive again.
That's enough work for now, but if I managed to get all this done by July (the real start of summer around here) our patio would look amazing.
In the mid 1900s, a huge arts movement started to drift through Halifax and theatres sprung up among the wine and dine spots that were the real start of the dating scene as it is today.
Instead of worrying about serious issues like lack of time for a real Start online dating with Match.
Of course you need compelling photos, but those who are looking for a real Started in 1986, Matchmaker is the oldest online dating site.
Their decision to launch with Detroit and release it wide in early August, a full month in advance of what is considered the real start of the Hollywood's half - year awards season, may warrant some questions.
Okay, it arguably kicked off a month ago with F1 2017 (read our review), but for those looking for a game featuring multiple disciplines, Project CARS 2 is the real starting point.
and finding the real starting place required plenty of false starts.
Actually, the real start of this idea is lost in time.
The Garden Route's beachside lake district functions, for many, as the real start of the Garden Route.
It's still lacking in terms of polish and optimisation, but after years of experimentation, this feels like the real start of a new paradigm in multiplayer gaming.
I'm half expecting an awful lot of cool iPad news now that everyone finally has the device in their hands, but the real start of the show will be the TouchArcade Game Jam...
Beating the main campaign is the real start to the game, and you can spend hours upon hours blasting through public events with other Guardians, seeking out every last Adventure side - quest and scannable item, or throwing yourself at oh - so - hard Raids and Nightfall Strikes.
The real starting point, chronologically speaking, is the central gallery, which contains Oiticica's early minimalist abstractions: a series of two - and three - dimensional floating straight - edged shapes.
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