Sentences with phrase «real tangible»

Partners need a good balance of compensation and an environment that offers real tangible benefits; not just in the present, but in the long term.
Another consideration is to buy things with real tangible value, like real estate or commodities.
If there is inflation, property owners would be clear winners, as the value of real tangible assets like real estate will rise.
What we are launching is backed with REAL tangible real estate assets, making this ICO the only REAL deal in REAL life.
We're talking about real tangible and actionable strategies that YOU will be able to implement right away.
These steps aren't just philosophy and theory, they are real tangible steps that we use on every single one of our clients with fantastic results.
Of course you're not going to delay real tangible and immediate gratification without a good reason.
Show proof and real tangible benefits to the client about your services.
Everybody should be able to look out their window or walk around their city and see buildings they own and... get cash flow from real tangible assets.
Her lab examines how and why real tangible objects are processed and represented differently in the human brain compared to representations of objects, such as two - dimensional (2 - D) computerized images, three - dimensional (3 - D) stereo images, and immersive «virtual» reality displays.
fiat paper money is nothing but debt just do what the rich do they convert their fiat paper money into real tangible assets like precious metals or income producing real estate.
Because there are real tangible improvements that anyone can see, but we're not «there» yet, and throw in a botched punt snap and some trash weather, and, well, here we are.
«It's the first real tangible victory that we have had since that referendum and it's something that we should celebrate,» Nigel Farage told the BBC.
Building relationships between academics, clinicians, industry and, of course, patients demonstrates how basic science discoveries made at the laboratory bench can be translated into clinical products that have real tangible impact for patients, the economy and society in general.»
Like any other cost center in the company, Learning and Development department has to show that it delivers real tangible benefit to the organization.
The system benefits from a single manual clutch mated with electronic switching gear to change ratios and was designed from the ground - up exclusively for the Aston Martin V8 Vantage S. Aston Martin specifically chose to develop the SportshiftTM system owing to its inherent sporting benefits including mass saving, low complexity of moving parts, and real tangible gear changes.
The indie perspective: the ebook itself might not be more than a few bytes on a computer, but there were real tangible costs to creating it.
The psychology behind using real tangible dollars is a strong and often effective deterrent from overspending.
I'm impressed with the amount of effort that Keith and Janice have put into GBN to ensure that it offers real tangible benefits to its members.
When I say real pollution issues, I mean things like water pollution, air pollution, Ocean plastics pollution, and other real tangible and solvable problems.
PARENTEAU: It's testing these theories which are very similar against a body of state law, in different states as you just mentioned, and so it's probing, it's trying to find a breakthrough case where you can find a state supreme court willing to make a really bold decision finding not only a right to a healthy environment, or a safe climate, stable climate, but also finding a duty on the part of the government to take real tangible action to address that.
Law firms will consider implementing new BPM systems only if they can see real tangible benefits.
A landmark history of the Lowitja Institute notes that O'Donoghue «told us to be a courageous organisation committed to social justice and equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, to match words to action, to achieve real tangible and immediate outcomes».
It will supposedly be used for payments, value storage and will have real tangible backing in a supply of rhodium - made products.
«There's real tangible value to what we do.»
A private one would have been hard because then we would have had to say «Oh, they are doing this and doing that,» without any real tangible things to point at.
But what are the real tangible benefits of this legislation?
It truly is simply a representation of value, but there isn't any real tangible kind of that value.
We talked about it, about the real tangible moment of Jubilee happening right this blessed second — captives!
Though I opted for shoes off the bike in T1 and on the bike in T2, I found that the transition practices held by the club and at training camp were immensely useful: I had gone from being terrified of «clippy shoes» to being able to perfectly mount & dismount a bike in one session — a real tangible learning curve!
While I would never suggest that this app replace the real tangible 3D dollhouse experience, this is a great option for trips and when you're out and about waiting with your kids at the doctor's office or in a carpool line.
There's a real tangible physical connection.
I noticed a real tangible burst in drive (likely based on the T boosting) within 48 hours of starting the use of my pine pollen tablets.
No doubt acceptable due to the larger engine, but the benefit of the extra weight doesn't manifest itself in any real tangible way anywhere in the ride and drive of the car.
The company is in a unique position in that it offers a purely digital service with no real tangible product related to said libraries.
From my research ever since the company was sold they have no real tangible progress — no vision to capture the public anymore and have failed to deliver on promises of a paper book free world.
These offsets are purchased by a third party, and since there is no physical product there is no way for consumers to feel any real tangible reward.
And as a recent homeowner myself, I hope others are enjoying their home as much as I am — compared to other investments, you don't get any real tangible benefits from owning stocks other than the financial.
So I think clearly that another area of underutilization is the importance of wellness, the importance of preventive care and preventive services and again helping the client or pet owner understand the real tangible economic value, not to mention the health benefit value, of their doing so.
That revelation may cause some concern, and justifiably so, as Twilight Princess» vast Hyrule Field was a hollow façade; an empty void that looked impressive but failed to engage in any real tangible sense.
Fishing, particularly, was outrageously enjoyable despite being a simple rhythm minigame and providing no real tangible benefit.
Yes, a real tangible object.
But the real tangible result of the previous three years of nonstop work was Kyle's selection as a finalist for the 2014 Sondheim Prize.
Chromecast isn't built to upscale content in any way, so there's no real tangible benefit for buying an Ultra if you own a 1080p save for the slightly better internals.
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