Sentences with phrase «real subject»

She identified «conversion» — that is, a «character's changing» — as the only real subject of good literature.
From there, we were able to explore the philosophical, psychological, and physiological debates surrounding the human brain, as well as the ethics of testing such an experiment on real subjects.
She created a fully - fledged, real subject which existed for nine years.
-- Paul Moorhouse, Curator «Daily Mail» The late artist Howard Hodgkin worked in adventurous abstract realms but he always used real subject matter as his starting point, as this illuminating collection of his portraits shows.
Infertility is a very real subject for many women and fraught with what can seem like an endless array of unpleasant decisions.
The late artist Howard Hodgkin worked in adventurous abstract realms but he always used real subject matter as his starting point, as this illuminating collection of his portraits shows.
More money in the goverment coffers = more teachers to teach real subjects (not spreading more religious nonsense)
«In experiments, we can manipulate a virtual crowd to see how real subjects respond to the behavior of their virtual neighbors.
-- Michelle Grabner, Artforum 2015 [Her -RCB- real subject is America [with] a bleakness that suggests the view of America in the best works of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Joan Didion — Michael Brenson, New York Times
Journalism requires real subject matter knowledge, something that is noticeably absent from almost all of the media outlets that are complaining that their «journalism» faces new forms of competition.
«Paint is Real Subject of Still Life Exhibit,» The Times - Picayune, Lagniappe Magazine, July 10, 1998, p. 14 - 15.
They pride themselves on values of deep, real subject matter knowledge, a passionate approach to developing their own consultants, and a strategy of placing their clients at the heart of their business.
Shugerman acknowledged that the Lynch revelation had become «a real subject to investigate further,» calling the apparent pressuring of Comey to use «matter» instead of «investigation» a «huge mistake» and «a partisan intrusion» on Lynch's part.
Despite the attempts of the creeds, which we shall consider later, to balance his divinity and his humanity, the real subject of the gospels has seemed like a god in human disguise.
The feminine Church is not something abstract, but a real subject with concrete individuals, beginning with Mary, who through Christ have been given a share in the divine Trinitarian life.
Roe v. Wade, which Professor George mentions only at the end of his essay, is of course the real subject.
In fact, even in the case of drawings of already - existing marbles from a bag, the real subject of the probabilistic inference is not the marbles in se but the as yet nonexistent and indeterminate drawings of marbles.
Because it is fundamentally theological in character, scientific data and problems are not the real subject; they serve simply as a guide in selecting the perspectives in which the theological matter is envisaged.
So how about some of you step up and discuss the real subject of this thread and stop avoiding doing so by making a big fuss about my posts?
However, it is clear that, grammatically speaking, the real subject of sentence 4, in other words the topic being discussed, is God, considered as primordial and consequent natures.
The real subject of my visits to the C section of Pretoria Central Prison [was] to understand the inner mind of evil, to follow its thought processes, and to expose myself to its human face, stripped of media stereotypes and the easy distance of hatred.
The Sportswriter's real subject is the modern American's search for integrity: through sports, through art, through religion,, through simply living up to one's day - to - day obligations, through the little commitments we make to one another in friendship and love, even when our marriages fall apart.
The real subject of expressionist art is not the object itself but the artist's feeling about the object.
It surveyed a number of modern moral theories known as proportionalism or consequentialism, as well as arguments that the real subject matter of moral reflection should be the inner state of the individual rather than his outward behavior.
The larynx, deep in the hole, lies in a shadow cave and the tongue of the real subject, becomes a slippery mass of flesh that the practitioner must control.
After all, in Milgram's experiments the real subjects were not the recipients of the electric shocks but those administering them.
Yet Anderson's real subject was a revolution that could shake the foundations of how we describe life on Earth.
OTOH, I may be wrong, and perhaps by saying it's interesting I'm just feeding the wrong - headed myth that theology should be taken seriously as a real subject of study...
Stanley Tucci's lovingly crafted film pretends to be about Joe Gould, and all the time its real subject is hidden right there before us in plain view.
If he had brought him on and then had him assassinated, the movie would inevitably have been categorized as «about» political assassination, and the real subject, the haphazard and human interactions of a community, would have been missed.
He is a tremendous writer, actor and director who I'm so happy has decided to tackle a real subject again.
But Oedipal conflict is too serious for the Marvel Comic Universe, so careerist Coogler gets distracted from his real subject and creates a kind of ideological retreat in which Afrocentricity becomes an opportunistic folly.
In this movie and «Ever After» (and in «The Wedding Singer,» where I liked her a lot more than the movie), she emerges as a real star — an actor whose personality and charisma are the real subject of the story.
Something kept from him... But he is not the real subject of this scene, and this is not his story.
The almost retro photogenic allure of stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway is the real subject (and drawing power) of the movie.
Mustang taming is the topic taken up by Alex Dawson and Greg Gricus's mawkish documentary Wild Horse, Wild Ride, though in a sense its real subject is a peculiarly American...
It would have been a terrific inclusion here, although probably not something the real subjects would like alongside this film.
As in the director's breakthrough, Dogtooth, and his English - language debut, The Lobster, the real subject is the twisted logic of relationships, obligations, and social façades, caricatured through the director's distinctive blend of grotesquerie, surreal deadpan, and alienness.
«LoveTrue,» which also premiered on Friday, is a documentary that feels like a troubled but lovely fever dream, a look at three different subjects that mixes verite footage with re-enactments, and then deconstructs those sequences by having the actors talk to the real subjects.
Paul Thomas Anderson's fashion - industry setting in Phantom Thread seems to come from left field, delighting in the obscure rituals of haute couture before revealing that its real subject is human perversity as seen in a power struggle between the sexes.

Phrases with «real subject»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z